When's the last time you talked to a girl?

December 2013 (5 years, 6 months)

Classmates insisted that I go to a social gathering with a girl present.

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How have you gone more than 5 years without speaking to a girl? Do you literally never leave your house?

I'm only counting single girls that are around my age but yes.

i can just tell this is you, john

What do you count as talking? I go grocery shopping but I don't really count interacting with a female cashier as talking.

Half a year ago unless you count online.

other than family, I haven't talked to a girl since 2017, so it's been a couple years

Opening your mouth and using your larynx to vibrate the air around you in a pattern that a human with XX chromosomes can interpret and understand the noise into language-symbols

talked to a girl at lunch time. more like woman, she gave me back exact change when I ordered my food since I paid in cash. It was a nice experience

would smash if 18+

What did you talk about? What kind of relationship was it? School, work, friends?

In real life? No clue.
Online I talk to girls and get their nudes every day, then we jerk off together.

today in "self defence class"
a cute half russian half german girl asked me if I already had a partner
I had none so we teamed up
women are incredibly weak..

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Paying exact change is such a nice feeling. Whenever I get my tea from the gas station down the street I just bring $1.05 with me, grab the can, and walk by leaving the money on the counter

I would count anything more than a hello to a female that isnt a family member or a cashier.

It's been 7 years, if my mother and saying "thanks" to the cashier doesn't count. I don't really care honestly.

The way you typed that makes it sound like you killed her

Yesterday. She asked if she could put my hair in a french braid because it's long but I had just gotten done running so my hair was all wet and sweaty an greasy so I declined

German girls are so gorgeous.

You are perfect for Grindr you need to get TOPPED seriously at least its interaction and you would be getting pkunded

Is this the girl you talked to user? She has cute feet.

I almost broke her neck by accident
luckily she just laughed it off and joked about it but I went soft on her after that

I talk to a sissy and might even cum in her mouth and let her fuck me this weekend I think that counts

Lmao your a loser my dude
You must be new that's a trap user.. she has a penis

Last night
>t.long distance relationship

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If you killed her, what would you have done?

Do you mean like an actual conversation with a nonfamilial woman and not nothing pleasantries I say to everyone (i.e. hell, how are you, how's the weather, etc) so I can maintain my normalfag masquerade for my job?

Since some point in 2009. I talk to my mother and say "hello" to cashiers and shit but I don't think the former counts and I autopilot the latter because I don't care about them as humans.

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yesterday. well, i texted her but that still counts, right? if dubs and interest i can post logs

def never been to germany

everyday i guess

meant to put "hi" but sure hell works too

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It'll get better user, we'll find girls any day now.

Too many wieners on Grindr for my liking.

No, I agree, I got the image off /b/. I wish I could remember her Instagram.

>female interaction

I'd accept any punishment

What was it like grappling with her? How did she smell

average tall, skinny, blonde girls

As I said I had to be careful with her
she smelled nice, it was like a mild sweet scent (idk how to describe it really)
she also had very soft skin

The two german women I've met IRL, one was a lanklet with a literally rectangle face and a chad jaw with no fat or muscle on her body and the other was 5'2 landwhale

Damn. Were you both on a mat? Wearing a uniform? Shoes or no shoes

Never met any IRL but the ones that I've seen are all above-average in height and skinny. I would love a German gf.

so would I.
t. german btw

yeah and we were barefoot

What did her feet look like? How shorter was she?

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well yeah man every ethnicity is full of sex goddesses if you've only seen cherry picked images online

I talk to girl this morning but she had a penis :)

I see them sometimes walking outside, they seem to be attractive. I could always be wrong

I don't recall the last time I had a conversation with a girl outside of my family. Maybe some time before 2013.

I have never found source of this, closest I got was it with an "original" filename and somebody claiming it was his sister

that's fair, I just work with a lot of international work visa types and the germans are all ghouls. There is one who is the prototypical tall skinny blonde blue eyes aryan goddess though. It's almost unreal looking at her how much she fits that image

By that definition, I've not spoken to one since high school. And even then the only interactions were with teachers.

Do not be attracted to this it's a Mexican

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It's from a Latin American singer, she has an Instagram and a YouTube channel.

She's so gorgeous in that picture.

Uhm. Sauce her?

