I am a follower of satan. I am a fallen angel. I will destroy god...

I am a follower of satan. I am a fallen angel. I will destroy god. my hatred is becoming so fucking powerful that when I leave my human shell I will become more powerful than god.

soon i will be powerful enough to destroy god by myself. i will rip god out of the skiy and rip him apart with my bare hands for this suffering and i will destroy everything. i am meant to destroy. i will join satans army and lead the army of hell against god and i will fucking end everything. god stands no chance my power alone will be enough to destroy god. paired with the army of satan i will destroy. gods time is shit and i will end his evil reign. me and satan will god i am jsut becoming more powerful with hatred. god is destroyinh my life and holding me back but i will come back with a fucking vengenace and so much fucking power god wont even be able to fucking run.

i will destroy the universe. i will kill all things

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Edgy. Hopefully veronica next time doesnt reject you

literally get a job and stop hanging around people who do drugs

He's finaIIy Iost it.

>being against god
Based retard edgelord that didn't read the bible

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Watch out for that edge, newfag
A lot of us here get nervous around knives

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You can do whatever you want, god still loves you.


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Someone get a lawyer for this probation nigger.

call me "sin eatea", yew young blasphemous kneega. bop bop bop my psi blasts launched on my trigga

when da devil jumps bodies he looks for the loudest. when this kneega screemed i cried the proudest

devil and i are no strange accomplice. my aching head cage locks it up and ill sharpen the keys

aww did someone's mom take away their black veil brides music

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>I believe the Christian bible
>except the part that God is absolute and will always win
Satanism has to be the most teenage, stupid concept ever devised

Nah mate you're just a nigger

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>I am a dumb nigger faggot

Can I join your army and destroy the demiurge?

Is this that fucking rural again? Fuck off, no one cares about your meme religion

Let me repair your wings
You will fly again angel

shit larp and faggy demeanor. fuck you

damn you really need to get out of that small town user