Alright, a nigga needs some help

Alright, a nigga needs some help.
>in Army
>move into new barracks
>apartment style with one roommate
>get kinda douche bag roommate
>mostly ignores me which I'm fine with
>one day, taking nap
>dude comes in from grabbing lunch
>blares his Bluetooth speaker with the heaviest bass boosted nigger rap possible
>this has been a reoccurring incident
>ask him to use headphones or something
>"if you don't like it then leave"
>two can play at this game
>currently buying the biggest, most bass heavy Bluetooth speaker I can find
>need the most obnoxious music possible
>preferably music that parodies nigger rap
Help me find some shitty music that'll drive this faggot crazy

Attached: E3FE8761-A86E-47E5-A9EC-184CEB6B7987.jpg (602x424, 33K)

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Why don't you look up the playlist the Christchurch guy used and play that

Frag your CO to get your point across

Tyler the Creator
'What the fuck right now'

Search Hopsin No Words. Its hilarious.

play youtube videos of whales crying or loud animals fucking

Eurobeat and doujin music, the lolicore ones will piss him off

Every actual nigger hates tyler, so it should work.

Gangsta rap - nigga nigga nigga

search gayK - the rape and just put that shit on repeat. that will do the trick
Prepare to get fragged by pals later.
There's probably more, but I can't think of it. Good luck, user, and godspeed.

Looks like it's my turn to shine. This should drive him crazy!

Play this at max volume, and wear ear plugs, I guarantee this shit will get him to change his ways. No way he'll be able to stomach this kind of "music" for an appropriate amount of time.

Godspeed user, and please post the results.

Play Ram Ranch on repeat.

Oh, if that doesn't work, you can play this -

The first one he may actually get used to and start to enjoy kind of like I did (but I highly doubt that will be the case.) Consider switching to this if that happens -

No normie will be able to withstand this assault on their ears.

Can't you report it to your CO or whoever covers apartment living?
>Tfw OP must become a nigger to stop a nigger.

Attached: 1534893044531.jpg (640x640, 97K)

> Good guy that fights for Israel
> $0.01 has been deposited into your account

Just play dadrock and 80s pop
They can't stand that shit
t. Airman 1st class

Play some Johnny Rebel

play crank dat moonman version

Play that "pants on the ground" song.

Just loop this 24 hours a day 7 days a week.