Germany has never won a war

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In the war that mattered most, you won, yet you still lost everything

Less than 75 years after WWII, Germany is reunified, has the strongest economy in Europe, has a leader that spearheaded the migrant crisis & cultural / demographic destruction of France, UK and all former Allied Nations within Western Europe...

>boasting about causing the migrant crisis

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of course they are boasting it now.

They understand that they are africa now

>Implying winning is a good thing to boast about
fuck off kike

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its bait you retard, you caused the migrant crisis with france and the US when you bombed lybia

>european australian 92%
>european german 93%
ayo hol up

>strongest economy in europe
>weakest military

Good old European bants.

First of all, by defeating germany you allowed degeneracy to spread. You shot your own lag, idiot. Look what this wolrd has become.

And secondly, you didn't defeat germany, but a union of many nations was necessary to even stand a chance against germany. You are as pathetic as muslims and niggers teaming up and suckerpunching 1 vs 5.

The third point is, that germany was able to become a economical power just after a few years after it's collapse. Not every nations is capable of it, if not the only one.

Actually Libya was Frances party but UCucks helped

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I'm pretty sure that, as of today, Poland could defeat Germany

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It went before that, Irak for ex. Also you had a ton of Turks coming in the 70s.

Marshal plan, debt forgiven and US making you a bastion against the USSR. But sure you still had the right mind set.

US helped too, Hillary was very happy when Gadaffi was dead.

yes, but the turks are not comparable to the people coming now. turks are 4% of the population and dont cause massive problems, but turkish guest workers was also an american plot.

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only in very very quick blitzkrieg.
there are more than twice as many germans as us and their manufacturing capabilities dwarf us hugely.
any kind of overdrawn conventional war would be a loss for us, the only chance is to hit them before they can mobilize and thats impossible due to german secret service

So Germany is like that salty fuck in an online racing game that has lost all chance of winning, so he drives in the wrong direction trying to hit the other cars?

Why the heck didn't we just annex you guys after WW2?

oh also that, germans know very well what they are doing leaving military in that state.
they dont need to have active military force because they are dominating all their neighbours economically and are very satisfied with this state.
if they wanted they could kick the amerimutts out of their country and remilitarize in 10 years tops.
mind that i dislike germans as much as anyone but underestimating them with their pop and economy is a fools errand

I didn't know it was even publicy revealed the US put pressure for the immigrants to come...
But still they were always a problem in the long run (or more like their children) especially with Edrogan transforming Turkey into an islamist caliphate and pushing his shit.

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The main reason is that they have several american bases on their territory so they don't have to have a strong army.

american army is the biggest employer in germany afaik also that was part of the deal of marshall plan, it gives mutts the illusion of controll and germans throwing them out would hurt their trade with america severly and they are not really bothering anyone besides some butthurt nationalists

Franco-Prussian war though

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The German army is not capable of fast efficient projection and is not an attack force, more of a defence force or international cooperation. Alone against an opponent it would be weak.

atleast I don't a license to live

Google it, you fucking moron.

"Muur I'm a poor Bong and I feel like shit cuz the bobbies take away moi knoife, the telly (I've paid my loisence, so stay away Mr. Coppuh) tellz me that the first brits were black, the celts were black and pracitcally all Bongs of note were secretly black as well, and now we've had le 56% royal wedding and Tommy Robinson has been arrested for speaking out against child-groomers.
I know, I'll post some stupid bait on Jow Forums, maybe that will make me feel better".

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As soon as a politician would try to kick the US military bases from Germany something bad would happen to him. If they wanted they could have a huge ass army but the thing is they can't on the (((political))) side and the population is also anti war.

you had to rally up the whole world to fight us because you couldnt do it yourselves

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suddenly you didn't want austria or bohemia or shitload of other places you claimed or invaded, you just wanted danzing and it's not your fault you attacked soviets after getting danzig

and thats all they need to be, as i said germans can put all their factory power into military production in case of an invasion as long as their army hold a few months and dwarf us after that

France wants to make a European army starting with France and Germany but the Germans refuse...

well germany already had austria, i think you can make a fair case for attacking the soviets, without any western support germany might have even won. obviously nonagression is always goat, but if one should be clensed it would be the soviets.