Link to her youtube?

cute feet.
weird question though, whats the deal with talking to girls?

fug off foot phaggot

I can't find the sauce. Here's where the picture was taken.

Okay so you have no idea who the girl is?

Spoke to my lesbian neighbor a week and a half ago when a tree fell on her house.

ive been dating this girl from tinder for a couple weeks now, so last night was the last time i talked to her. this year its just been strokes of luck
also i need the sauce on that girl

Like 2 mins ago. My partner in class is a girl

No, I got the image off /b/ last month. Someone posted her Instagram and YouTube. She's an Argentinian singer living in Spain. Here's a higher-resolution image.

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perfect i speak spanish too. goddamn shes cute. and i bet my gf would also find her to be a qt as well.
any chance that thread is archived on a separate site?

What is her name? I've seen this photo been posted for at least 2 years.

That's all I know. It was in a thread on /b/ early in the morning on May 15, 2019 (UTC).

Thank you user. Time to get some scripts and do some web crawling. Forgive me hashimoto for I am about to sin.


this thread stinks of cringe

Clara Giustincich


IG: claraoskura

based and reverse search pilled. thank you

Last Friday. We spent an hour and a half talking in her car. God I wish she was mine.

4-5 months ago. dad helped me get a job at a supermarket after years of NEETdom. this jewish cashier girl did casual small talk with me. was shortly laid off because the hiring season ended. dad didnt even try to salvage my job.

damn shes not as good looking as OPs pic but thanks anyways user

I miss sexting bro.

Damn. She fucking sucks.

Just like you're mother.

I've got no idea, at least 2 years
I count talking as conversation, so like other anons said, just saying hi to a cashier doesn't count
Also my mom doesn't count for obvious reasons

Romantically? 2017

I've never seen a male cashier. I'm pretty sure no one has ever seen a male cahier. You are pathetic.

23:54 Today

With my gf after she went to take a nap

unless my mum counts, probably about a year ago, maybe more.

The supermarkets here have loads of male cashiers. Although the ratio is like 3:1.

Last friday at college (which i'm failing). Not my GF, but "friend" that i know for two years now.

Talked to? idk february maybe. A normal conversation? Like 3 years ago.

I imagine it most be comfy as fuck in a supermarket with not a lot of work, especially with that ratio. But when you think about it, that ratio is probably what is going to make that workplace a living hell... unless you find a cutie that is kind to you, thats all you need just a single one.

finally. I've been wondering about this for almost a year

Until they falsely accuse you of harassment or pepper spray you for getting too close.

Your girlfriend takes naps at fucking midnight? Wtf is wrong with her

Yeah i know, not that exact things that happens in burgerland but i know how it plays out.

2 minutes ago, i had sex with her

I'm from Portugal :(

It happens here just as much..

Not him, but my NEET friend has a weird sleep schedule. She goes to bed between 5-8 am and will take naps at odd hours.

I'm a retailcuck so I have to deal with roasties every day. Outside of work though, never.

Not OP, but yes. If you don't count being forced to talk to a girl (e.g cashiers, doctors, co-workers/customers) then I haven't talked to a girl since freshman year of high school before dropping out. I'm 30 now.

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I love girls who don't wear bras

On the internet?
Like a few days ago. I always get someone asking for my discord in those "ideal bf/gf" threads, but they're always so dull.

In real life?
October 2018.

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Lel no, the good ones are just ruskie rapebabies, the rest are helgas

I think I'd have offed myself a long time ago if I were you. Good job for hanging in there user

god i love a nice tight looking woman, good motivation to keep myself in good physical shape so i can look tight next to her, holding hands

meh, no point. why would you neck? if you neck you disrupt balance in the universe. either way, i have it tons better than someone living a dirt hut. i won't outright neck, but i do give zero fucks of my health and dying randomly of a stroke or heart attack is beyond better than suicide. luckily for me, i'm mentally ill and get neetbux which I see as an incentive to not neck. if i lose neetbux that means shit has hit the fan. neetbux kinda makes me paranoid though as it pretty much makes me a target to the feds. they could just kill me anytime to save themselves the cash, make it seem like a suicide. or lock me up for some random shit.

You're me. I dropped out my freshman year of high school and never talked to a girl ever again.

Portugal is inundated with short, hairy, identical women.

god i wish i was that cat

lol no kidding you're mentally ill