This is my body type and what I look like naked. Do women find this attractive or no...

This is my body type and what I look like naked. Do women find this attractive or no? Post your body types too if you want.

Attached: body type.png (1015x783, 117K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Pp way oversized

They don't. Link?


I'm fucked, aren't I?

You have big hands, Friend.

I am similar to the left, but much lower body fat. My veins and abs show.

Attached: cdm8vpfn3v6x.jpg (556x494, 25K)

No. How many women have you seen dating fat guys?

nty unless u have money :^)

Am I gonnna make it brahs

Attached: (825x1157, 60K)

You have to look like this for any pussy, user.

Attached: C990DC26-066D-4017-B99B-FC95EACC4A5C.jpg (863x829, 41K)

Winner winner chicken dinner

As many as I've seen dating ugly guys. THAT makes you think

nope. gotta exercise

No that's not attractive

This dude will rip your anus apart

This is the human body at its peak performance

Attached: Screenshot_20190607-233033~2.png (550x611, 64K)

ripped and thicc at the same time

Attached: Download.png (500x700, 68K)

*blocks your path*
hello i have come to collect SEX

Attached: peak.jpg (316x508, 13K)

Used to look much cuter desu. Right looks like a fuccboi.

Whats ur routine user? I'm between left n right

I have a weird as fuck physique desu

Attached: 20190607_054547.png (480x888, 115K)

its better than my sooiboi physique

Attached: soiboi.jpg (977x646, 58K)

Well there's also my 6' wingspan but I couldn't add it on here, would kill to be 5'11 tho

true robot physique

Attached: 1533611349503.png (953x812, 150K)

it sucks because I'm the only one who knows that I'm not 6' other than my 6' tall gf.

This is pretty close, except I have really wide shoulders, more weight in my arms and muscular calves, can I become acceptable bear mode if I lose like 10-20kg?

Attached: Screenshot_20190608-011717.png (1080x1920, 205K)

This is what peak performance looks like!

My legs are slightly more muscular.

Attached: 1531550532219.png (1030x774, 141K)

Measured the hips and waist at the wrong place according to the instructions.

Normally these things consider the waist to be around the bellybutton.

Corrected measures.
Real peak performance.

Attached: 1532392016790.png (1030x774, 143K)

you guys have bodies built like tanks. kinda like the "alex jones" physique. especially since your waist to hip ratio is more masculine than mine at 0.82

Looks like I am chadimus maximus

Attached: mee.png (984x767, 142K)

>"alex jones" physique
I wish.

Attached: 1544799187557.png (960x503, 478K)

about like this bod

Attached: Screenshot_20190608-004927.png (1440x2960, 306K)


Attached: Screenshot (15).png (608x873, 99K)

Are you related to the president?

This actually isnt far off. Should have a setting to adjust your arms and legs though

Attached: download.png (500x700, 107K)

This is the epitome of the "alpha male" body.
If you don't have this you may as well just stop trying.

Attached: chad.png (496x694, 104K)

Heres me
Original comment #178

Attached: 3AFD5F85-44C4-402B-A661-42F945D50F35.jpg (572x816, 93K)

Who/ bigguy4u/ here?

Attached: Screenshot_20190607-174455_Chrome.jpg (1080x2280, 356K)

this is proof I belong here
fucking genetics

Attached: 757df270712c880a626f42ea344f62c1.png (1065x746, 118K)

Quite accurate to be honest

Attached: 2019-06-08 02_01_15-Body Builder - Waterfox.png (1000x708, 134K)

this is how it feels to chew 5 gum

Attached: whr.png (472x668, 91K)

I am made of the most worthless genetic material.

Attached: shame.jpg (978x883, 77K)


Attached: god.png (500x700, 112K)

My waifu is hotter than yours

Attached: hot girl.png (1080x1668, 497K)

where my fit bots at

Attached: download.png (500x700, 108K)

My routine is not eating sugar because I dont like sweet food and not eating much in general because it brings me no pleasure.

Gentlemen, I present to you, mysef

Attached: 02889D3E-5F1D-46FF-8741-58720ED1F795.jpg (750x728, 181K)

bigger body types can be attractive, just make sure to watch your diet a little, it'll reduce the extra fat and make you arms/stomach/etc less flabby. i dont exercise cause fuck that shit, but as long as you dont look like a blob of goo then ur good.

Isnt that ProJared?

Attached: D8A65838-6012-489C-B06A-D58AA91D7886.png (1920x1080, 1.76M)

what about me anons, how fucked am i oregonally?

Attached: Capture.png (1040x818, 133K)


Attached: umad.png (359x586, 126K)

This is me, insult me pls.

Attached: first.png (866x637, 143K)

Skinnyfat nihhas

Attached: Screenshot_20190607-234736_Samsung Internet.jpg (1080x1093, 224K)

I'm just tall and fat

Attached: Screenshot_20190607-233431_Samsung Internet.jpg (720x1280, 182K)

Boy it sure feels good to be Jow Forums

Attached: fit.png (929x705, 125K)

Depends on what you think is acceptable

Unironically? I kinda find this difficult to believe.

Attached: 20190608_020913.jpg (1080x913, 213K)

I came here to smash and slam pussy.

Attached: canvas.png (1044x909, 173K)

Would d8

Ideal female body right here

Attached: download32.png (500x700, 99K)

lookin good user
you got this

just lift faggot

unironically look like this, not even memeing. how fucked up am i?

Attached: DB34F48D-F5CE-4567-8000-17C1D2A2B4B8.jpg (640x602, 165K)

Yall cowards dont even originally smoke crack

Attached: me.png (601x852, 128K)

why doe the race change depending on the weight and height? lmao

the positions of all organs have been optimized closer to the heart

wait--- no peneor?

Not even memeing? I feel sorry for you friend.

this is me...
oregano oregon

Attached: achievable.png (501x701, 28K)