Nazi Germany had almost 3x our population at the time, loads of better equipment more and ethnical/cultural unity. Now they have turkish gangs, ethnic crisis and lgtb army

because that would pull the power from german hands and put them in """paneuropean""" hands giving the eu council actual non meme means of enforcment.
germans dont want a paneuropean state, they want germany and german colonies.

Your countrymen unironically re-elected Merkel

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You allied with the whole continent and Japan because you couldn’t take us on yourselves

you've got sucicided Kraut. the fact you even lasted so long is impressive, but none country could possibly invade everyone around and win

The thing is, is it Germany or (((Germany)))? We don't have real leaders caring for their people in Western Europe since quite some time now.

True. The good guys lost

My countrymen are not here making stupid threads on Jow Forums

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Our economic military complex has the ability to advance massively within weeks, but the american occupation of europe and international restrictions make any spending on our military unnecessary. Not even to mention the EU army that was created secretely in the first place and its potential capabilities in case of necessity are still kept secret

its not like in time of war germans wouldnt stick together
it was close at times
but overall the plan was probably to invade the soviets without any western wars

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leaders never cared about their people, its just now that focus got switched from glory/clay to profit

Not true to some extent, they cared enough for their country to not become shit (some kings even went into battles and charged). Now we have infiltrated enemies as leaders.

thats the part of glory, and its only because you couldnt buy respect and obiedience as easily then

>Also you had turks coming in the 70s
Dude , you had niggers in your country in the 19th century.

Friendly reminder that Anglo vs German animosity is a made up 20th century jewish trick.

For christsakes, you bongs likes the French more than Germans these days. THE FRENCH!!!

Every nation supported the slow but steady trend of globalism/mass migration. Merkel just managed to push the agenda to an extreme to increase anti-americanism and actually use the migrants to push our economies

Nah, sure some did it for glory but some genuinely cared about their country, they had honor.

Slaves and they must have been 0.001% of the population (and if they did anything wrong you could be sure they would be guillotined). Immigration really began in the same time as Germany at the end of the Algerian war.

Say the guys that took an anti-Napoleon French general as their kings...

i wholeheartedly wish you are right and they did

>its not like in time of war germans wouldnt stick together

Germans might, but Turks and others may have other goals in mind.

1/10-1/20 don't seem like a lot of enemies but don't forget they are now also part of your economy and production line. It may screw up your biggest advantage at the moment

>but overall the plan was probably to invade the soviets without any western wars

yea you could've like try some peace treaty with the west before invading soviets? or you could've try at least stabilize what you got so far, but rushing moscow in winter was realy fucking retarded

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>There but for the grace of God, go I
Didn't a brit say that? They've got slavic blood in them now, they'll survive anything. I'm not too worried about germanbros.

That's top notch propaganda.
People from everywhere in the world fought for the nazi regime, including more french people than the amount of french on the allies side.

The nazi regime was cancerous and brutal, but so were the global and communist ones. Our populations were screwed by the global elites and nationalism was the answer

The regimes of sweden, norway, austria and others were indeed opposing nazi germany, but the support of their populations was far bigger than the opposition. Limiting the thinking of ww2 to countries or governments is nonsense; it was a war of ideologies

I don't know how we can say, "we", beat them. Would any highly knowledgeable people of WW2 would care to share their assumptions of what might have happened if it was truly Germany vs. the UK, if there was no soviet bullshits or American involvement?

I know Germany was more advanced in weaponry, but wouldn't our navy and air force eventually triumph over their invasion?

fpbp /thread

>but rushing moscow in winter was realy fucking retarded
thats more of a meme, the west didnt want to help germany or stay neurtral, they lost their shit over poland and gave it to the soviets, they wanted war and german agression was a perfect trigger. without western help germany could have won against russia

Look up the Battle of Britain. Germany literally tried to invade us and couldn’t.

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My grandpa is convinced the Amricans would have supported hitler against communism had he not been a retard and declared war on us. More americans supported vid related than the media is willing to show.

>t. moron

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>thats more of a meme, the west didnt want to help germany or stay neurtral, they lost their shit over poland and gave it to the soviets, they wanted war and german agression was a perfect trigger. without western help germany could have won against russia

but you've already had war with west when you invaded Russia...
you are saying it like your leaders didn't realy pay attention to what was going on and didn't modify their strategy since like 1933

Are you actually refuting what I said? Lmao

If it was Germany vs Britain at 100% they would obviously have focused far more on navy and airforce.

