"today is the day I quit smoking weed"

>"today is the day I quit smoking weed"
>get home from work
>smoke weed
Non addictive my ass

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when I smoked weed, I felt like a slightly stupider, sleepier version of myself
it helped me realize I chose to play my entire life on high mode, but that also means weed doesn't do much for me

its all about replacing it. any addiction is. try kratom. i quit heroin by becoming an alcoholic. quit alcohol by using kratom.

They lied to us no shit but dont worry its not that bad i am able to stop every once and awhile but something always makes me come back

>its all about replacing it
Came to this thread to post this.

It's not physically addictive, you're just a weak minded cuck with no self control

idk who told you it wasn't addictive, but it is


Not OP, but weedfags ALWAYS say weed isn't addictive.

Is it true, that in some way everyone is addicted to something?

Same OP.
I'm sitting here debating with myself whether or not I should hit up my dealer to pickup.
Been telling myself "today is the day I quit" for a pathetic while.

I'm literally using weed as an enhancing drug. I literally fuck better, flirt better, have more confidence and a better time if you do just the right amount otherwise you become lazy and have to stay on the couch.

I bought a silicone bong for 20, a grinder for 13 and like 20 dollars worth of weed from a bi dude that has jars of it. Still haven't gone through half of it and I love it

>weedfags ALWAYS say weed isn't addictive.

It's emotionally addictive. But not physiologically addictive. ie you don't get withdrawals.

It's a clever sleight of hand by pothead because I would say that emotion is more powerful than body physiology.

>smoke weed every day for years
>Stop smoking
>Obsessive ceavings
>Feel super irritable and on edge
>Sweat like a pig every night
>Little appetite
>3 days later feel fine
>Still sweat at night a bunch
>Still having super crazy dreams

All in all it's really not that bad after the first break. I went a week without smoking, picked up a 20 sack, gave half to my friend, which I never do, smoked the 1.5gs left over in 2 days. I haven't smoked in 4 days and the cravings are way less severe this time and my appetite is fine. Weed is mostly psychological and any physical effects aside from appetite are probably just manifestations of your mental state. It's really not that bad and you feel much more clear headed after a little bit. What the other user said about switching your addiction is also true, I took up the fine plant tobacco for a week I didn't smoke, bit I've stopped that too. I'll probably get some weed on Saturday, but it's not at the forefront of my mind. Weed isn't an opiate or alcohol, so essentially just stop being a puss.

>But not physiologically addictive. ie you don't get withdrawals.
this is false

Yeah, but they last for like a week, don't happen to everyone (typically only if you are a daily user), and aren't any worse than sugar withdrawal. It's nothing like trying to quit cigs, alcohol, or any other common vice.

Why would you ever want to stop other than to save money? If you're a type A person you'll be fine.

Anyway the way to quit anything without withdrawal is to taper off gradually so you don't shock your system. Just exercise a little will

What can replace fapping?
yeah, the brain needs dopamine or whatever it is gives pleasure. Normies' addictions just happen to be about positive social feedback, social media and weekend alcohol binges.

Its all in ur mind bro some drugs wuth enough exposure can cause ur body and mind to become dependent on it to actually function

>What can replace fapping?

Try having sex

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Anything can be mentally addictive. You're mentally addicted to thinking.

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