Congratulations on your succesful rise to power, Mr. Dictator!
What is your first declaration?
Congratulations on your succesful rise to power, Mr. Dictator!
What is your first declaration?
affordable housing. we have a legit crisis going on.
rope all the trannies and jannies
based and enlightened dictator-pilled
Women are not allowed to drive
thank yew for yer suppprt! now for my next declara..
*gets taken out by the real estate cartel*
Government provided cat gfs to all citizens.
Also, blacks lose citizenship
I would literally make a purge day.
Also there's gotta be less niggers and you can challenge people to duels on the street if you want
>implying i don't have the best gun
I'd kill all you fags
Black people would win on purge day lmao
*smashes yer toxic patriarchy*
What now, buddy??
according to the shitty ass purge movies atleast
I go home and plow my qt cat gf
I'm not joking (I don't dislike you, mein Frau). I just would stop a lot of car accidents.
*disables your toxic misogyny*
Eradication of the jews. special areas where jews can not live outside of
Legalize racial discrimination
It's statistics, at least where I live. I just don't want to repeat some sad stuff, it's for the greater good. I love you
kick the gays and trannies out
Hang all dog owners
It is the universe's will
i love yew too.
actually kill yourself faggot. This is not just about you being an incel anymore, you are a piece of shit human being. Scratch that you don't deserve the title of human. You have to be unimaginably sad to hate dogs.
But then who would be dictator
Re segregate drinking fountains
Everyone who is a dictator in my country should be killed with a guillotine. Most epic suicide ever.
Come at me you fag
what are you? normalfaggots?
The man said I was dictator. I have to start somewhere, so I started with something easy
-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control france with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
-They learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.
Purge all the Kulaks and landowners, redistribute the wealth throughout the proletariat, then use my assets to spread world communism to every section of society where the rich oppress the poor. Free education for all, guaranteed jobs, free housing. I would kill everyone that ever worked for a bank or a loan collection service.
So starvation with extra steps?
Good people of the Empire. Let me start off by saying the Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race...
Death lottery
Legalisation of duelling
Repeal NFA
Theocratic socialism
Nuke the holy land and bring about Armagheddon
how many of yew are just describing animes yewve watched??? confess
You're all gay until proven straight and I'm only eating beans from now on to strengthen my courage and resoluteness
cool, now no one knows how to run your financial system. enjoy starvation in three years
we could always go back to the "affordable" housing model of the early 2000's where loans were given out to everyone, I'm sure that'll end up just fine
if you can't afford a 3% down payment on a house because you work at a shitty job then maybe you shouldn't buy a house
That's a silhouette of the school shooting guy, isn't it?
its not that. wages today have not kept up with rising real estate. real estate goes up every year and wages stagnate. its been pretty bad.
circumcision at birth is illegal
dump everything on research for android waifus
watch as 3dpd and HFYfags seethe
call everyone a faggot
jack off
that's it desu
min wage is less than $10. 1 br in my area costs $1100 a month for a cheap one. could you survive?
anyone who has ever posted on r9k gets executed
Wages have been rising at a consistent pace since the post 2007 crisis era.
The government already subsidizes housing through the GSE's I'm not sure what else you would want them to do without making the debt balloon
"the jews..."
"What sir...?"
forgot my (You)
you have been muted etc etc
>id kill the working class
Okay fucko, have fun eating a bullet. Also dont like 25% of people own land? You're gonna kill a quarter of your country, and expect it to run smooth?
Also have fun redistributing the wealth, all the rich people will just take their money out of the country. Now youve redistributed nothing.
You commies really are stupid, huh?
We must reform the calendar.
Weeks now last 6 days: there is no more Thursday.
Every month is exactly 30 days.
After 12 months, there is a 5-day holiday that does not belong to any month, and the days are not labeled as any day of the week.
On leap years, this 5-day holiday is extended to 6 days.
Wait till you see the look on your face when you realize your epic wine aunt was lying to you when she said hell wasn't real.
I live in Canada so here is my plan
>Break absolutely all ties with the UK, no more royal assent
>change the flag to something cooler and national anthem back to "in all thy sons command"
>Round up and kill abortionists
>create a new constitution that includes a new republic system and certain unchangeable laws and basic human rights
>make a few tweaks to the education system before giving up my power
>give up my power and allow Canada to become a democracy again, start my own party called the Republican Reform Party
>kill abortionists
Solid proof that you retards arent pro-life but are pro-forced-birth. Kill yourself.
