>Racist pretend black people are the violent ones
>Yet white people are still responsible for more mass shootings and pedophiles
How does it feel knowing you could go outside at anytime and still be gunned down by a cumskin? How does it feel knowing your children will be raped by a cumskin?
Racist pretend black people are the violent ones
t. negro triggered by the 16 year old killed by a nigger for an xbox
Whites do mass shootings cuz they are more succesfull at it, but blacks kill more, and despite being just the 13% they represent the 50% of homicides on the US so fuck off nigger
13 50 13 50 13 50 13 50
stay mad, you nigger reprobate.
>Jow Forums memes and nothing more
Literally nobody can have an intellectual debate with you guys.
it's not a meme you stupid faggot it's facts
When the OP post involves "How does it feel knowing your children will be raped by a cumskin?", you don't get to call replies hyperbolic.
name 5 good nigger cities
>Yet white people are still responsible for more mass shootings and pedophiles
They're literally not tough...
They are, how many black pedophiles can you name?
Do they run the underground sex dungeons? No.
>racist pretend black people are the violent ones
>uses one statistic to support his argument
>out of 10 mass shootings in the past few years, more of them were perpetrated by whites therefore, whites are more violent
ladies and gentlemen, i present to you the negro brain
in fact.... the majority of mass shooters are kikes or kike related
Jews are white.
Can you have an opinion that isnt Jow Forums?
>>Yet white people are still responsible for more mass shootings
That just means they're better at killing when they do.
>>Yet white people are still responsible for more mass shootings and pedophiles
>>mass shootings and pedophiles
I can barley name any pedophiles, so what's your point?
whites aren't overrepresented as mass shooters though. and if you only go by actual shooting murders (white people are more likely to shoot themselves in suicide, blacks are more likely to shoot other people) blacks are way more likely to commit a firearm homicide
>jews are white
however, even if we assume they are, the argument still stands, blacks are tribalistic in nature (as all humans are) but the fact that they take their tribalistic nature to the extremes speaks of their inability to be civilized.
they like to parade the bois in blue but they allways ignore that its the blacks the ones who kill more blacks, not the police
>Jow Forums statistics
>How does it feel knowing you could go outside at anytime and still be gunned down by a cumskin?
why not just move to a country without white people?
Lmao so what do you want if not statistics.
>bureau of justice
>us census
yeah, clearly a retard who discards any facts he hates as "Jow Forums"
how does it feel knowing you people get treated like retards?
SeeAlso, black neighbors are shitty because white people turned black people against each other. All of these murder rates are from shitty places and not your everyday neighborhood. Where you will get shanked by some random black guy or some shit.
Your IQ is low and you probably snort baby piss too.
I De2ag3E W1tH Th3 Statizt1K s0 1t muZt b3 Rac1St /P0l/
Black people, especially black American men, have everything going against them. They have higher testosterone levels. They have horrible role models. They have a shitty culture based on the idea that being a victim and a criminal is good.
In the end, they end up doing petty to minor violent crimes at much higher frequencies. This is why they're still at the bottom.
Mass shootings require calculated rage, niggers are too impulsive to plan one out
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."
- Mark Twain
>Radford University/FGCU Serial Killer Database
>Jow Forums statistics
please explain
> black neighbors are shitty because white people turned black people against each other
wrong. blacks enslaved themselves and sold them to white people
>All of these murder rates are from shitty places and not your everyday neighborhood
wrong, they're from places with niggers
excelet insults user, may I recomend calling us NAZIs next? also... if whites turn blacks against each other... why is Africa in the same state as just before whites even existed (whit tribes killing eachother and low IQ uncivilized niggers)
>They have higher testosterone levels
no they don't
Insure white. Post dick pic.
>Jews are better educated, more financially successful and entrepreneurial, commit no crime, raise hard working children, have great family values, and they do all this as 1st generation immigrants.
>Anglocucks have 10+ generations to amass land and wealth in their own majority demographic country but somehow most of them end up broke and useless still.
How does it feel being outclassed in every regard by a subhuman? You Jow Forums incels are hilarious
that's only because of ethnic nepotism
when jews do it it's OK. when whites do it, it's "racist white privilege"
There's more whites in America in total, whites are slightly over half the population and black population is 13% IIRC, so there would need to be a huge overrepresentation of blacks in mass shootings and pedophilia in order to have a higher absolute number of such crimes.
Although, I'd be surprised if there aren't a significant number of black-perpetrated mass shootings. A "mass shooting" is any incident where 4 or more people are gunned down at once (again IIRC), so I'd imagine those happen with some regularity in Detroit, Chicago, etc.
in all the generations niggers have been in non African countries they still amas virtually no wealth or land, so I find your argument counterproductive for your argument.
also, Im a latino so I wouldnt know, we dont value the same things as kikes or even whites, just as kikes we have strong family values, but monetary wealth is of next to no importance as tradition is the most highly regarded value, and in that we excel
not sure if this is bait, but the smart thing for you to do would be to actually study crime statistics or avoid the subject entirely
Some more stats if anyone is curious. Shows more than just racial correlation...
