>some people like thicc
>some people like sticc
>MFW i like both
Some people like thicc
reflex test
are americans even anglo
the real question is what the fuck are you
>some people like thicc
>some people like sticc
>MFW i like dicc
>some people like cow tits
>some people like flat tits
>mfw I have good taste
HAhah you gay
>Be me
>Be team peanut butter
>Get peep ID
Haha nerd. I was on every team.
I have a dynamic is. Not a static one
Dynamic ip
You mad white boy
I don't understand this meme
I don't understand you
I believe that it's an attempt by a soulless ginger to offend glorious white people.
Hoo eye jigger de doo, hawere's mee pot ta gould?
jigger de doo
jigger de doo
But it says we're Iberian so that means we're white
All I said was that you had no soul.