So I've started taking 50mg sertraline daily for GAD and the side effects are fucking atrocious

So I've started taking 50mg sertraline daily for GAD and the side effects are fucking atrocious.

>I shit water
>My joints pop and crack like I have arthritis
>Only sleep 2-4 hours a day
>Constant headaches/naseua

That's just to name a few and my anxiety is through the fucking roof, I've been on it for a week and the doc says it'll be like this for 2-3 weeks.

Any robots with experience/advice? How to deal with side effects? Is it even worth it?

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the truth about any drug is that the effects that happen in the beginning are the real effects. if they say some effect goes away that means you just develop tolerance to the drug so it doesn't affect you that way any more.

Im on on the same boat.I have been taking this garbage for weeks now and i get nothing but awful side effects. Diarrhea , pain while urinating , stomach pains the list goes on.

ive had luck with lexapro. hope you guys figure it out. it sucks trying to figure out meds and dosing

Same exact things happen to me on sertraline, but it most of it goes away in 2-3 weeks of regular dosing.

Im thinking of starting with this devils shit again because it makes you DO things like go out, clean, talk to people etc.

and the 3h per night sleep is the best part. so much fucking time saved!

>taking a chemical lobotomy and castration
good goyim

these drugs only work for normies with meme depression/anxiety, if you have actual mental problems they'll do jack shit

>>I shit water
>>My joints pop and crack like I have arthritis
>>Only sleep 2-4 hours a day
>>Constant headaches/naseua
Shit man, I'm on 100mg and I didn't get any of those. Didn't get any side effects at all.
Hope it gets better

didnt really get any side effects which were too bad but my dick is broken and the only way i can cum is if i death grip and wank at lightspeed

Holy shit and I thought i had bad side effects. I only got the standard "limp dick, empty person" issues.
Just ask your psychiatrist for another type. Trittico or something.

sertraline made me almost actually kill myself, get off that shit immediately, it's a fucking poison

lol just stop being depressed and anxious. what pussies

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Same , on the same drug zero side effects.

ive been taking it for 6 months while upping up a dosage every visit. if you think this is pain wait till your dick stops working completly. get off that shit man

Took this shit as a kid/teenager. All it really did for me is mask the problem a little bit. Not even anything that major. I believe that it altered my personality and is partly responsible for the current state of my depression. I can't believe my parents were dumb enough to make me take this stuff at a young age and I can't believe I just accepted it for so long.

try Wellbutrin XR

Switch to another anti-depressant. You know you have a choice.

>taking SSRIs
Holy shit nigger what the fuck are you doing
It's a good thing you don't have the "I feel like my dick is under 24/7 anesthesia" side effect
Wait till you get to the withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking them, you'll be walking like a drunk, no sense of direction, no balance

Did you know that placebo studies with SSRIs fail because people get side effects so strong that they know they're taking it, defeating the purpose of a double-blind placebo study?

Look, I'm on my way to a PhD in biomedical technology and molecular biology, all I can say is that we know what they do but we sure as hell don't know how they really work, there's also evidence to permanent brain damage on a molecular level if you're taking them (depression does the same thing basically, but SSRIs don't solve it)
Anyway, while not the best and only meant for short tern, use benzodiazepines to calm down and request the milder antipsychotics from your doc, they have much smaller side effects and can help you get through the toughest periods, that's how I medicate my grandpa and he's doing fine, no SSRIs needed
Dunno the trade names in the US for the antipsychotics grandpa uses, tho

don't take any kike pill you retard

Been on this shit for almost two years. Currently at 150mg dose. Honestly the side effects should go away after like a month but I find if I skip a day or two they hit me like a fucking truck again.

my doc tried to get me to take this today. I went for Welbutrin instead.

i took 100mg of zoloft daily for a year and it literally did absolutely nothing, no side effects, just nothing. when i stopped taking them i had those weird brain zaps but that was it. total waste of time and i will never waste time with anything like it again