It's easier than ever in the history of mankind to get laid

>it's easier than ever in the history of mankind to get laid
>average dudes are fucking hot chicks cuz all you gotta do is talk to them
>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Why are women such whores?
>meanwhile in the middle ages you were killed in battle before you had a chance to score and somehow those times were much better

you retards make no fucking sense and contradict yourselves all the time

get fucking real, NOBODY'S AT FAULT BUT YOU

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>>it's easier than ever in the history of mankind to get laid
Lol no

>it's easier than ever in the history of mankind to get laid
not really true at all. In the past whores were everywhere and cheaper than a pint

>>it's easier than ever in the history of mankind to get laid
not gonna list all the reasons why this is false, but this is false.

>it's easier than ever in the history of mankind to get laid

yeah sure, if you're in the top 1% of men it is. stupid fuck. yeah I replied to your bait take your (You) and fuck off nigger.

Not to mention arranged marriage.

>you retards make no fucking sense and contradict yourselves all the time

No we dont. Normies say that shit, we disagree. In the middle ages men chose their wives.


Try harder kike.

lol yes, you delusional autist

there are billions of ways to meet women in these times, you don't see it because you're hiding in your room all day

>it's easier than ever in the history of mankind to get laid
you're a retard, we live in a superficial society where looks are everything
stop watching fake pickup shit on youtube

you cant even join the police if you're too ugly where I live
the course of your life is determined by your looks

>billions of ways to meet women
Meeting women doesnt mean getting laid smartass

>looks are everything
kek, this was the case all the time, you think like 50 years ago nobody judged you by appearance? lmao, BASED retard

>it's easier than ever in the history of mankind to get laid
This is true but yet look at all the retards in this thread denying it.

Yet statistically people are having less sex than ever. huh really makes one think.

It used to be easier back in a day due to semi-legal prostitution and brothels.

>there are billions of ways to meet women in these times
But you wont get anywhere unless you are chad.

Give it up kike. You cant stop the onslaught.

it's because they're a bunch of weak ass bitches who still live with mommy and never go out

everyone should be forced to attend military service, that would toughen everyone up

I wouldn't say it's easier now than ever, I mean, the Romans had a shit ton of sex

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You're wrong. People distance themself from each other due to internet and become socially retareded. Today is actually harder then ever to socialize

military service is fucking easy as hell. It doesn't toughen you at all.

>everyone should be forced to attend military service
spotted the jew
Im not going to fight for you interests kike

>it's because they're a bunch of weak ass bitches who still live with mommy and never go out
Not true
>everyone should be forced to attend military service
Actually agree. But not for the same reasons as you. See now I know youre a kike.

Only young males should attend military training. Chads should be beaten into submission and the weaker men risen to power

Your fault for living in a third world theocratic shithole where prostitution is illegal.

It would do a lot of good for a lot of people here to listen to OP for once.

Yes, because there is nothing special about it these days. Zoomers would rather stay home and play vidya than go out and have sex.

>it's easier than ever in the history of mankind to bait retards
>low effort shitposters are baiting dumb spergs cuz all you gotta do is talk to them

Ok kike.


Actually this is natural order of things. Humans are tournament species at heart so its inevitable that a large group of men are left out entirely. The problem is that everyone knows a fat bald short dude who fucks models so they think everyone can, not realizing those are just outliers.

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>Not realizing you're the outlier and that anyone can get laid easily

>Humans are tournament species at heart

Are we? Wheres the tournament?

people use social media to meet and fuck, it's that easy

This is indeed a very truthful post

>slamming 2/10 pig and feeling regret for the rest of your life
Is this what you're suggesting?

>When you realize you were btfo and start moving goalposts

That's the small minded way of looking at it. Getting laid is the easy part, getting laid with quality woman AND having the power in the relationship is the hard part. You guys put sex on such a high pedestal that you think getting laid is the end all be all, without considering how much effort it took, the attractiveness of the girl, and what you have to sacrifice to keep her.

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Is it? Ive never gotten laid off it.
cope harder degenerate jew

sure its easy to get laid because of all the sluts, but thats not what i want. I dont want a slut. I want a woman.

Then maybe start being a man.

Maybe you get on your back and wet up cunt.
>we have to do something for you

thats what i am user.

In the middle ages, people married their neighbors nearly every time, and it was either arranged as children or done for mutual benefit to create a family. Today, it's all up to women and they will pick Chad every time. 30% of young men are virgins with no hope. Family and stability isn't valued today, what people want is fun and sex.

Imagine being so dumb as to believe Jow Forums memes about how things were before actually are true.

