I think you guys should quit being such bitches and post pictures of cool shit you've seen. Don't care what it is...

I think you guys should quit being such bitches and post pictures of cool shit you've seen. Don't care what it is, your pets, sunset/sunrise, music, whatever just have a good thread. I'll start

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Other urls found in this thread:


Took this while I was homeless.

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From last night lol

Looks like threads going to go down fast, sorry frens

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WW3 get if doubles

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I had to compress the image because it was too big. I have a few like it though if you're interested anons.

Attached: Falls__1560091466_94.8.185.111.jpg (400x300, 28K)

resizing an image is more of a pain in GIMP than it was in Irfanview

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A really dope looking movie theater in San Antonio.

Attached: B00DB9D7-DC11-4DD6-A7A1-D7F52C36EF06.jpg (3952x2223, 1.33M)

here's the best rainbow I've caught

crappy picture but all I had was a phone from the back seat of a car

Attached: IMG_20150526_170428_372.jpg (3264x1836, 887K)


Picture isn't great, it was cold and my hands were shaking.
Fuck I need to get /out/ more.

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That's a pretty stellar image for being shot out the back of a car.

It had some sort of weird Greek theme going on.

Speaking of shots taken out of cars, the storm was closing in on my way back home and I thought it looked neat.

Attached: 88FD2BDE-E83C-4E33-BA29-11CA5C797D5F.jpg (4032x3024, 1.66M)

Ridiculously beautiful. Where is this?

That doesn't look like Vegas, there's no palms.

Looks amazing user, I'm legit jealous

I'm and that's a roadside in Illinois

so is this, but this is a sunrise, not set

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I found this goose sitting next to a tire, haha what a silly goose

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My ducks

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Nice pictures, didn't think that would come out of Midwest.

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Idk how 'cool' it is but this is what happens when a deep fryer isn't cleaned for multiple years and the grease crystallizes inside the pipes.

Attached: IMG_20180101_214806.jpg (1840x3264, 1.56M)

Here's a picture of a nearby pond and some fog.
Picture is grainy on purpose.

Attached: a.jpg (2080x1170, 544K)