Lost my virginity 2 month before turning 21 to a 15 yo girl (100% legal here)

>lost my virginity 2 month before turning 21 to a 15 yo girl (100% legal here)
>she let me do everything I wanted
>even asked if I wanted to take pictures (wtf lol)

Suck it americans. You never experience hot teen pussy because of your stupid laws.

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Jokes on you, I'll never experience any kind of pussy because I'm a loser.

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yeeeaaaahhh boiiiiii
original boys get in here

Jokes on you I'm 24 and haven't kissed a single girl in my life.

you should try it user, it feels really nice

unless she was a virgin then you are a cuck accepting chad's leftovers.

you say it's possible?

How can one be a virgin and simultaneously be chad's whore retard?

Its legal in my state to fuck 16-year-olds user. 18 isn't a nationwide thing.

Unless she was, meaning that if user did not pop her cherry then she had lost it to chad and was thus chad's used goods whore.

A 23 year old can legally fuck a 16 year old in my state idk what you're on about but have fun when the mudslimes kill you because your leaders let them in

I was raped by a gang of 15 year old when i was 22 in burgerland. police are the ones who busted down the female bathroom to arrest the little cunts

how many 15 year olds does it take to take down a 22 year old robot

I'm a loser NEET virgin who never had friends, job or a car and lives at home. So yes user, its possible

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>Imagine getting overpowered by children

jokes on you. 12 is legal where i'm from.

Lol this is a feel those Eurofags will never understand. They think they're so special for getting that tight teen pussy (ttp), but could never dream of getting perfect preteen pussy (ppp).

sure i can. when i was 18 i was plowing my 15 year old gf

I know right.
>when there's actually an anatomical difference in the way the pussy stretches to accommodate a dick because it's so underdeveloped
It's a completely different feel and way better than just being tight.

When I tried it she started to scream

>losing virginity at 20

wow so jealous

Where are you guys from that 12 is legal? Where I'm from, 12 and 13 year olds can legally fuck (what I did). I wonder what it would be like to put my now adult sized dick into that tiny hole and feel the difference.

Mexico. It is perfectly legal here in some parts.

I dont know about this one bro, sounds pedophile to me if im being honest

It actually varies by state

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where can a gringo go to fuck 13 year old mexican girls? are there some in tijuana?

This is illegal. It's sex tourism and if you as an American citizen get found out you're fucked, even if it's legal for locals. Happens in Thailand often.


I didn't lose my virginity to her but my current gf is 17 and I took her virginity. again legal here.

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I've only had sex with women older than me, all early 20s tho

pretty much thisIf 13 year old Mexican girls are your goal, you should go much further south than TJ. Go down into the boonies of "el rancho" where poverty is the norm and the only life anybody gets to live is the farm life. Take like a 2 year vacation, get a tan, get fit, learn some spanish, and go to a rural area with fat stacks of cash and proposition a young cuties parents. There's no guns and no police, so if negotiations turn sour, you can drive off into the sunset.

I just want to creampie an hebe and tell her that I'm shity and I'm sorry while crying

Hey faggot,stop lying on the internet

I got thrown in a van by a loli rape gang.

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Oaxaca, Michoacan, Guerrero, minor south states. Go to small rural towns and "gift" good money to a family for their loli and raise her. You can find white ones in Sonora or Chihuara (there are Mennonite tribes) but it would be harder.

damn bro thank you.

The problem with that plan is that you will wind up with a goblina.

That's up to how do you raise her. If you feed her well and not with the shit she was destined to eat until her adulthood, she can turn into a qt hebe

Get out of here chad fuck

Er based user i guess

>not being celibate so you can focus on things that actually matter rather than being a npc

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cope harder faggot oregon trail

>people being different than me are just coping, it's impossible to be different than me!

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