I don't know if it's easier or harder, but I'd still argue that the people of present who can't get sex today are almost always at fault. Show me the man who is a good speaker, who can present himself well, and who has good values and convictions who can't get a woman. He doesn't exist.*

*Physically deformed people don't count

I don't know who's more disgusting, roasties for doing this, or men for creating a demand.

How can she ship that without it getting flagged?

>Give it up kike. You cant stop the onslaught.

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Ok, care to list them?

Not the guy you're replying to but I agree with his general sentiment.

I see thousands of attractive women walking around every day no matter where I go. How is there any shortage of them? You might say "Well that place isn't a meeting place", but that wouldn't make any sense to me -- if you have good reason to believe you could end up falling in love with someone, why let a silly thing like that stop you? Hell, I met my wife on a train, where people just want nothing more than to go home.

>In the middle ages men chose their wives.
I could buy one off a farmer for a few sheep.
This nigger is stupid.

>lol yes, you delusional autist
Said the faggot nigger on Jow Forums.

Modern hookup culture is shit because the sex is emotionless. How the fuck can any of you enjoy that?

>everyone should be forced to attend military service, that would toughen everyone up
You forgot a period, brainlet.
And no bootcamp is pretty easy, you run courses and get yelled at alot.

Oh shes bashful.

>Imagine being so dumb as to believe Jow Forums memes about how things were before actually are true.
Read a history book for once.
Pols living rent free in there.
Oh and women are another mouth to feed and it's why fathers sold them off asap.
Men can work the fields or join the military.

That's the question you have to fucking ask?

>I see thousands of attractive women walking around every day no matter where I go. How is there any shortage of them?
There can be dozens of hot attractive women, they don't want you to chock fuck em.

>it's easier than ever in the history of mankind to get laid
>>average dudes are fucking hot chicks cuz all you gotta do is talk to them
>meanwhile in the middle ages you were killed in battle before
No one said go back to the middle ages.
>you retards make no fucking sense and contradict yourselves all the time
>get fucking real, NOBODY'S AT FAULT BUT YOU
You can say that without pretending it's SO EASY N SHEEEIT just because tinder exists.

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I was responding to the question that there's nowhere to meet them. I said they're pretty much ubiquitous, which is true.

Now you're asking a different question. As long as we agree on the answer to the first one, here: So unless you can show me that man I stipulated who cannot get a woman, I don't see what the issue is.

>>average dudes are fucking hot chicks cuz all you gotta do is talk to them
really? got any proof of that?
>>it's easier than ever in the history of mankind to get laid
for women, yes, for men it's has become proportionally worse
source: real life

>you cant even join the police if you're too ugly where I live
where is that?

And useless betas died instead of being kept alive by neetbux like incels are.

In incel fantasy land


"It's so easy to lift a car dude because you go outside and there's thousands of cars to pick up. See? that's why it's easy"
nice logic retarded normie faggot

>its easier than ever to have sex
>the % of sexless men has been rising for 10 years
hoo boy

>it's easier than ever in the history of mankind to get laid

The statistics prove that this statement is objectively false. Male celibacy is higher than ever before and still rising.

>lol yes, you delusional autist
The only delusional autist here is you

I legitimately want to shoot the men who do this, imagine being this much of a fucking degenerate.

That wasn't my logic. You're illiterate. I was responding to the question of whether there are a lot of women to meet in here and the question about having success with them here So far, no one has been able to answer the challenge. You're proof of my point, though. Why would women want someone who's illiterate?

Its unrealistic to expect every man to have his shit together and have no flaws though. Woman don't have to do any of the things you mentioned, and still get laid, but men can't. Being flawed and fixing those flaws is just a part of the human experience, but only men get left out of sex and dating for because of it. You're basically saying be perfect the second you hit puberty or get left behind, which isn't far from the truth, if anything its just an unfortunate reality.

>derrrrr the world is just fine how it is. you're the problem not us.

good hopefully those betas won't rise against us now.

>Its unrealistic to expect every man to have his shit together and have no flaws though
I never said otherwise. So far, you've not detracted from anything I said.
>Woman don't have to do any of the things you mentioned, and still get laid, but men can't
Correct, because we value physical attraction enough to want to fuck a woman. Tell men to only sleep with women who have good values if you want to change that. You've still not detracted from anything I said.
>Being flawed and fixing those flaws is just a part of the human experience, but only men get left out of sex and dating for because of it
I don't see any evidence of getting left out for minor flaws. I think any men who meet the rubric I laid out, which shouldn't be hard to meet, can get women. I haven't seen anything to suggest otherwise.
>You're basically saying be perfect the second you hit puberty
You're basically hallucinating. I said speak well, present well and have good values. That's not a tall order.

