Tranny hate general #08 - /thg/ - kill degenerates edition

God why are trannies so pathetic? such pitiful human dregs

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Other urls found in this thread:

>striking a cute anime girl
Incels really are the modern nigger

every two days I shave my whole body, everyday I put on makeup, I eat a balanced and nutritious diet, its a lot of work. I know you feel insecure. All men have to do is wipe their asses. You're the closest gender to a chimp.

Transitioning is so easy. It's so funny ppl are so scared of gender.

It's not an anime girl. It's a guy who dresses as a maid for his job. Also he isn't even a tranny so I don't know why OP is posting him lol

>striking a ((((cute)))) anime ((((girl))))

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Shut the fuck up transphobic scum, you are the most worthless pieces of shit on this earth.

t. seething tranny ahhahahahha
kill yourself

how is that image even relevant?

your parents must be so dissapointing about you, just imagine having a tranny child hahaha

Is this what goes on in these threads? People pretending to be trannys so other anons can roast them, despite knowing damn well they aren't actually trannies?

I'm actually trans though. I am so fucking tired of transphobic bigots posting shit like this.

this board is fulll of tranny faggots
obvious bait

Tom boys are better

Attached: Trap v Reverse Trap.png (961x1200, 884K)

wow delete this fucking thread you are NOT WELCOME here with this hateful and offensive bullshit. Jow Forums is an inclusive and accepting space if you want to spew hatred and bigotry FUCK OFF to Jow Forums

Reminder if your a tranny, or even a (((trap))) you'll get at the day of the rope

Attached: Fug traps.jpg (1024x990, 96K)

hahahaha How could traps even compete? hahhaha

Attached: Reverse Traps are Better.jpg (1080x1064, 115K)

bumping orgial originality 1

lol, a real woman wouldnt have to do any of that, unnatural freak


Please post more trap abuse! I beg you. It turns me on.

bumping bumper bump 2

bumpin bumoer bump no 2

Why do they do it then? Your life is a bigger meme than the idea of trannies themselves.

t. pathetic tranny seething

you fucking seething tranny newfag nigger FUCK OFF LOLOL
Thanks for the laugh user, kill yourself now

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t. 500 pound 4 inch dick manlet

>hahahaha i get gay std sex from other freak rejects of society and you dont! incel! incel!

When will the trannies learn?

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dilate your gaping wound.

>you can use a condom
>you can get tested
>you can still be faithful to one partner

you will kill yourself in 10 years anyways

>You're the closest gender to a chimp.
That's not how gender works, my guy.

you're seriously this pathetic trying to explain to me that you're engaging in HOMOSEXUAL ACTS AS A TRANSEXUAL AND HOW YOU CAN BE SAFE ABOUT IT? holy shit you're one retarded nigger. you're a fucking freak you dumbass. tie that rope now, you won't be needed later

bumpimg bumping bumps 343

thank god I can finally be free from this hell


>feeling sympathy for 2d characters
they aren't real and dont have feelings you fucking degenerate

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>the poltards have violent fetishes for us and even spend all day drawing us together

harapan is the best fetish

how is your gaping wound going, tranny?

You are literally retarded. It is not a cutey. It is a guy.

More tranny ryona pls this is hot

This is what happens when you cater to the mental illness of the trannies and give them loopholes. Trannies are nothing short but a liability to humanity & society who must be suppressed.

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people tend to cunfuse pure crossdressers with the mentally ill
a hefty price, but worth it if it gets the trannies away

Welcome to Jow Forums you fuck downy, go back to tumbler

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then go back to your fucking containment board, Cock-Chopper.