Pro innocent life*
I am for the death penalty, especially towards those so wicked they would attack something as defenseless and inherently innocent as a preborn baby.
No mercy for abortionist scum
Start building nukes, we're ending the show.
Begin manufacturing robots to be more efficient police.
Uggos, sluts, retards, dumbasses, and weaklings get sectioned off so that only the top 10% holistically are left. The 90% at the bottom are now slaves to the rest and failure to comply means death by robot police. The top 10% can do whatever the fuck they want to the undesirables.
"Pro-choicers" in Canada are drooling retards who literally want nothing more than to be able to flake out of having a kid if it doesn't suit them. They never argue for funding or reforming adoption or foster care, despite there being millions of women who'd never abort, because they personally don't have a use for them. They can't form any kind of argument at all in fact, the best point they can make is "don't like abortions don't get one." Not exactly going to sway someone who fundamentally believes abortion is murder.
>hurr durr i called them scum and posted a picture that looks gruesome clearly im right
Baby isnt alive before the cutoff date for abortions. If its not the womans body then why not remove the fetus instead of killing it? What about that? Its not her body so why not take it out of her?
You and i both know you dont care about the fetuses you're just mad women get a say
Stay seething pro-cho*cer, science isnt on your side.
Have death row inmates face off in a fucking real life battle royale and put that shit on TV.
It's crazy how everyone got all emotional over this, but the borderline nazi shit is fine.
The point of the thread is to be a dictator anyway.
I would kick all the Africans out.
We're going to build a neighborhood of tiny houses so we can take care of the homeless problem. Second, we're going to raise taxes on the rich. We're making healthcare free (through taxes obviously you fucking retards), lowering the price of college, bumping up the minimum wage and executing everyone that helped cause the economic crash of 08. Also I'm making it law that every large city needs at least 1 (one) brothel.
A dictator is supposed to rule his citizens, not starve them. Also they're a dumbass because under "muh true gommunism" there cant be a dictator because there's no state, but it says something that no one can imagine communism without a dictator
All organisms are alive you brainlet. besides the Fetus will eventually become a human being should it not be murdered regardless. Saying it deserves to be killed just because it isn't independent yet is disgusting, a newborn can't exactly survive without constant help either. People who support abortion are absolutely repugnant and revolting. You can disagree all you want, all i'm saying is that if i ever have the power, then i am going to send as many abortionists as i can straight to judgement.
>ban betting/gambling/lottery
>ban cigarettes
>ban alcohol
>ban abortions
>abolish police/military, every citizen with the right to vote have to own and operate guns
>replace prisons with labor camps
That's a lot of mental gymnastics to say "I'm a shameless hypocrite".
>Pro-choice is revolting
>kids with blood cancer can be straight up saved by stem cell transplants
>You are UNIRONICALLY okay with kids suffering to death from blood cancer so that abortion can be illegal
These buttmad 14 year olds are upset that their fascist ideology holds no good proof under scrutiny so they try to shift the blame onto communism. "Well, Stalin was worse! Muh 100 gorillion!" Life under this supposed genocide increased the quality of life significantly for most Soviets and basic ideas like giving people free education isn't even a "radical" idea just something that every civilized nation does. But alas all the CEOs need new Bentleys so we let American students pay $30k/semester for substandard colleges
Bomb all the shitty places. The Middle East, North Korea, every third world country, are all getting bombed.
Rip kikes
Sex is punishable by death, If I can't have it no one can
Nuke everything so hard that even the roaches can't survive the fallout.
Ban Tumblr and Reddit
What if instead you focused on reducing the cost of living? Why not just have a capitalist system that works to reduce the monopolistic power of the "wealthy elite." What if we actually clamped down on companies to not price exorbitantly without seizing the entire system?
Explain your plan to me and why it would work. What's your pitch
t. not that educated about economics
Nope. White people have literally proven throughout history we are natural conquerors. The last time we got pissed off we created two of the biggest wars mankind has ever seen and created the atom bomb. We fucked Africa in the ass for 500 years. You would lose real fast.
I would set up a personal harem and form a division sized guard unit like saddams republican guard
You could never be dictator you can't even green text
That looks like one of those sticky lizard toys you can get in one of those quarter machines at the supermarket, who fucking cares
Organize worker's councils to prepare for transition to a true dictatorship of the proletariat.
All it took was a handful of determined white men to subjugate the entire continent of Africa. Imagine if we put a little more effort and resources into it.
lol butthurt italians painted in ethiopia even tho they never colonized it
All of those flags should be chinese.
>unironically using the word incel
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