Anglos deserve a bullet to the head

they lost the battle at grunwald in 1410

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You're an island. They last time you were successfully invaded your entire army was all the way up in Northumbria or whatever busy fighting the vikings. Don't mistake fortunate geography to competence on your part, organising D-Day was not exactly a walk in the park either, and you had the world's resources and the world's greatest naval powers working together and working hard as fuck to pull it off.

britain and france declared war in 39 over poland, if that didnt happen germany could have beat a soviet union if they didnt recieve western funding

Imagine being so much of a drooling fucking brainlet that you actually think we 'WON' WW2. OH NONONONO BWHAHAHAHA, WHAT A RETARD LOOOOOOOOL.
>MFW pic related

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The war machinery was the only way to create last longing jobs and make the economy flourish, but a war economy based on debt without war inevitably leads to a collapse.

it is impossible to talk about a war between nazi germany and britain without including other countries because the war effort is too high for either side. If we reduce it to a british sea blockade and germany not invading others, the debt inevitably crashes the whole economy, even before the food supply gets too critical


>forgetting about: Prussia, Alsace-Lorraine, Austria, South Tyrol, Silesia, Pomerania
Also if you guys could annex the d*tch, that would be great

it the reunification of the german people not lands

Yup, the american media actually hyped him including the olympic games, times person of the year and other fancy stuff. The death camps were even mentioned few times, but as small articles hidding within the magazines

The american establishment used to support the nazo regime against communism and britain, to force britain to take debts. At the same time they stole the nazi-occupied coubtries gold

The declaration of war against america was absolutely brilliant to be frank.
In june 41 operation babarossa started. they declared war against america in december of 41, when the invasion turned out to be a failure already and winning the war was out of sight.
We killed millions of soviets and soviets weren't part of the geneva convention - declaring war against america and an american invasion sounds like heaven when millions of mad barbarians are preparing to genocide your reich

Franco-Prussian war.

Germany was winning in '41. It was barely a war until '43.


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Friendly reminder, to both myself and everyone else that OP is a shill who wants to stirr up animosity inorder to distract from happenings such as the speech on speaker's corner and the AfD protest in Berlin

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you had the european economies and their militaries and you were on our doorstep. we had to defend all parts of the empire against you and the nips ALONE.

just ignore the shill

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You attacked everybody you fucknugget, we wouldn't even ally with Russia if you weren't a retard.

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The wehrmacht has suffered more than 730000 casualities until november '41 and was running low on supplies. They also just figured out that they cannot supply the soldiers through the luftwaffe, as expected by his advisors and that britain is supporting their militarization.

Stalingrad was the highlight of the war, but hitler's table talk makes it clear that he blames mussolini was the late invasion of russia and he stated in other documents that the only chance to defeat soviet union is an occupation of stalingrad to secure tge oil fields before winter kicks in

Neither have you in the last century plus, you get your limey asses kicked and then call for our fat asses to come help, we win the war and you gloat about your superiority.

I disagree

>Defend all parts of the Empire ALONE

Nice job exposing yourself, Schlomo

I feel so much shame and embarrassment for Britain, every time they try and shitpost now every other country in the world teams up against them. Poor pathetic Britain.

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>I didn't know it was even publicy revealed the US put pressure for the immigrants to come...
You foreigners don't know a lot of things.

>Why the heck didn't we just annex you guys after WW2?
You did.

Wait, you unironically believe that germany "is resposible" for the migrant crisis? Single-handedly?

No wonder everyone makes fun of you. Wow. Just wow.

>Your countrymen unironically re-elected Merkel
You think the elections are legit?

Not talking Germany per se right now. You think elections in the world are legit? Why? Because politicians are especially honest people?

>My grandpa is convinced the Amricans would have supported hitler against communism had he not been a retard and declared war on us. More americans supported vid related than the media is willing to show.
FDR was hell-bent on fighting Germany, Hitler or not, Nazis or not, Jews or not. L2history.

Woke germans make me wet

nazis were big autists who thought they were alpha but got stomped on and cucked by Commies

Britain doesn't need to lose a war in order to die

Nah mate cucked beta commies got Hella dildos sent to them so they could fight and took them forever still and even needed more help

The largest british railway network in the UK is the deutsche bahn