Be male

>be male
>be prostitute
>be straight
>also let men fuck your ass
>friends tell you that's gay
>you say it's not gay if you're not into it
>they still say it's gay to let men fuck your ass

lesbians let guys fuck them for money all of the time so are they straight?

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yes theyre str8 so are u

20 dollars is 20 dollars

Yeah its okay gay if you actually like it not if it's just for money.

Technically you have a point, but people are really uptight about who can and can't wear the straight label because you lose so much status for being anything else.

How much do you get paid? And how do you look? We need details.

Depends on what I'm doing. Blow jobs can run you 20 dollars and sex will run you 100, I do other things too but the cheapest you could get from me would be foot jobs.

>lesbians let guys fuck them for money all of the time so are they straight?
Yes, lesbians are a myth that only exist in yuri doujinshi.

I got into doing this in high school after coming to terms with not getting my growth spurt. I started dressing like a girl and pretending to be guys dates or girlfriends for a fee.

It devolved into pure prostitution when a guy offered to pay to fuck me in college, I used this opportunity to experiment and see if I liked dick. I didn't really. The experience would've been a little better if he had a condom.

I made 150 so a guy could fuck my ass for an hour, seemed like an easy deal so I just kept doing it.

How long have you bee doing this? Aren't you afraid of getting aids or something?

2 years. I make the guys wear condoms and I take the necessary shots and pills

Can I fuck you in the ass? I'll pay.

to some, a male being attracted to and wanting relationships with other males = gay
to others, interacting with a phallic object = gay

basically u do u and don't care for what other people label you

Have you ever had a female client or is that just not a thing

Did you go HRT route to preserve your looks?

>lesbians let guys fuck them for money all of the time so are they straight?
[citation needed]
Protip bishits are not lesbian

I started doing this when I was 15 and charged extra to guys that knew I was underage 23 now have have made about 200k not including benefits and saved none of it (I dont have aids always used a condom except for the couple of times I got raped or that one time for 3k)

It's not gay AT ALL, it's a job that's it, is a doctor gay for giving another Male a testicle or prostate exam?

>made about 200k not including benefits and saved none of it
>saved none of it
Why not?

Always figured id end up getting a real high paying job and that all that money was free to waste

A high paying job through your long experience as a male prostitute?

I was still going to college and you would be surprised how much you learn about interacting with people and their desires (something that can be transferred to almost all disciplines)

So you're on Wall Street now, I assume, serenading Blankfein with the vast knowledge acquired by sucking cock?

Nothing you can say will divert me from my self belief
You never know, user.