How would you be psychologically affected if you were forced to wear lolita everyday? How would you feel? This includes the wigs and makeup obviously, and assuming your job would allow it.
How would you be psychologically affected if you were forced to wear lolita everyday? How would you feel...
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I have desperately longed to wear lolita fashion since the moment I discovered it, I just don't want people to despise me for doing so because I was cursed to be born male.
If I was forced to wear lolita, the burden of guilt wouldn't be on me because it wouldn't be my choice. It would be a dream come true.
user you got some weird fetishes and I'm not gonna feed you
Im just into forced feminization. It just happens to be that lolita is the most feminine style you can find.
im also very into this
The only girlfriend I've ever had was a 10/10 lolita girl in high school who used to do that shit at cons all the time. What an expensive fucking hobby, she used to have her dad order her like 500 dollar dresses from Japan all the time, she had a closet full of them. She was a really rich only child though, so it makes sense.
I haven't had a non-internet gf in over 8 years, I'm not Chad. I'm drunk right now.
I'd love to, I'm very much into feminization and the likes, also the idea of being a trap and whatever, from a very young age.
Sadly I'm 6"2inch, with large shoulders, a masculine face and acne scars everywhere on my face and body. What a pathetic existence I am, seriously. Why did I get this fucking tastes and desires with such a body? If I were autistic enough I'd probably go the tranny route, but hopefully I'm not, i'll certainly just end up killing myself.
I don't go out so idk? I guess my balls would get sweaty
I'm an ugly fat white woman so probably embarassed since at least when I dress like a frumpy autistic dyke I can delude myself by pretending I can change my appearance at anytime. Having to try and fail would solidfy the humiliation.
Also I work in a lab so I'd probably get sent home or muck up the wig.
I'm into disgusting shit but at least I'm not you guys and that's what counts.
I'm and I have zero sexual interest in lolita fashion. Those clothes are expensive and fragile and it would be stupid to do something sexual in them.
If you're a female who is both fat and ugly those guys are probably better off than you.
You were literally handed the option for easy mode (if you live in the first world) and you messed it up by eating too much, fatty.
I really wish I could cure it somehow. What an annoying and terrible fetish. I mean, if you are feminine I guess it could be good, but if you are masculine it really makes you insane. Hence the large number of guys who turn into horrible ultra masculine and unpassing trannies because of it.
Still a better fetish than stuff like cucking tho.
If it was a female forcing me to wear it and picking my outfits and makeup and all that, I'd walk around with an eternal boner everywhere and be horny.
im a feminine twink who's AGP so thats alright but I still wish I had something more like an actual female body and its still not socially acceptable to shave my legs :/
I guess being masculine kind of helps separating the fantasy from the reality. But still, it hurts when everyone calls me handsome and says i'm so tall etc. Especially when my face is so ravaged with acne scars.
But you can change. Obesity is fixable. Please friend, do something about it.
I'm a 6ft muscly guy so it would probably look very interesting
hey thats something we have in common, my face is also ravaged by acne scars
thats why youd wear a chastity cage
Oh, sorry then.
>troons hate women but are still envious of them
Imagine my shock
You can cure it.
Probably get a lot of laughs and high fives.
I'm similar. Like 6'1-2 or so, big bodied, not a chad but know I at least have a good jawline or so and maybe an above average face (don't know for sure though). AGP/forced fem/whatever the fuck you want to call it is what I jack it to mostly though. Even dabbled in private crossdressing while jacking it.
I don't actually want to be a woman though because I enjoy lifting and eating a ton with out getting totally ugly and fat, and also a factor though lesser, I don't want to become some ugly ass masculine tranny.
Also, god damn finding shit to crossdress in is harder as a bigger taller person.
Yeah it's pretty damn annoying.
Not just my face too, my shoulders, back, chest etc. And I still have acne, after 7 years. Despite tons of different types of treatments.
>You can cure it.
Are you the autistic girl with the Pooh nighty from a couple days ago?
I'm not into chastity play. My dick would be free dammit and the inside of my dress would be covered in cum!
Therapy. Stop using porn.
I was kind of attracted to crossdressing but at the same time, my body being masculine and ugly, I never really saw the point. Also my cousins once put makeup on me and dressed me as a girl and it was disgusting, what I saw in the mirror was gross. And I was just 14! 10 years later, I don't even want to imagin how I'd be. I enjoy masculine interests too, shooting and whatnot, but my social anxiety and lack of motivation/ interest in my life means that I just spend all my time in my bed. I kind of wish i was a woman, but not a roastie. I hate the female mentality, and I wouldn't want to be like that at all. And yeah, I certainly don't want to become a tranny, I might be uninterested in my life, but at least it's not hell on earth like being an unpassing tranny.
