It is time to eliminate all normalfags off of Jow Forums whos with me?

it is time to eliminate all normalfags off of Jow Forums whos with me?

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what's your masterplan, big guy?

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youre supposed to post a frog pic with that type of text

Give us a rundown user.
How do you plan to get it out of the common consciousness

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>tfw a virgin wants to eliminate me from Jow Forums but he isnt posting funny memes

I am we need to post more cocklust and sissy general threads

Ok incels bring it

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>Move out to somewhere isolated, Alaska or Siberia
>Survive for as long as i can with minimum to no social interactions
i just want to left alone

Lol Fuck off loser you couldn't get rid of me if you tried.
You'll have to put up with me bragging about experiencing teenage love and taking a girls virginity until you kill yourself

I have exquisite internet manipulation skills and a good ability to recognize patterns. I've noticed a specific pattern among different groups of posters on r9k and can use that to my advantage. We create threads that go directly against robots and then attack them in the replies. Our posts from beginning to end are thought out well and begin popular trends that ultimately make r9k a more hostile place for certain groups but not others.

Yes, anyone who has ever bad a girlfriend should have their throat slit open.

>alaska, siberia
Too cold user. Try moving onto a big plot of land in the middle of nowhere and establishing a life centered around you and things you like to do. I'm getting ready to get some chickens and a trailer and dragging it out to a secluded part of a state park in TN.

Slicing their throats is very messy and might lead to being caught.

Incels and alt-righters does nothing but their racist and sexist circlejerks.

Because that's definitely worked in the past

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pic related it's me

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If you aren't already convinced that several people have been pulling strings on r9k, then pay more attention to how threads live and die, and the ultimate outcome of each thread. There's been a lot of normalfags posting threads, so clearly we've stirred the hive. The war has begun.

The best you can hope for is drowning out normal threads or completely censoring them
You're fighting a proxy war with no casualties and no stakes
Normals don't give a shit what we think about them, the only reason they're here is to make fun of robots. It's not a war to them, it's a joke
Best case scenario is something more entertaining to do becomes more popular
But that won't get rid of all of them

Im a little more ambitious than you are about this. It seems like a one fronted war, but we are currently fighting from both sides, as I said before. We need to bring confidence and rebellion to robots to encourage them to fight, and we need to break the normalfags down. I'm trying an original, untried approach towards this issue, the details of which I will leave for you to speculate.

Like this? originalyorigami

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>pic related it's me

lol nigger

I don't think you understand
Robots fighting back is exactly what makes posting here so hilarious to normals
Unless your plan is to coordinate raids on Crystal_cafe or some other Taiwanese Zipperboard and convince normals that it's more fun than posting here you won't remove even a fraction of normals from the board
Either that or you're one of those tranny discord kikes high off your own fumes

Yes, somewhat like that.

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We are adapting to this as it develops. We have a basic format and theory about how to approach the issue, but it is extremely flexible. Don't worry, we know what normalfags are looking for and we are doing what we can to make this place less of a zoo.

Confirmed wannabe psy-operative

Oh god, I just want to lick it. The warmth and OMFG just the thought of my tongue running down this hoof is arousing

I report discord threads. That's all you can do

Oh Catherine I might cum out of fear

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