I am using custom GenAd networks to make porn

I am using custom GenAd networks to make porn.
I am building an AI to generate porn from thin air.

This is high level work. You all will be the first to see some of the first, horrifying, results. This thread will be forgotten. I will trudge forward regardless in my quest.

I was here.

Attached: PGAn.jpg (1800x960, 753K)

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take a look at this image and tell me with a straight face there is a god

Picasso could probably jerk off to this

Demon shit. No thanks.

Damn these chicks are hella thicc

cover your eyes

Attached: PGan_earlyresults_sample.jpg (448x458, 172K)

Hey this is pretty fucking cool OP
Lke REALLY fucking cool
is this open source or what?

may i fap to this?

>is this open source or what?

>open sourcing my hard work for low IQ gremlins from india to repackage into a shitty playstore app and fill with ads.

no thank you.

I think i have a pretty good idea of the porn you like by these pictures.
Women on their back spreading their legs mostly

If I did believe in a god, I would believe in a fucked up son of a bitch

Attached: 15F4D182-1DF4-4E57-A1E2-93BAE516DA05.jpg (334x346, 106K)

I made an algorithm to choose stills with the most pixel energy per sector (uniqueness), it turns out vags spread open can be very unique. lots of roast sadly, but the parameters can always be changed, I just wanted a robust training set for a good basis

>Literal guy named "Porn Rat"

Attached: pajeetsrus.png (1074x775, 527K)

Some of this looks close to real images, some are unrecognizable, and some are just nightmare fuel. The potential of this is undeniable, but it still needs more work. Imagine a website where it just conjures a porn image at the click of a button. Keep up the good work.

So is this what you call a neural network?

>The potential of this is undeniable, but it still needs more work.
>Imagine a website where it just conjures a porn image at the click of a button.
way ahead of you.

yes, well a general adversarial network to be precise, but yea a net.

rent out a supercomputer to generate a ten-minute video and then post it on pornhub

If i'm correct, the AI will basically train off whatever source material you give it and spit out images that are closer and closer to what you fed in, But still remain unique from the actual source images?

How long can you expect to train this ai before it generates non-demonic images?

>How long can you expect to train this ai before it generates non-demonic images?

I am getting closer and closer.

check out thispersondoesnotexist.com/

^make sure to refresh for new face. they are all not real people.

Retake that AI course user

Post more nightmare fuel OP

Need me some deepdream meat curtains

Can you use one image to generate a new one that's similar? And then make a nightmarish morphing webm?

>Making women obsolete.

witnessed. shine in the darkness , porn god

the sooner, the better I suppose.

A truly terrifying premise. I fucking love it.

Keep up the good work, AIanon.

What the fuck is this.

Is this from hell, place for fornicators?

Holy fucking shit this is next level

moar bls!!!

this is the reward for lerning2code? fuck programming what a waste of time

What I see when I'm having sex and have a stroke half way through.

Jesus Christ OP this is revolutionary. This will definitely amount to something; don't worry about that. For now, however, it looks like sleep paralysis after a sex dream. Could we see more pics, please?

Attached: 80mcpfvbc1u21.jpg (750x755, 73K)

I've been here way too fucking long.

Attached: Stray.jpg (200x236, 5K)

Cool! Does this mean I can virtually create new porn of my favorite models? Fantastic news.

Attached: oly005VLF_203795162.jpg (1600x1071, 247K)

Question for people who know stuff about AI. Is this kinda thing possible currently for music?

It is on a rudimentary level

This is brilliant and you're probably going to be a millionaire. Are you just using GPT-2 for your neural net? Do you intend to calibrate your algorithm by making a website where people can vote as to whether an image is realistic or not? Good luck user.

pretty cool post-op tranny generator you got going on there op

Attached: fotyonepercent.jpg (676x704, 131K)

Damn, this is some pretty interesting stuff. Godspeed OP.