My brother is a fucking heroin dealer

my brother is a fucking heroin dealer
my household will never be comfy again

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So, fuck some passed out junkies. Idiot.

he does that shit at home/while livign at home? older or young bro?

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I don't know if he uses it but he does weed and molly and drink a lot. he's 17.

older or younger if you really care/want to stop it you have to narc to at leasr your parents. if theyre the type to call law before talking to him first maybe consider another option. im sorry ive never had this kind of thing in my life so idk how to give proper advice but being a drug dealer is almost never a good path and i hope he gets better and that your family can become comfy again in the best way. sometimes you need pain and tears and a revalation beofr eyou stop. i never dealt or even was into drugs but i was/am an alcoholic and while it was awful to admit and go through the steps with my family, it also helped to know they had my back

i know i have to tell my parents and i will eventually. the part that sucks about this is i was really mean to him when we were younger because i'm a piece of shit and our relationship never really recovered from it despite both of us trying. this will completely obliterate it and i'll be that much farther from making things right.

user save your brother before its too late otherwise you'll lose him to gang wars

im going to assume youare older than your brother since he is only 17 and haha underage kids are banned on here all the time. im an older brother as well. i just graduated undergrad at 28 years old after years of fucking/drinking around and felt like a piece of shit too. my younger brother got a job right after college paying 6 figures and has been promoted after just 2 years making even more. i felt like a disgrace for so long and even felt like i couldn't talk to my younger brother without him judging or ridiculing me for a while. again this may be completely dif from your situation but i learned that he still looked up to me somehow. and still wanted to talk to me about life and the future and about how scared he is about things. its your responsibility as your brother's brother to set things right user. dont let it pass by. please. dont let insecurities and worries stop you from reaching out. doesnt matter how successful or how shit their lives are. blood is blood and i think your brother may need to hear what you have to say. if you think being in person isnt your strong point, send him an email. sometimes words in our hearts come out into something thats so much smaller when said through our own words but writing gives us a chance to edit and rewrite and reconsider and give as much of our heart as we can. it doesnt need to be eloquent but ive always found the written word to work well in situations like this. good luck op. hope you and yours are healthy and happy.

Lucky you, close dealer

just IV some and it'll get really comfy user

Cut him out of your life. My brother was a heroin user and dealer for a long time. He's just going to abuse and steal from you and your family. Expose this to your parents asap. Get him out.

There is no saving these people. Even when they get off the hard stuff, they'll smoke cigarettes and weed, use alcohol all the time, and manipulate everyone around them for their personal benefit. Please save yourself before you get hurt.

Why the fuck does he sell drugs out of his own home? Black people have something called the trap. Tell him to get a trap and not to bring that foolishness to his own home.

OP won't be able to deliver time stamped proof and therefore is lying.

Don't waste your time with his LARP.

>blood is blood
Your little brother wasn't a fuckface junkie. "Blood is blood" is a meme made up by Pixar. Great that you could patch things up with your brother, but understand that once you get deep into this shit, you never turn back. OP doesn't get to have a brother anymore.

i was informed orally

fair point having a successful younger brother is much dif than a fuckup but i still want to advise op to try and reach out and help if he can. older brothers have a surprising amount of sway and hold over younger siblings and i guess i just wanted op to realize people can change

thank you user. i'm going to try but i have a feeling it's going to end poorly.

There's always a reason for LARPers. Pics or it didn't happen.

i wish the best for you, its not going to be easy but keep at it if you really want a hapy family again. this is obvious but remember that while he is your brother, he is also another human being. as embarrassing as it is, it took me a while to think about how my own brother might have his own thoughts and intentions and i stopped thinking of him just as my lil bro and as another human being who i needed to respect and take into consideration. cheers

Fucking hell, new user and you guys love your paragraphs huh

lol ive been drinking and feel very strongly about brotherly bonds so i ended up writing more than i may have about my feelings. welcome friend

>my household will never be comfy again
It could be very comfy again if you do some smack.

Become a heroin dealer yourself and take his turf.

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