Why do robots hate trannies? Is it because they can't even get biological males to have sex with them?

Why do robots hate trannies? Is it because they can't even get biological males to have sex with them?

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They're moralfags man. Jow Forums is full of zoomer moralfags

disgust, simple disgust, it's like if you asked for roast and you recived a fish, you didn't want the fish, worse if it's fish with the shape of a roast, that'd cause some indignation simply by the fact you were lied to.

Now consider if a person cut his dick and said he was a girl? that would cause disgust and indignation.

Same reason why everyone else hates you. You're just insufferable crazy faggots.

Robots love trannies normies hate them

Because you're on the wrong fucking board LEAVE if I don't see you and you don't parade with your mutilated scars I don't care, what makes me hate is the fact that you will NOT shut up about it

True robots are friends and lovers with trannies.
Youre talking about poltards who are here temporarily

Dude even gays hate trannys

also, you know what filters are, right?
if it pisses you off that much, just automatically hide all this stuff...
(also, alternatively, or whatever the new sub is since you guys got banned lmoa)

They call em traps for a reason. If youre a straight male with any self respect, its pretty gross to start jerking it and then realize youre fantasizing about fucking a guy. Its also disturbing to see a person that is a guy but just doesnt believe it. You cant switch genders, its impossible. A trannies entire life is a game of pretending and they insist that the whole world play it with them. Gender dysphoria is a severe mental illness on par with schizophrenia.

The people that come here are often blinded by anger when it is needless. I used to think it was cool to hate on everything I dislike too until I grew up. As long as people leave me alone and arent harming others I think its okay. This board is filled with children, not men.

Now I know you need to neck yourself, faggot
Also I'll go to Jow Forums when you go back to your fucked up corner of the internet

Dudes love me but I'm not gay. It's because I'm very twinkish and small. I've gotten hit on and harassed a lot by gay males and I hate them as a result. Hating trannies is just an extension of my homophobia.

Same thing happened to me. Then I put on a lot of weight, grew a beard and started doing manly things and dressing better and now twinks orbit me.
Guess I have no escape from faggotry.

I don't hate them desu.
I'm pretty indifferent to them desu, Imo the're just like girls in the sense that they're a tight hole to fuck and pump your seed into and nothing to more.

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Because they're deluded psychiatric patients who expect me to play along with their delusion.

I love trannies.
They are outcasts who suffered a lot, just like me.

First and foremost, everyone is a person, everyone deserves to be loved and accepted.

Everything else comes after that.

I don't hate anybody without knowing them.

I don't mind trannies and I do fap to them, but I don't see why I'd date one considering it's not actually easier to get with one than it is with a cis woman. trannies always have worse personalities than cis women

>suffered a lot

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>i will never bury my face and furiously tongue that asshole
why live

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>Why do robots hate trannies?
Because they're mentally ill abominations.
>Is it because they can't even get biological males to have sex with them?
Better fuck a cute twink boy thank a gross monster and i'm straight.

You can tongue mine if you want user.
Freshly shaved too

I hate trannies because I wish I was a cute girl, and dislike being myself (or more appropriately, don't care about it and have no interest in it), but at the same time being a tranny freak and a hon is much worse than death.

robots hate trannies because when they look at them, they see their future
tick tock, it is only a matter of time before the egg cracks, user

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Jokes on you I'm almost 40

They're people ready to mutilate their bodiy to satisfy a fetish, yet expect to be treated like normal. This annoys me.

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Oldfag here. You don't know what you're talking about. Actually, zoomers are more likely to support tranny spam because they're sexless, prison-gay, and very impressionable. The oldfag council has spoken. Please go the fuck back to

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Not everyone is an anglo saxon twink, if I could be cute I would, I really would, but I can't, so that makes me extremely angry at tranny, especially those who talk about egg stuff, when in fact you basically want twinks to transition, chads to date you, but those who can't be either can just die.

this picture helped me understand the anatomy of the armpit finally, thanks trannyposter faggot

>oldfag here
> The oldfag council has spoken
The levels of delusion this man has is amazing. >Imagining you actually think you belong to a particular group on these boards.

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>oldfag here
No you aren't an oldfag, redditor zoomer trash.
Jow Forums and Jow Forums was even gayer a few years ago than it is today. For fucks sake, most people from back then saw their first tranny on Jow Forums.

They were traps, newfriend. There's a difference.

>a few years ago

>They were traps, newfriend. There's a difference.
there isn't you literal retard. they both take female hormones and they both behave like women

You seem confused. Why would you try to rewrite Jow Forums history? Is it because you have no idea what you're talking about?

For years I didn't care, I was neutral,
I was all for live and let live but, your ilk keeps propagating, keeps spamming your lifestyle.
It makes me hate the trannies of r9k.
Just because we fail to find romance does not mean we should turn gay or be in traps.
To me it seemed like another one of /b/'s sick jokes but, you won't let the joke/meme die and you keep spreading.

>they were traps
And some turned into trannies like Bailey Jay

This isn't a history issue, it's a word issue. You seem to think that those two words mean anything different from one another

Hello euphoric redditor, nobody buys it.

we hate roasties
we hate dudes that want to be roasties because that makes them even worse than roasties
to difficult for you to grasp?

Only an idiot thinks they're the same. There is a difference. Traps only existed because it was funny. Nobody was actually stupid enough to take HRT back in the day. There was no trans activism forcing it down everyone's throats. But you're obviously too young to remember. Don't know why I'm bothering to explain this, it's basic Jow Forums.

