Tfw the only way you'll lose your virginity is being raped by a girl like Anna

>tfw the only way you'll lose your virginity is being raped by a girl like Anna

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It's done for me
I'm over

but thats how i want to lose it

That will never happen lmao, go on Grindr and fuck a bottom sissy or twink, but if you really want to get raped find a dom TOP your boicunt

I'll always chicken out
It's either rape or marriage
that's the only way for me to have a the sex

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get out of you here you deranged faggot
always shilling faggotry

>a girl like anna could ever 'rape' me
you double faggot, I'd propose to her on the spot

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Even if she was hot as Anna I'd pussy out
and I ain't gay. I'd rather die

no you wouldn't
you'd melt in her embrace like a faggot and start crying the second she'd start hugging you and whispering sweet nothings into your ear

just like most of us would, really

Don't think I'd really mind if that happened. I mean, the second she saw my face it wouldn't. But it's a nice thought OP.

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Anna carried that show. MC is a homo.

Exactly. She'd have her way with me without my consent

>we'll never have a second season, even though it was rather successful and the crew was more than happy to do it
fuck this gay earth

You take that back. Tanukichi a good church going boa

Her seiyuu died. A lot of the magic would be gone.
>exhibitionist terrorist runs around with underwear on his face
>gud boi
He's just a wimpy virgin of a pervert.

>oh noes the girl I have a crush on is grinding her crotch on my face! eww!! I need to get away before I catch her cooties!
he was the worst part of the show by very, very far

He was just a good christian virgin boa is all
but yeah I agree. It pissed me off the first time I watched it

>tfw lost v card to girl rapist

She ruined me for marriage

Did you rape her back? Its only fair

I couldn't I was too broken up after

No girl could rape me so not really.

Well you can rape a girl too

Did you read the post? I's a good faithful community helping boa

Can't rape me if I have a small penis.

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>In college, 19 at time.
>Total social shut in, spent all times in my dorm room alone fapping to visual novels for social contact.
>Notice girl keeps appearing on my route to and from classes.
>Oblivious, so think nothing on it.
>Next week roommate indroduces me to same girl.
>"What a coincidence, I think I've seen you on the way to such and such." I tell her.
>She laughs and tells me "I was just following you around!"
>Should of been red flag, but I thought she was joking.
>Roomate introduces us, and I start hanging out with this new girl.
>We go out to eat with the few other loser friends I could tolerate. I pay for everyone's meal.
>Girl replies; "oh user, it's like we're dating."
>"Sweats nervously."
>Still hang out together for a few more weeks, but I start getting complaints from my friends.
>"Yeah, femanon totally interviewed me about everything about you." "Femanon asked me what your favorite foods were, and what your kinks were? Wtf man?"
>Think they're messing with me, still oblivious she likes me romantically.
>Another week goes by, one of the first times femanon and I are alone together.
>I close the door behind us in my dorm room.
>"user, I'm tired of you playing hard to get." She tells me in a cold dead pan voice.
>She fucking pushes me against the wall.
>Oh fuck Im a dead man.
>Now to prove this story is real and not a fap fantasy.
>Femanon has three inches and a hundred pounds on me, and I was a svelt 6'2 250 pounds then.
>She sticks her hand down my pants and gropes me.
>"Mm you like that user?"
>Push her the fuck away from me.
>Lecture her that I'm not that easy, I'm not ready for a relationship, and this is a huge breach of boundaries.
>*awkward silence*
>She runs out my room crying, calls me gay, and leaves.

And that's why stalker gfs are fun only in 2D.

Yeah okay. You got over powered by an amazon, okay.
I actually had something similar to what you said happen two semesters ago, excluding the meme ending

Don't worry OP, even rapists have standards

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