This is the average white/sand nigger woman

This is the average white/sand nigger woman.

Attached: C05UT7mVQAA-R6d.jpg (900x1200, 172K)

So I report her for terrorism. Fucking mudslimes need to get out of my country.

She's hideous without makeup. Someone post the pic cause im taking a shit right now


Attached: pokimane.jpg (1600x1600, 306K)

She's alright looking even without makeup, is the e-whoring the problem.

does she wear a wig too???

>she is alright looking even without make up
Orbiter detected
look at this you stupid nigga

google her side profile

Attached: 1552250951605.gif (400x400, 1.76M)

She has the most npc face ever like why the actual niggerfuck is makeup even legal.

do you understand how averages work?
if this was average, then half this board would barf on her and anyone looking like her and would jack off to even better looking females

Is this really not photoshopped? I'd need to see more to believe it

This girl refused to talk about her religion, she probably supports sharia law

It's real dude sorry to break your dreams
Just Google it : sandnigger without make up and it will show up

She wants to be Asian so bad

this is why she uses filters to smooth the area around her nose so much

Attached: goblin poki.png (351x467, 186K)

Reflect on what you just said, then google sharia law you idiot.

Why does she look like an oblivion character?

OH NO NO NOcvbxcvbnxcb

Attached: david-spade.jpg (1000x563, 497K)

she photoshops her skin 10x brighter. its actually a little pathetic

No fuckingway hahahahah

This "joke" was never funny, you newfag redditor.

to be fair it's shitty quality/lighting/angle all in one pic. Almost anyone would look like shit under those conditions. she's posted plenty of photos without makeup and don't look that fuckin atrocious

Attached: DqTTMGwU8AAboBP[1].jpg (1200x900, 181K)