>ywn be a software engineer

Is anyone else depressed because they cannot become a software engineer? It seems like the only job that's worth doing and seems extremely comfy. Everyone on Jow Forums/reddit that's a software engineer seems to make 100k+ and say they barely do any work and play vidya/browse r9k or reddit during work. Is this true or are they just lying /coping? Everything seems relaxed too. It just seems like the perfect job overall. Yes, there are jobs that make much more money but they require years of school/debt and are highly stressful (law, medicine ect) Being a software engineer seems super comfy but you just need to be gifted genetically in intelligence in order to get the degree. The fact that my genetics limit me from doing the only worth while good job makes me sad. I guess I'll just be a NEET forever...

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>but you just need to be gifted genetically in intelligence in order to get the degree.
Yeah but you cant be a brainlet either. That locks you out of almost everything worthwhile :)

id like to hear some anecdotes from software engineers, but i just cant get over the fact that most of them are dweebus dorkus faggots who don't get laid alot and don't have cool lives outside of their clikity clack faggot coder job. and it makes me feel better

I managed to make to an entry level database enginere job. I make about 40k for half work and half shitposting , AMA

former software engineer here. it can get really stale after you get over the "wtf am i doing" phase. now i'm trying to avoid ever having to get a programming job again. i like programming, but i'll reserve it for personal projects and things that i'm interested in.

why don't you try to learn some programming and see if you actually like it?

That's what I said...and software engineering is the only worthwhile career field really. There's nothing else worthwhile.

What is your I.Q if you actually know it? Do you have a 4 year degree?

i did man, im too dumb. i tried fucking with python on code academy and got BTFO. same with the CCNA, although CCNA material is slightly more comprehensible

Not everyone can just "learn programming" you need to be genetically gifted to even understand the basics of it...

I don't make $100K a year but I am a software engineer and I do fucking nothing. I have a team of developers and I realized early into the job that you get the best performance out of your employees by staying out of their business. I let everyone set their own timelines, I argue on their behalf with my boss for any extensions they need, I let them collaboratively set their own documentation requirements (although I review them to make sure it's reasonable) and my team's productivity is easily the best in the office.

A breakdown of my average day:
>7:30 Arrive at work, maybe, but I'm often late by about 15 minutes
>7:45 Coffee break
>8:00 Smoke break
>8:15 Browse youtube
>9:00 Send some "sounds good, let me know if you need anything from me!" emails
>9:30 Smoke break
>10:00 Meeting with project manager
>11:00 If necessary, put together a project scope for the team based on the meeting. Otherwise, shitpost.
>11:30 Smoke break
>12:00 Lunch
>12:30 Possibly come back from lunch but sometimes not, sometimes I like to do my groceries and there's not enough room in the office fridge
>1:00 Coffee break
>1:15 Smoke break
>1:30 Assist team with any issues they're having
>1:45 Read about updates to various software packages we're using
>2:00 - 4:00 Shitpost, listen to music, help the team, whatever

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I really dislike being a brainlet
I have no fucking idea what I'm supposed to do that can make decent money

You're smart enough, you're just not autistic enough. Obviously if it's something that gay ass dimwitted redditors can do in between their heckin doggo and drumpf posting, then it doesn't require a ton of brain power.

h4x0r here. Yes, I have a $100k American yearly salaried position.
Programming is easy. When you realize that UI is a solved problem, then programming literally just turns into a game of "what is my data describing and how can I access and modify it"

I doubt I can get in to SWE anymore if you're a male and white or Asian you really need to be the best of the best to get in now. If you're a female and/or non-asian minority you take priority. Hell even at at my job there are programs to get more women into coding. Specifically women with zero technical experience or degree to get into coding. I dont see many opportunities like that for males.

>Its easy!
anybody an IT faggot? the CCNA had some minimal appeal, but way better than being a coding DWEEBUS

Imagine actually believing that. I sit in my office doing jackshit while making big money. I must notify you sir that I am a pajeet though, needfully.

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I do networking too, because I'm not an uncultured monkeyswine, unlike you.