>Therapy. Stop using porn.
Therapy? I've been to tons of therapies and it never changed shit. I've had autogynephilia since litterally forever, like 5yo, long before I consumed any porn or anime.
Also masturbating is the only thing that makes me feel alive, and the only way i can get sexual pleasure since i'm a loser. When I stop fapping for more than two days I get suicidal thoughts and my agp becomes crazy.
If I were magically shorter and less masculine, yes I'd love it.
second part was meant for
i only had it on the face (cystic) and I ended up taking accutane since nothing else worked. I didnt want to go on scarring my face further and living with big dark red bubbles of pus on my face any more so I rolled the dice.
I took accutane too, for a year and half, but it didn't work :(
Damn dude, you even the same fucking age as me. Anyways, I didn't start crossdressing til about a year or so ago when I finally left my parents house for uni. I ain't trying to get actually good looking, I just like the feel of it, and I only do it in private, and the only person who knows that knows me in real life was someone I actually met on Jow Forums that I went on a date (or at least met up with) with, but it didn't work out, so I don't even talk to her anymore. Only makeup I use is just lipstick and maybe gloss because it's easy to put on and take off. Overall, it's all a bunch of cheap shit off Amazon.
I see, I might try some day, but I'm too depressed to try. I'm so used to hate my body that doing anything with it feels like a chore.
Understandable. It was a big step for me too, and even now I only do it once every week or two. Like I say, I don't go overboard either. It's not some complicated drag queen get up, not even close. It's something that takes a min to put on and a min to get off. If you don't want to try it, don't. If it's gonna awaken something more in you, then definitely don't try it either. I know it's just a side thing for sometimes when I jack off, and know how to control it. This shit can add up $$$ wise for one thing.
Hey. I'm the metal guy from the other day. I wasn't attacking you when I said you should lose weight. I used to be fatter and weight loss has worked wonders for me. I am much more resistant to stress and people find me attractive. I think it would do you just as much good.
damn man that sucks, just 6 months for me and I only get really minor acne now. what was your daily dosage?
Should I just bite the bullet and wear lolita even though I wasn't born a girl?
>lose weight
Yeah, no. I'd only lose weight if I changed my eating habits and that isn't going to happen. I work out 3x a week and bike everywhere because I like the sports I do. Changing my eating habits / not baking would basically be sacrificing what I do like to make other people happy aka being a cuck. That's stupid.
>more resistant to stress
I'm very stress resistant.
>more attractive
I'd probably end up hating them for being shallow. A friend posted a selfie of me wearing makeup / a nice dress and a guy who ghosted me suddenly texted back so I told him to neck himself.
>wasn't attacking you
Ah, sorry, just assumed this thread was full of mad hons. My bad.
>metal guy
Yeah sorry I didn't respond. I think your post came near the end, right? What bands did you say you liked?
post pic of pooh nighty?
Hm, I don't remember exactly. Standard dosage, I believe. My life really sucks lol. Ugly face, glasses, terrible acne everywhere that just won't go...
1.) Fuck off.
2.) Selfies get people banned.
>5 yo
Literally how? Were you raped as a kid? Who is sexual that young?
Clearly the therapy isn't working if all you have to live for is masturbating. Get a job, go to school, ride a bike.
Depends if I thought I looked good in it or not. If I do look good...well, its not what I prefer to wear, but Ill have to make do.
I was just curious, and you obviously posted it before. I'm not jacking to it or anything.
Hey didn't she () say she was native?
>Literally how? Were you raped as a kid? Who is sexual that young?
No idea. Each time I saw stuff with transformation conponent it would fascinate me and turn me on. Like that movie of kids turning into fishes, or that pepsi commercial.
The first boner I remember clearly was reading Ovid's metamorphoses.
I was never raped, I had a normal childhood.
I didn't tell the psychiatrists about my masturbation ofc, that's way too embarassing.
I don't have motivation for doing anything, but i try.
Yeah seems like a general transformation fetish. I would tell your therapist. They can't tell anyone. who gives a shit.
The whole point is faking it till you make it. I'm a complete fucking autistic. My dad would make me drill social skills like eye contact until they became normal. Now people think I'm a bit intense / weird, but I have never had someone ask or speculate on my autism. The closest anybody ever got was a friend who said "you walk on the balls of your feet a lot, my brother does that", and I replied, "that is because we are both autistic", and she said she was shocked.
