Dear user
Why don't you want to give Roasty a chance?
She made some mistakes so did you, and if you had the same opportunities as she did you would have probably done the same.
Why all this hypocrisy?
Dear user
even roasties don't like me
>implying I wouldn't date a roastie and raise her half black kids if I could
I have nothing
just wait till they are 30yo+
I've turned away every opportunity for sex. I want to wait until marriage. I could have one desu but I won't settle.
I would work to raise her half-niggling while she stays at home and fucks her ex-bf Jamal all day. All I would ask of is that every Saturday they would let me watch.
roasties are damaged women. their mate selection mechanism is broken and damaged. she does not prioritize her own protection. she has no boundaries. she wants simple pleasures. she has the golden gift of female eggs, what birth the humans. and she throws it around like a chewtoy for men to use for her own pleasure. she is a defective female and she will pass those qualities on to offspring. she would damage and ruin the child with her stupidity.
roasties cannot be reformed because they are bad mother material. if you do all of that in the first place, you clearly have no idea that the female egg has inherent value to the world in the form of CREATING HUMANS and you would be a bad mother. she had every choice to not take that dick. the first few she took i'm sure she felt awful like she was just being used as a fleshlight and it ate her up inside. but she kept going because other women are doing it and she wants to play that primal female game of "i'm hotter than that bitch.." and conform to societal standards. mentally weak.
she is inherently valueless because she doesn't value the one thing that makes her valuable (her eggs) and she had shown bad judgment every single dick she took. they were all her choice to take. once you are about 3 dicks down you're lost. she isn't prioritizing herself, her future children or her family. she never will. she's too damaged.
worthless female. she'll kill herself at 30, but at least some people got some use out of her by busting some nuts in her.
worthless men however just need to get a good job and use their time more wisely and discipline themselves and they can be effective parents and people because men can inherently form deep bonds. roasties, however cannot.
men CAN be reformed. women cannot.
I feel like its our duty as men to let these woman sink. Woman have every conceivable advantage when it comes to dating and still fuck it up, then like clockwork decide that the guys who weren't good enough to fuck them in their prime are suddenly good enough to take care of them and their children. If we don't punish them then balance will never be restored, even if it means dying alone you should never let a roastie off the hook because all you're doing is aiding in creating a world where they get away with treating lesser men, our brothers, like shit.
fuck roasties. i want a mother for my children.
pic related is the absolute -ideal- for mother material. you can see it on her face and in her genetics.
reward these women, even if only 5/10s. let roasties rot in their stew of sperm. i'd rather have a fucking mother for my children. not some sexualized fucktoy to bang.
i just imagine a stinky fatass writing angerly all that stuff
anyway, their mechanism of mate selection isn't broken son, what they are doing makes perfect sense. They are trying to get Chads superior genes and then settle down with a beta provider, cucking is the perfect strategy for a female.
>cucking is the perfect strategy for a female
not for the quality of the children, which is the problem. single mothers statistically ruin their children and turn them into either beta males who are too attached to mommy or psycho, hyper-masculine males who end up in jail. neither are good results.
>roasties are damaged women. their mate selection mechanism is broken and damaged.
there is just no evidence for this. the best you guys can do is post that chart that shows that people who have had more sex partners are less likely to be in a marriage that lasts a long time.
correlation does not equal causation. we do not know if that statistic has anything whatsoever to do with "their mate selection mechanism". it could entirely be due to the fact that a lot of guys don't want to marry women who've taken 20+ dicks. think about it.
the evidence for these crybaby incel theories of "damaged sluts" is pathetically weak. if it were the case, why are there so many tell-all books by former porn stars who seem totally lucid and not damaged at all? why is Taylor Rain a successful realtor with a husband now?
>single mothers statistically
Do you understand what cucking means?
She gets pregnant from Chad and then finds a stable beta provider. How the fuck is that a single mother?
everytime i see this pic i got this deep sadness because i'll never marry her, and even if she knew me, i would be less than garbage for someone like her.
>not for the quality of the children,
that's only if they stay single, which sure a lot of them do, but many don't. hell two of my cousins got railed by teenage chads (white) who both ended up dead or in jail but both of them found simp white betas to marry them and raise the kids. it happens
Not him but, they aren't usually implying that the female goes insane due to too many dick.
It is just that to have that level of sexual dishinibition either due to genetic or environmental factors (doesn't matter) the female in question isn't likelly to be a stable monogamous partner and a good parental figure thus it is a very bad investment.
>cucking is the perfect strategy for a female.
True. Only woman who are too stupid and irresponsible to lock down a beta will actually suffer. The only way to fight back is to not be that guy.
>it could entirely be due to the fact that a lot of guys don't want to marry women who've taken 20+ dicks
why do you think men don't want that? could it be that their behavior shows they prioritize their own mindless pleasure and wouldn't make a good monogamous partner to build a family with? do you think it's just random chance the more partners a woman has the less likely she is to stay married?
>if it were the case, why are there so many tell-all books by former porn stars who seem totally lucid and not damaged at all?
r-selected women
>why is Taylor Rain a successful realtor with a husband now?
because some men are beta males and some women have high IQs while still being r-selected
>The only way to fight back is to not be that guy.
Either be the Chad or don't partecipate at the game
"fuck women" in both meanings of the frase
>because some men are beta males and some women have high IQs while still being r-selected
sure that seems totally plausible. but my point is that this does not prove in any way the idea that taking lots of dick permanently damages a woman or that there is some type of "mate selection" module that gets ruined.
literally *all* of the negative effects to sluttiness, assuming you don't get an STI or a kid, could also be explained by other people's social reactions to the sluts - nothing has changed about them physically or psychologically.
I want that skirt
And the body
again not him
but the fact that she is or was "slutty" means that she will have significant issues in being a monogamous partner, just based on the pattern of previous behaviour
in the same way an alcoholic will forever struggle with his dependency, the roasty/slut will always have the cravings because she got hooked on dicks
actually when people have sex they release oxytocin, which is a bonding hormone. this is surpressed to an extent when on birth control, but it gets released during sex and especially if having an orgasm. it changes them. especially after repeatedly doing it with multiple partners, effectively bonding and unbonding people constantly. it changes both men and women and both have increases in declining mental health after having lots of partners because of it. physical change that is linked to psychological changes.
she called me retarded and stupid on a lot of occasions
>mfw 120 iq the bitch cant compete
what are you talking about, wrong thread fag