I'm not an actual software developer (not sure what an engineer is) but I can tell you that it sucks to sit down for hours looking through documentations and finding the most efficient solution to what you're trying to do. You have to enter an almost catatonic state, where you are truly autistic and have no social life or anything else, you only eat, shit, drink, piss, and most importantly, write scripts. This has a toll on your health, I personally felt like my blood had the consistency of syrup and stretching and getting up made me feel so dizzy and light-headed I could have passed out. I also felt a small lump the size of a pebble pass through the left side of my heart really fast and I jolted up from it instinctively. I don't think it was my aorta, but it was certainly inside my heart. This was months ago and I think I'm fine now. Point is, when you begin programming, your entire life will be centered around this program until it is finished, and when you finish it after a week or two, you will be lost without guidance. It's very likely that your software doesn't even get popular in the first place and you've ultimately wasted your time.

>dude just stretch and work out haha
If I do that, I lose focus on what I'm trying to do, and the product will ultimately be worse than if I had just sat down and did it all the way through.

I can say that today, when I have an idea for a script or program, I feel a huge sense of dread knowing I have to sit down for hours figuring out how to do it and to write the code to do it properly, not to mention the licensing of the product. Don't forget that with open-source software and Korean/Indian developers willing to work for shitty wages, you will find it very hard to make a living off of this. Even if you found your own start-up, it's not unlikely your service will fail or be forcefully bought-out by Silicon Valley. That's a story for another time, though.

tl;dr: It's not that comfy

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Yes you can, just learn it there are plenty of FREE resources online to learn. Then code some programs, websites etc and set up your own resume then bam start applying. It will take a couple months to learn properly tho

>reads the whole thing
yea fuck that shit. thats exactly what i thought it was, especially the dread part.

imagine being a white boi thinking they could get a programming job at this time. LMAO

>drinking the Jow Forums koolaid this hard

I want to be a web developer and make money from freelancing. I know a little bit of programming (C++) but I don't know much about front-end and back-end. After I learn how should I search for jobs or something? Make some projects and then send random e-mails so I can work? help please

>I don't know much about front-end and back-end.
...what other ends are there?
>how should I search for jobs
Learn specific database technologies like Firebase, MongoDB, and SQL Server. Learn UI toolkit frameworks like WPF, Cocoa Touch, and Android. List these on your resume. Make a LinkedIn account.

Oh wait
Why would you want to do web development?

I wonder who is getting quints

>I personally felt like my blood had the consistency of syrup and stretching and getting up made me feel so dizzy and light-headed I could have passed out.
Fucked up blood pressure and possibly dehydrated. Drink some water.

>I also felt a small lump the size of a pebble pass through the left side of my heart really fast and I jolted up from it instinctively.

You can't be this much of a brainlet. You probably just experienced heartburn or perhaps a heart palpitation. Bad diet and stress are the likely causes. Take some vitamins, eat better, and reduce stress. If that doesn't help, see a doctor.

followed this one job-ready guide on github (just search p1xt) since december. threw together some faggy projects and landed a dumb codemonkey job recently making 60k. not great obv but way better than my old McNigger job

Did you just complete the junior developer tier subjects? Or did you complete more?

look at this guy living the dream.
while im over here living in the projects working for amazon at minimum wage.
how the fuck do i get to your position in life?
hell where do i even start?
im tired of not being able to afford my dream car and home.

go 2 college :^)

Just work your way up the IT chain into a systems admin job or similar. I automate everything I can with scripts and literally spend 5-6 hours of my day reading and playing video games. The job is so meaningless that I actually wanted to get fired, so I just started leaving an hour early every day. Nobody even gave a shit, so for the last year I've been working 5 hours less a week and getting the same pay.

i dream in code

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Is there a hope if you don't have a degree? I have knowledge just not the degree... college is way too stressful for me...

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i fucking hate this video, gets recommended to me every day and its absolute bullshit

How do you even begin to get into IT. I knew some guys in high school that got into. They weren't even the school computer geeks. They just knew some people and started out with help desk jobs. That's what I was able to gather from talking to them.

i tried it and it felt like a major waste of time. I had a physics professor for a semester that literally was absent for half of it and only learned like very basic high school tier physics. and this was from an accredited private college in nyc.
i literally dropped out after seeing more professors bs their way into my Comp Sci courses despite having a 4 year scholarship and 3.4 GPA.
I'm thinking of attending a coding boot camp to avoid the bs from college.