>Nobody was actually stupid enough to take HRT back in the day
holy shit imagine being this dumb
there is no way a man can naturally look enough like a woman to "trap" you

ah yes because it's not as if people like bailey jay weren't on hrt since they were teenagers, no. they just randomly grew up to look like that, duh!

thats was the joke, enought make up hair and lighintg can make some men pass

Take your meds schizo. You didn't even finish kindergarten ten years ago.
"Traps" back then took estrogen like trannies do now and, like Bailey Jay, got fucking implants.

Fucking single-digit IQ nigger

why do you justify fapping to men while being a closseted gay? it makes you sound fragile and insecure

the jokes clearly on you here, all those "traps" you think were just using camera tricks were all on HRT

they are still traps, whats the difference?

I'm not justifying anything, stop projecting nigger

but they are also trannies since they're on HRT and getting surgeries to become more feminine. so, as I have been saying, the terms mean the fucking same thing

You are irredeemably stupid.

>muh bailey jay
Expected response.

>Traps" back then took estrogen like trannies do now and, like Bailey Jay, got fucking implants.
We're talking about Jow Forums, idiot.

>NOOOO ur so dumb stop deconstructing my non-argument
Kill yourselg you waste of space and air

ah i was confused with other anons replies, yes traps and trannies are the same faggot shit

>it's like if you asked for roast and you recived a fish, you didn't want the fish,
This line of reasoning only applies if you are a man who enters a relationship with a "woman" and later find out that it is, in fact, a man.

Robots have always hated your kind. Stop deluding youself

Calm down. You know those pills make you emotional.

Bend over and bite a pillow, cuck.

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I don't hate trannies, I don't even care about fucking trannies (assuming they're cute), I just hate the pro/anti-trannyspam that seems to have cropped up in recent years.

It's obnoxious and lowers the quality of already shit board

It's 50% falseflagging Jow Forumsniggers and 50% trannies so 100% mentally deranged "people"

>We're talking about Jow Forums, idiot.
bailey jay WAS a Jow Forums trap
holy shit and you claim to not be a newfag
>You are irredeemably stupid.
nice job not refuting anything in this whole post

t. soon to be apart of the 45% of trannies that neck themselves in the first 3 years.

lol kid...
Jow Forums didn't existed for a long while, wich is "years ago".

>lol kid
t. found Jow Forums during Trump's election

Bailey Jay was one outlier in a sea of traps on early Jow Forums. And she was Linetrap first, which was of course before the HRT. You cannot name anyone else who fell for the meme because they were all just teenagers fucking around for the lulz.

Anyone else here ever fantasyzes about going back in time and do something that seems "normal" today but almost unnatural at that time and blow every living human beings brain away?. I personally Imagine myself going back 500-1000 years with a few other people and just make a concert and play something like through the fire and flames (if I was able to) by dragonforce. People would either look at me as a god or fear me and try to kill me.


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>through the fire and flames
I'd look to you as a god.

I'd look at you as a fag because that song was dumb.

I don't hate trannies. I just want one to roughly fuck then cuddle all night with.

Zoomers love trannies, you projecting boomer.

sauce pls


Genuine question but why do most guys put themselves down like this? im sure u'll be able to of u just put urself out there user hell if my pimply,Neanderthal,Shaggy from scooby doo, looking ass self can get laid so can u

What a great post. It's a shame you picked such a shit thread to make it in.

I certainly don't. It's my #1 fantasy to sodomize a hot one.


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I don't hate them at all. There are just individuals that you should avoid within the group. Like, reeeeeeally avoid at all cost. Literal psychos in fact.

I lucked out and love my current gf, but don't be in a hurry to get your dick wet unless she's an escort or something. Actually get to know whether you and her are compatible.

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Normies defend trannies to the max. Why you think every corporation is siding with fags

Maybe because many of the people working in those corporations are trans themselves?

Normies are either weirded out or don't care about trans people unless it's about encroaching on their own lives or bullshit involving sports

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Even if it's a biological female.

I think her name is Sherry Kosnaski

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Thank you very much user.

no probs mah bro

too bad they took down here insta

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this shit got me thinking bruh

This, I miss the old d(g)ays
Also giv tranny gf

sometimes you need that iq boost

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Because you attention whore in this shithole, It's bad enough with all these fucking redditors. We want you to stay in your cesspool and leave us in ours, but you cannot as you need attention like an animal needs oxygen

>le paul xddd
>n-no, y-you're leddit
it's like you're not even trying to hide it at this point

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Wish I could remember her name

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I'm a Jow Forumstard and I wouldn't mind a trans fren if we manage to stay on really friendly terms.
Too bad most of them where I'm from (arg) seem to be deep into the whole lgbt community and are nasty/awkward.

Would like to be proven otherwise though, I don't like to h8.

Why don't transwomen just date transmen?

They dont. They only hate those who come here to spam. And even then those arent hated for being trannies but for spamming. If you spammed anything else to that degree you would be hated as well. Same thing happened with ponyfags, no one cared at all about MLP but the fact that it was spammed all over Jow Forums at insaneoy high rates made everyone hate it. Trannies are the modern day ponyfags, there is no difference between you and them except for the fact that in your case the mods actively support you.

The problem isnt what you are spamming, its that you are spamming.

>just filtering /tran/i and /gay/i hides 16 threads.

The things you can do with these.

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That happens. Most transmen want an biowomen though

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Understandably many were bitter, when convinced of others denying their difficulties
...happens between 2 polar opposites of the spectrum, regardless of intersection actually
So both wanted treated better, neither image currently well adjusted
(man or woman, cis or trans, as we each drew something of a red line)
Aside from those sorry issues, are recreational trolls larping, not for practical purposes.

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stop talking about cutting your own dick off

nobody does that

Such a good looking guy fallen to such a disgusting disease.