My point is that you aren't going to be happy when you first try doing something. You're gonna be embarassed and depressed. You just have to give yourself time to adjust. If you try for a month and still hate it do something else.
>you obviously posted it before
Or, obviously, I greentexted about it. Assumptions make an ass of (you) and me.
Haha, got me. Okay, I'm half Native on my Dad's side. I am super pale and obviously not Asian, though. That's what I was getting at.
Okay, I don't look white. I look Finnish. I'm sorry.
Oh well I'm sorry then. Figured there was a pic. Other user made it sound like he had seen a pic on here too.
Oh, uh, sorry I was abrupt, then.
I don't know, but it would be great fun.
Lolita fashion is the best.
>My bad
Don't mention it. Criticism and advice can be hard to take. They imply the person receiving them isn't perfect and that hurts the ego.
>sacrificing what I do like to make other people happy aka being a cuck. That's stupid
>I'd probably end up hating them for being shallow
I see your point but I don't share it. I was really unhappy with how my family and environment had shaped me (physically and metaphorically). I changed myself but I retained my interests. Lasting change requires you change on the inside too. It requires willpower and discipline, which are attractive qualities. People might not see it at first glance but it's not just your outside that changes for the better.
>What bands did you say you liked?
Hammerfall, Manowar, Judas Priest, Rhapsody. That kind of stuff.
>Selfies get people banned
Not him but you could post a pic in a /soc/ thread and link here. I've been kinda curious about your tits ever since you mentioned them.
>Lasting change requires you change on the inside too. It requires willpower and discipline, which are attractive qualities
Dude, no. When people treat you better when you look hotter it has nothing to do with your character. This is such a naive opinion.
And you're assuming that I lack those attributes because I don't want to direct my energy to denying myself food for the sole purpose of being fuckable. That's retarded. It's like when people say obese people are lazy, when a person can work all day at an office, go home, take care of their kids and still be obese. They're only "lazy" in the one facet of their lives these people choose to hone in on independent of their circumstances.
I used to do shit to look pretty and it didn't make me a better person on the inside. If anything, it made me a worse person. Trying to look hot only made me (1) more neurotic about my appearance and (2) more judgemental about uglier people.
Your argument is basically post hoc justifications for the halo effect combined with a subtly condescending comment about my protests being solely rooted in an affront to my ego. You made a joke about my weight in this thread so I called you a troon because I thought you were won and apologised when I misplaced you. How is that a manifestation of a wounded ego?
>post on /soc/
Problem: I'd have to go on /soc/.
>curious about my tits
Nice, there's some older stuff. Check out Blind Guardian. I'm listening right now.
Anti /soc/. You are a smart lady.
In all seriousness, I like amateur porn so sometimes I go there to get some masturbation fuel, or some art references if I feel artsy, but that's honestly it. Posting is full retard.
i feel like this would be awful, even as a female, unless she liked the fashion?
I disagree. Calorie management is the most important part of weight gain/loss. It's not a matter of laziness as much as sticking to a diet plan. Btw are you overweight or above?
Hah, I love Venture Bros! Robot Chicken and Archer too.
I don't post on /soc/ but I don't see why you guys are so much against it. I check out the legwear thread every once in a while.
The makeup would be torture for me because I'm too autistic to deal with shit on my face like that. Even fucking face paint makes me want to tear my skin off! Other than that, everything else wouldn't affect me because I just sit in my room all day shitposting, playing vidya and watching shit.
This! Makeup is a fucking nightmare.
>at work
>want to scratch my face
>want to eat
>want to rest my hand on my face
>want to go right to sleep
>want to go straight to the gym
>want to do anything, emote ever or act spontaneous
Makeup is honestly for people who don't fucking work, or work in utterly cucked fields.
>stick to a diet plan
Dude. I don't care. I know about calorie counting, I just don't give a fuck about being thin.
I'll only ever diet if my weight is a problem and since it's not, I won't. I don't believe in doing things purely for aesthetics.
My BMI is 26.6.
Nice. Haven't kept up. Krieger / Malory / Pam are my faves but Cyril is pure husbando material. Gives me strong Dan Dreiberg vibes.
>robot chicken
Eh, never liked it. Seemed like an offbrand Seth MacFarlene project. Like Seth Green's life now. Basically all the cutaways not good enough for Family Guy.
People who post naked pictures of themselves online are retarded.
I feel so old hope I get to wear something like that before my 30s