I'm a software engineering intern at a large finance company and it is peak comfiness. I get a nice chair, 2 monitors + a laptop, and I can do stuff like watch videos while I work at my own pace.

Plus, the pay is insane and I'm just an intern. I make more than my parents combined, albeit at a significantly higher cost of living.

>not taking an accelerated bachelor's program and graduating in 2 years

Like 120 something, and yes i have a 4year comp sci degree , 2 years at community college , and 3 years at uni, failed a few classes.

In my case I took programming in college. I was okay at it, but I have fucked up anxiety and couldn't pass any interviews. So I just started applying to all IT jobs and managed to land one. When I started I knew very little, didn't even know how to forward ports on a router. I had some experience with Linux though which helped me stand out a lot. Just learned as I went, google is your friend.

I am a software engineer at Facebook in sf that graduated uni in December if anyone cares

Wrong post xyz

this is the old one i followed github.com/P1xt/p1xt-guides/blob/master/deprecated/job-ready-javascript-edition-3.0.md

Senior Software/Cloud engineer here. Make around 150k a year.

About me:
> Dropped out of college
> Did help desk for a while
> Learned to code so I could shitpost more
> Wound up getting promoted like 3-4 times since my apps kept being more efficient than the human workers

Normal day for me at my current job:
> Wake up at 8am
> Get to the office by 10:30.
> Make sure nothing has burned down from the night before (lot of really shitty legacy applications I'm in the process of rewriting)
> Couple other engineers ask me for advice
> Plan out processes for the next couple months in regards to removing old ass code.

The good:
> Work remote whenever I want
> My position is like three down from the CEO in terms of hierarchy
> Compensation
> Able to actually work with cool tech
> when I work remote I don't really do anything, just kinda play vidya.

The bad:
> When things burn down, I get called first. Regardless of the time.
> Legacy applications are the worst.
> Barely spend any time actually coding.

Non-business office jobs in general can be incredibly demeaning and miserable. Programming is all the worse because you will be surrounded by 90% nu males, most of which can't code worth jack shit and are awful to work with due to being quirky, indecisive, and spineless, and 10% strong independent womyn, all of which can't code worth jack shit and have an ego the size of manhattan.

If you get a job being one of just a few code monkeys in an overall non-tech company, it can be good, but it is still a bit of a frowned-upon career field that women and just about everyone else find repulsive, and your health will suffer greatly working in an office environment. If you work in an actual tech company, whose product is software, it will unironically be one of the shittiest experiences and worst life paths you can possibly take. Unless you yourself are an incompetent nu male. In which case, you will fit right in, and some poor miserable fucker will do everything for you behind the scenes.

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Well I'll start by saying I live in a country where wages are lower so I'm not living that lavishly. Also, my story is ridiculous so nobody will believe it:

I was a junior employee when the company was smaller and a more senior employee left the country with no notice to become a tranny and they desperately needed someone to pick up their role right away and chose me, and from there I've been promoted internally several times.
I did not go to university

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Learn node js. Most of the web applications nowadays run in Node, Python, or Go. Node is probably the easiest. Learn how to dockerize things. Start with backend development and work your way to front end, it's easier to build out the logic for worker nodes but fuck me if you ever force me to build a UI. NPM has some pretty good render tools for that though,

Picrelated: coding cyanide pill part 2.

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I'd also add learn how to integrate AMQP into your apps.

What diplomas do you have?
How did you get an internship and how long is it?

>work as an Air Traffic Controller
>make 100k a year
>get to retire early
>most stressful job in the world
>get to have a break every 10 min

I have it better than computercucks

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i didn't even know about this.
im applying for a coding Bootcamp that'll last for a year learning iOS app development. is it worth going to that or toward an accelerated bachelor degree?

robots im trying to get the fuck out of this place full of the most ghetto and trashiest people likely within the country. pls help

>im trying to get the fuck out of this place full of the most ghetto and trashiest people likely within the country

wut place is that?

the fucking public housing projects of nyc

I'm earning my degree to become a software engineer right now.

