Here, user, here's the Infinity Gauntlet. It still got the power for ONE snap, one more miracle. The choice is yours

Here, user, here's the Infinity Gauntlet. It still got the power for ONE snap, one more miracle. The choice is yours.
What is that wish?

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probably kim jong un

More wishes that will be granted without consequence to me

I can't come up with any wish that would make me happy
So I guess I'd just ask for money so at least I can have a stress less life

One milkshake, extra large

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Anime is now reaI

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Was gonna say prevent my birth from happening and delete my existence until

Catgirls for domestic ownership exist, are natural in society, and are available on a middle class wage.

>What is that wish?

To disappear painlessly

>Was gonna say prevent my birth from happening and delete my existence
>To disappear painlessly

"I finally rest. And watch the sun rise on a grateful universe."

either god powers, or to erase all sentient life, but and are solid options

"I'm gonna get rid of 50% of the crime by wiping out only 13% of the population"

Whoa, what population of people could contribute so much to crime? How would you describe such people?

>How would you describe such people?

Involuntary celibate

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>Involuntary celibate

engage in sexual activity

>I can't come up with any wish that would make me happy

That's unironically said.
You wanna talk about it, user?

snap away my failures and send me back to when i was 5 with what i know now
t. 19 yr old incel

Snapping to make half of Jow Forums female so we can all get GFs

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snap all virgin "men" over 18, "men" under 6ft, and "men" with a dick size under 6 inches.

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Actually Thanos did such a favor to humanity, eliminating them painlessly. Avengers were retarded to undo his doing.

>user genderswaps half of the board
>now it's full of female trannies and lesbians

Well, shit.

Imagine dying a painless death, and then some faggots bring you back 5 years later. How fucked would you be?

Unlimited snaps duh

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I now have an Asian gf

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>asian girl appears
>the disgust on her face
>the end

god i wish somebody would snap me out of existence

A rope would do exactly that with your neck, if you think about it.

Why are you rude user

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Oh well, ok. You're right. You said the snap would create an asian GIRLFRIEND. So it's obvious she would love you.

There. I can be a nice guy, too.

i don't have the courage to kill myself so i just rot

If you think about it, everybody dies in the end.

Everyone finds happiness in a natural, organic way - such that it doesn't impede on other's happiness.

That the Nazis would win the war

>Everyone finds happiness in a natural, organic way - such that it doesn't impede on other's happiness.

He's the hero Jow Forums deserves, but not the one it needs

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Are you alright, user? Do you wanna talk about anything?

More schnapps

I never really cared for anything, be it hobbies, career, friends, you name it. And I knew that was the reason I couldn't connect with people.
I did care about one thing though, and used to have a wish about it
It came true and eventually I felt miserable anyways
Then I fucked it up and lost this dream
And it's like, I really miss what I had but when I think about it I was not having a great time the last month and it wouldn't have got better anyways. So I can't even wish I turned back time and didn't fuck it up

Well, if you can afford it, get a dog. I mean it. They really are man's best friends. They can make your day just by being there for you.

Absolutely based post, this user knows what's important

I don't think there's a way to make life so that it's actually good.

How about endorphins and serotonine? They make life subjectively good, which is the only metric that counts

How about a constant feeling of happiness in every living being?

That time I almost died with 4yo, make everyone see like if I did die. And take me to my waifu's world. That's all I need

>He's the hero Jow Forums needs, but not the one it deserves
Fixex because you mangled the fuck out of that quote.

i just want her back, man

One wish is fine it's all i need.
I just want it all to end.
I would destroy this world and all the others if there are any.
I don't want any universe to exist.
No more pain no more suffering for anyone or thing.
Nothing would exist and that's when we are all free from this hell.
Enternal nothingness, nothing for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever an....

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Probably immortal life.
No because im scared of death or I want to experience everything that happens after my birth but instead so I would...
I want to see everyone around me die, i maybe make connections with people first but then they will die.
I will feel this that life is meaningless and everyone around me will die.
That I'm all alone.
No one that can understand except myself.
I want myself to suffer, for eternity.
I don't know why but I just want to suffer.
I want to get hurt not physically but mentally, i dont know why.
That's maybe why I don't have any friends or talk to anyone really because I want myself to suffer mentally.
And that is why I haven't killed myself

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based gnostic Annon

I still live with my parents in an apartment so it's not an option. I always wanted a dog though