It's really good if you have a hot gf but it's bad too because everybody wants to fuck her and she knows she's hot and...

It's really good if you have a hot gf but it's bad too because everybody wants to fuck her and she knows she's hot and you'll be jealous every time

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That's why I want an ugly fembot gf, but I think they would be mad if they found out I wanted them because they were ugly

>have a hot gf
Do you know where you are, op?

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>you'll be jealous
that's your fault not hers

not necessarily ugly but a solid 5-6/10 qt that chads and other faggota don't really want to fuck. It's a really comfortable experience having a girl like that. My first gf was like that and now I got a hot gf and it's like the half of the dormitory wanta to fuck her. It's a good feeling that I get to fuck her, and they don't but I'm really jealous at the same time, cause I know her and how she acta when she"s drunk etc. So yeah, I really don't know which is better, a hot gf or a plain girl qt gf

Sorry for the typos I'm on tramadol now and want to answer for anonfriends as fast as possible!

I would rather have a plain jane and be confident she would not cheat than have a hot gf that has guys flirting with her whenever she is on her own.

I wish I was like that.
I dream of walking down the street. My huge tits bouncing ahead of me while penis bearers raise their hat at me and femoids claw their eyes out to block my brilliance. Have patreon and other measures to make ridiculous passive income meanwhile I just chew on bubblegum and my bf looks at me nervously and I look back at him pointing at chad. Look if you don't give me attention I am gonna cuck you with him!


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exactly but having a hot gf has its perks too. for example everybody respects and envy you. but i really don't know if it's worth it. if i can be sure that she does not cheat on me it's better, but you can never be sure.

That sounds like a ton of fun. I wish I could help you feel that way too.

interesting fantasy user but a bit fucked up desu. especially if you are a guy.

>I just chew on bubblegum and my bf looks at me nervously and I look back at him pointing at chad. Look if you don't give me attention I am gonna cuck you with him!
This is my fetish, I would love a gf like that.

Wow bro thats a real doozy of a problem isnt it. I fell for ya.

>not really

if you don't think you can trust her then I would break up, the jealousy will eat you up.

lol I know but I wanted to make a thread I haven't started a thread for like a month

Eh, I would go with a 2-3/10 just to be safe

well you see, I actually have a huge penis so my hot gf is not gonna leave me for someone who potentially is very likely to have a smaller penis than me.
Plus we obviously are madly in love so that helps.

Well it just started three weeks ago, and I get less and less jealous but I just don't trust females in general. And in auhust she will go to a festival without me cause I have to work that will be the week my jealousy will eat me up.

Oh I also have a huge penis but penis size really doesn't matter, and these times females do that type of cheating like men do, without feelings, only for the sex.

This is why God didn't grant you Stacy body. You'd be sociopathic monster.

Well, i'll just make love to her so passionately and so lovingly that it'll never even cross her mind to cheat on me. Her getting split by a giant penis from someone who loves her will be ten times better to her than getting split by a giant penis belonging to someone who does not love her.
She'll be all mine.

>get with a 3/10 fatty, but huge boobs
>she still get hitted on by thirsty chubby chasers

Yeah that's a really idealistic view. I think like 90 percent of girls will cheat on a relationship some time. Especially if they are hot.

It would be awesome, because I won't be jealous, I will be fired up, extra motivated to please her to the best of my abilities.

>I think like 90 percent of girls will cheat on a relationship some time
i'm curious about the experience that led to this belief.

This user gets it. And when yall in public together esp if she's wearing something more revealing, you get to see all the envious faggots who check your girl out. You just give em this smug look like, "Uh huh, I know; you can look but aren't you so mad you can't touch"

you have to rationalize it to make it an ego boost instead of jealous insecurity, unless of course you're dating a cheating skunk ...

that's a good mindset thanks

she told me that she feels 1000x times better with me than his other guys she dealt with, that's a good thing too.

also if the girl is hot enough most guys wont be able to fuck her good so focus on that, if you fuck her good she'll feel it's not worth the risk cheating