Do I need to be a normie to be one? I hear it's pretty robot friendly. I fucking hate working in an industry where everyone is expected to be normie as fuck. Can I lead a group project as a robot?

You are seriously giving me hope about joining the industry one day. Although I also hope to actually work on stuff that I actually want to work on.

i don't know it's kinda difficult. i understand building software making things i made chess from scratch, almost finished a bit torrent client.

when i sit down and try to do leetcode problems i struggle on some of the easy ones and hte medium ones are fucking difficult.

makes me afraid to ever interview as a programmer if i struggle to do them at home and come up with solutions it would be really bad doing it nervously in front of others. i would probably spend 30 minutes fumbling around to get a barely working solution.

There is a certain set of skills you need that nobody can teach you, though. You need to be really good at always looking busy when anyone's around, you need to always make sure that everybody is aware when you fixed a problem (without seeming like you're trying to make them know it), and you need to be genuinely capable and ready to jump into action if you're ever actually needed for anything. Seriously if you can prevent a couple real meltdown situations and make sure everyone knows it was you, they'll keep you on no matter what. Or they'll replace you with pajeets and go out of business a year later.

On that note if you speak a language other than English it's better to work in that language because there's less pajeet infiltration. If Indian people speak a Western language it's typically English.

Currently working as an intern at a big company as a software engineer. Can confirm, very comfy.

Thanks for the advice, user. I'm bad at making myself look busy, so I'll keep that in mind, but good at making people aware that I did something without being too forceful about it.

I am afraid that I'll never be truly capable though but we'll see. I'm still in the very early stages of learning.

Software Engineer here, 8 years experience.

It can be as comfy as it looks, depends on employer. I've worked at 3 companies and worked along side a few more on projects. They range from uptight stereotype office jobs that are uptight to comfy stereotype software engineer jobs where you turn up and leave as you please as long as you get your projects done.

I work in "flexitime", when I'm not doing meetings etc I can turn up and leave whenever, but obviously it takes 9-5 to do the work, but it's great if I have to go shopping one day without notice and I know I can make up for the time another day.

The money ranges from typical professional middle class wage which is great, to over 100k if you have the right motivation.

It's a great job with low stress and constant growth.

Software Engineering and Computer Science are not very difficult, especially compared to other STEM disciplines. For some reason many within the field think they're smarter than most people.

>telling women you're a programmer
just tell them you're an engineer lmao

Sure, it's a cloud world. MSMQ, Kafka, and MQTT are all good adds too.

I'm not a software whatever, but getting good money for undifficult work sounds pretty clever

I'm a systems engineer and work with about 9-10 software devs/engineers. The truth is it doesn't require you to be smart, you just need to be a minority. I'll detail some snippets from a lesbian female co worker of mine

> Never done a single piece of work in 9 months
> In daily reviews she doesn't get asked what she's done or what she's doing
> Pretending she's watching UDEMY videos, has headphones plugged into phone
> Deployed one HTML page with a boilerplate on, this was her personal project for 6 months, got a standing ovation
> Meant to be in 9:30-5:30 but gets in at 10:30 and leaves before 5

If I or any white male did this they'd be fired. But as she's a lesbo woman she'll never be fired. It's unfortunate.

The work itself isn't easy, and can be difficult, but learning/becoming one (which OP claims they cannot do) is not.
Also pursuing easy work for high pay isn't clever, it's obvious.

>get work whenever I want
>eat free meals, snacks, smoothies etc
>take breaks and do whatever
>shitpost on Jow Forums at work
>make six figures

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Amen brother. I turned a fun creative passtime into my job it started disliking it. Now I do something else entirely and enjoy programming again.

How old were you when you started learning code? How long did it take for you to be competent at it?

excellent points; much to think about!
I'm dropping out of this existence, be sure to continue these banal online pissing contests when I'm not around anons.