Tough it might be flawed based on how you define things, because I really doubt Latinos would score that low on the physical abuse side of things, if you classified all that sandal throwing as abuse...
SeeDonot mute me
Cope faggotry lmao
Every Jew I've met has been smart, well mannered, and successful. Nepotism exists with every ethnic group, and they are a tiny fraction, so how the fuck does that work in their favor you dolt?
Every ethnic group has preferential hiring for their own. Germans will prefer to hire Germans, Italians with Italians, Persians with Persians, etc.
Why are you deflecting to black people when I called out anglo-inbreds for their failures in their own country? The point is you are getting outclassed by "subhuman" Jews, along with a plethora of other immigrant demographics. Jews are just the easiest one to bring up since you incels always blame them for everything wrong in your life.
>but monetary wealth is of next to no importance as tradition is the most highly regarded value, and in that we excel
lmao Jews have been around for thousands of years before you Spaniard/native rape babies were even born. Pick up a history book, Juanito. Latinos are even worse than anglo-Americans. You might be more cultured than them but you are even more broke and commit more crime.
then get informed and then speak faggot.
You are not entitled to your opinion, you are entitled to you informed opinion
Except what I posted literally could be spun against whites if you wanted to...
>Nepotism exists with every ethnic group
there is no ethnic nepotism for whites though, that's racism
there's only family nepotism
i've met plenty of jews. i had jewish roomates. my university had more jews than any other university in the country. there were loads of jewish groups for jews specifically to meet other jews, and practice favoritism
>Every ethnic group has preferential hiring for their own. Germans will prefer to hire Germans, Italians with Italians, Persians with Persians, etc.
nah, it's really only non-whites that do that. plus, in the USA, the majority of whites don't identify with any specific ethnic group. they are just "white american" usually a mix of different european ethnicities
>Ambiguous racism!!!
Isn't it closer to 6% committing 50% of the crime instead of 13% since 90% of crime is done by males? If we count it correctly then despite only making up 6% of the US population, black males commit 50% of all crime.
mfw Im actually Juan
>Latinos commit a lot of crime
Im glad you know that, do you know how much crime do niggers commit then?
Most violent crime is made by males, no matter which race. So it evens out in the end.
How do we find out who commits more crime without statistics?
Bruh you literally eat tacos fucking pedo pedophile. You seen that video of that fat Mexican trying to molest some kid but gets beat up by his wife? That you you fucking taco eating scum.
italians do prefer italians, slavs with slavs, germans with germans. it happens everywhere.
>whites are pedos
>let's find out by counting how many pedos there are
... liberalism is a mental disorder
We're soloists.
Y'all attack in packs.
maybe, but the majority of white americans do not identify with any particular european ethnic group
compare the % of jews to the % of italians or germans. and then compare the number of jewish organizations to italian-american or german-american organizations.
jews have always sticked together, they practice ethnic nepotism to a higher degree than virtually any group
also, as for:
>slavs with slavs
my albanian friend was always talking shit about other slav groups. he lived in jacksonville and basically said each slav sub-group was busy hating one another
>Literally nobody can have an intellectual debate with you guys.
I'm not here to debate, faggot. I don't debate my inferiors, I mock them.
Notice how all the Jow Forums-tards also reddit space? Isnt that interesting?
Yea Slavs hate each other. Russia, Poland and Ukraine are caught up in the worst of it for the most part.
>there is no ethnic nepotism for whites though, that's racism
? Why is it any different for the Jews? You guys are worse than fucking feminists and twice as womanly and emotional, man. Always making up problems in your heads and playing victim and pretending like being white is like being the most oppressed minority in a country where you are literally part of the demographic and cultural majority.
>there were loads of jewish groups for jews specifically to meet other jews, and practice favoritism
This might come as a shock to you, but every ethnic groups does this. Whether Latino/French/German/Italian/Romanian/Colombian/whatever the fuck.
>nah, it's really only non-whites that do that
It literally isn't. I see Italians and Greeks and Polskis do it all the time in my area. Also know a German business owner who literally admitted it at a party (not that I think it's wrong, because I would do the same). You're some broke unemployed college kid and I'm in my 30s and worked as an engineer for most of my life. You kids might be surprised to grow up and realize that there are plenty of talented minorities who make great friends at the office. You wouldn't be as racist as you are if you actually stepped outside and experienced life. Instead you get your feelings from other permavirgins at Jow Forums who are even more hopeless than you, probably.
>plus, in the USA, the majority of whites don't identify with any specific ethnic group. they are just "white american"
Because most white Americans are just anglo mutts who have forsaken their roots and have no idea what they actually are. European immigrants still mingle with their own kind in cultural events.
So you saw a video of a Mexican pedophile and this set you off on an emotional tantrum? Are you a woman?
If someone posts a video of white trailer park trash doing stupid shit should we assume you're exactly like that too?
Fuckin inbred-Americans, I swear...
>jews have always sticked together
Certain ethnic groups get treated like aliens in western societies. Usually any group that has strange/foreign/ethnic sounding names that are difficult to pronounce. Jews are one of the most obvious examples.
>my albanian friend was always talking shit about other slav groups
Albanians hate Serbs too, but Serbs are based