>The truth is it doesn't require you to be smart, you just need to be a minority.
Failed programmer cope

That sounds more like a project manager instead of a software engineer

> get in at 10:15 am, grab breakfast
> shitpost and eat brekky until 10:45-11:00
> code until 12:00, eat lunch
>1:00 shitpost until 2:00
>2-5 actual work/coding
>5-6 code review, menial tasks
>6 eat dinner with my manager and go home
>23 and make ~120k/year (FAANG)

All in all bretty good. Honestly wish my work was more intellectually demanding, but I am a full stack developer and have been doing a lot of front end recently, so it has not been that challenging recently

>makes a lot of money
>few hours of work
>can fuck around for most of it anyway
>no genetic requirements
sounds like you wanna be a farmer. All you need is the bare minimum business savvy and physical disposition to work on your land for a couple of years. After that you should be making enough to pay uneducated workers to do all your work for you.
I don't know how rural production is in america or wherever you are but even if there's no space for small producers in the mainstream markets I'm sure there are niches you can get into like honey or mushroom farms.
Use a lot of sunscreen and good luck user!

Did you faggot post that thread on Jow Forums?

Those videos are fucking garbage OP. They do not reflect what it's like REALLY being a softwrae engineer. They're mostly made by lying retards or people who have silicon valley tier jobs where they don't actually do anything.

Here's what being a programmer is really like:

>wake up like 10 minutes before work, no fancy SV tier breakfast or whatever faggot shit you see in the videos, maybe eat a banana or something, probably nothing
>rush to work and hate your life
>have bland shit tasting coffee at the office
>sit in your open plan faggot office layout next to your faggot autistic coworkers that you hate
>most likely your job is immensely mindnumbing shit, you basically reimplement the same garbage over and over in slightly different ways
>it's a rare day that you have something interesting to do, most programming isn't "novel" or "challenging", unless you're extremely lucky and have an R&D tier job
>don't live in the bay area so there's no trendy cafes around to go get your locally sourced horse semen salad, so you have some shit tier wrap from the shops run by muslims with roadkill in it
>can't take 10 hour lunches like in those retard videos, wolf down your food in like 15 minutes
>head back to the den of poorly lit depression
>"scrum" meeting where we're all forced to listen to the manager feel important and everyone stutters through their task list for the day
>back to your computer, you get an email/task/whatever about some retarded shit you need to do that's poorly specified and a retarded idea anyway
>midway through your work you get another email saying that the requirements have changed and all your work is useless
>boss/CEO walks in at 3 PM, stays for 30 minutes / sends emails that fuck everyone's workload up, then leaves in their sports car
>hate your life as you make this faggot even richer while getting paid next to nothing compared to what you're making for the company, and getting "options" in return that will likely never really be worth anything

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Not him, but it looks like he learned after he dropped out of college, anyone can learn to code if they have a decent intro course and time.

>needing a course
You'll never make it.

Depends on the company. I make $60k and my work is stressful because it seems no one knows what they are doing. Deadlines which you can never realistically meet, more and more hacks to just make things work, your software constantly crashing and leaking memory which are fixed with additional hacks.

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i hit the fucking char limit i hate this job so much

>head home depressed/frustrated at the end of the day
>probably get home by 7 given your commute and the retarded culture of "not leaving when you're supposed to fucking leave"
>by the time you finish your shit dinner you barely have a few hours of free time
>shitpost on Jow Forums and try to program in your spare time but your job has made you hate your former passion so you get nothing done
>go to sleep dreading what the fucking faggots you work with have fucked up in the previous day that you'll have to eventually work overtime to fix as everything comes crashing down

Being a programmer for a living is truly hell unless you're a drone who is happy to just follow orders blindly and doesn't care about what he creates at all. If you're any good as a programmer/are passionate about the field, working in tech will make you hate your life as all decisions on everything are made by people who shouldn't even be in charge of writing up a document on how to wipe your fucking asshole.

I quit working for companies long ago and do freelance shit and it's the only way that I can make it bearable enough to not neck myself. At least this way I can just tell my clients to go fuck themselves if they ask for overtime/extra free work or stupid shit.

genuinely considering agricultural life
I'm not too bothered with money

But I am a software engineer.

>It seems like the only job that's worth doing and seems extremely comfy.
It can be comfy, it depends on the project. In general though, comfy = extremely boring, and it's about how well you can handle boredom.
>Everyone on Jow Forums/reddit that's a software engineer seems to make 100k+ and say they barely do any work and play vidya/browse r9k or reddit during work
I don't make over 100k, but then I don't live in a big expensive city so the average salary for an engineer with my experience is in the 80k range, which would be considering starting salary in other places. It actually varies considerably if you look it up on sites like glassdoor, but you seldom see engineers anywhere making less than 65k/y

As for goofing off at work, only as much as you can get away with and it depends on how busy you are. I don't have access to a personal VPN at work so I don't dare browse Jow Forums on the company network, if it's even unblocked which I doubt. Video games and watching tv and shit are also no-go. I work in an open office layout so a lot of people can see my screen just by looking up from their work, no real privacy. These people who claim to do nothing but goof off all day either have private offices or are bullshitting, that or their company really doesn't give a shit which I could also believe based on what I've seen at some places.

> Everything seems relaxed too
It depends. I've been on projects where there was not enough work to go around for all the engineers so things were super slow and I spent most of the time dicking around on the internet or chatting with teammates. But there's also projects that are hell on earth. I'm on a really bad one right now with very little time to relax, high pressure from management too.

The only upside to being on a shitty project is that management, whenever they're not cracking the whip, basically fawns over your team and will concede almost anything you ask as far as work-life balance goes.

it's comfy. you don't need to be gifted. literal retards are programmers. we call them web developers. you could become one.

I know several web developers who can code circles around self-styled "full stack" engineers working at silicon valley companies. The real problem is assholes hired and promoted based on "culture fit" and knowing the right people who clearly have no real ability as a software developer and no concept of working on a team. These people typically end up on the management track since their friends in management want to keep them around even after it becomes apparent they are a liability in engineering.

I could tell you horror stories about working for Paypal.

it's a joke, like shitting on java for fun. the truth is, most devs are pretty shitty, nost just web devs.

It's boring stuff, full of soulless people doing soulless things. Pay doesn't matter due to the capitalism effect, you increase your cost of living so you end up needing even more to reach that bar of happiness.

Instead of programming learn AI/ML, it has better potential for exciting stuff and if it doesn't it truly is the kind of fraud that you're dreaming about (digital advertising)

How important are internships for a CS career? I'm going through college and I enjoy the comfiness of playing vidya over the summers.

Aren't you tired every single person out there thinks knowing the right people and networking as a skill is some kind of shocking discovery?

I used to have my horror stories too, they pale in comparison to literally everyone else, to hilarious degrees.

I'm just sick of hearing it. Mostly cause the last client i worked with (I work for a vendor) was full of those kinds of jock-y elitist engineers that sneered at web developers and none of them could code for shit. Their entire system was a fucking mess made by babboons and that's why we were brought in in the first place because none of them could figure out how to fix it.

Being a vendor is nice in some ways, we're insulated from the corporate politics of our clients for the most part, but the downside is they tend to give us the worst jobs. The worst clients are in silicon valley. The absolute worst. Terrible code quality on everything I've ever seen out of SV companies, terrible people, terrible corporate culture. Treat their contractors like slaves.

>web developers code circles around full-stack guys
You realize that UI is part of the stack? You're just saying that they tease the tip.

You realize web development is more than UI? No, you didn't, because you're a dunce who thinks he's hot shit because he doesn't know how to debug in a browser.

Retard. AI just knowing how to do really long if/elses. ML is just using statistical analysis.

i smell php or some faggot javascript framework on you nigga, you are one of them

You're a faggot. Web is HTML, which is UI. Deal with it, donglicker.

>being this much of a retard
neck yourself faggot

Prove me wrong, fat faggot.

Sounds like my McJob, but you actually get paid enough to live on your own and you don't have to do physical work.

>AI just knowing how to do really long if/elses
Nothing in programming is above doing really long if elses