What women find "attractive" are nothing more than false assumptions that are foisted on them by the media. Everything about their sexuality is ideologically and institutionally constructed.

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>*Physically deformed people don't count

This one infuriates me because I'm literally fitter than the average man as well as capable of beating the average man in a straight fight. Yet 95% of the rejections from women are on account of a rather conspicuous limp which makes little evolutionary sense since I am still a better "protector" and "provider"than average. This isn't to say that I don't get laid because I do. Nevertheless, it is such a fucking pain in the arse having to sift through the superficial cunts to get to the 5% who can see beyond the disability.

1) The majority of women are superficial.

The guy on the left stays home all day, lives with his mom, unemployed, showers once a week, dropout, smokes weed, plays video games, thinks about suicide, refers to women as bitches, uses nigger slang, doesn't have a car, thinks reading is gay, would run away if he got a girl pregnant, and has no real hobbies besides playing Call of Duty and smoking weed.

The guy on the right graduated from college, has a 6 figure income, lifts weights 5 times a week, showers 2 times a day, respects women, owns a car, has his own house, is open to having kids, doesn't use drugs (he might moderately drink alcohol at social events).

Who do you think girls are gonna choose? The guy on the left every single time.

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>I said speak well, present well and have good values.

That list is laughable, most woman don't give a dog shit about your values, and filter men out on far more criteria than speaking ability. Your height, income, penis size, hairline, build, social life, sexual/relationship experience all come into play.

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>That list is laughable
Then find me a man who speaks well, presents well and has good values who experiences total failure with women and I'll take my list back.

Wow, way to start with an utter falsehood, OP.

well to be fair, the guy on the right looks like a rapist, those muscles are more scary then sexy.

If its that easy why is everyone on this board complaining about being a virgin

>That wasn't my logic
It absolutely is your logic. Stop moving the goalposts because he made you look like the retard you are

the guy on the right still has 300 girls waiting for him in his bedroom. you don't need to be #1 to be successful, gay boy

>He doesn't exist
You clearly have no social life, and don't leave your disgusting basement. Any normal will show you examples of guys who fit these qualities but are just ugly/brown. I can show you examples but I don't want to post my friends or acquaintances here. A man with your list of qualities is not guarenteed to get a woman at all. Especially not in 2019. Why don't you get laid and come back here

>find me a specific person in real life and give me their personal information
>oh, you can't do that for a stranger on Jow Forums? You're just an incel and I win hahahahah

i refuse to believe there are virgins here. it just doesn't seem possible to avoid having sex unless your hormones just don't work.

This is a bait thread but I'll post this here because its SO EASY to get women

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if you don't like women you could fuck with men

>It absolutely is your logic
Then demonstrate to me how I said anything other than there are lots of women to meet.
>You clearly have no social life, and don't leave your disgusting basement
Since I'm married and live on a $1.5m property, I'm going to ignore the rest of your post.
You can cry all you like, but until there's an example of a man who experiences total failure with women with the list I came up with, I don't care.

Any more excuses?

>Since I'm married and live on a $1.5m property, I'm going to ignore the rest of your post.
Saved. This is too rich lmaooooo. You kids have nothing else to do except bait on r9k for (You)'s. If I wanted to be a turbo normalfag I could post this on reddit for easy likes or whatever, that's how fucking pathetic you look

Name like 6 or 7. No duplicates.

>i could post on reddit instead of try to keep lying about how decent man can be virgins

Huh? I was serious. I'm married and I live on a $1.5m property.

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Money nigger. Its hard to get those binjamins

whats your occupation husbandanon

I do accounting and payroll for 3 car dealerships. I remember the days my wife used to stay up with me till 2 or 3 AM helping me with accounting homework since she was a year ahead.

I wonder if that guy who accused me of fabricating will come back.

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What do you mean specifcally by speak well, present well...etc? These are quite general and ambiguous descriptions. I'm not even necessarily saying you're wrong, but the problem is this is surface level analysis. A lot of people with problems in this regard, especially on this forum, are the result of more complex, deeper rooted issues like autism, mental illness...etc. These are not straightforward problems to resolve. For you to suggest otherwise is quite ignorant.

To be honest you come across as incredibly arrogant and stuck up. Not necessarily unexpected for someone that is apparently rather successful lives in a $1.5 million dollar house, these things can go to your head I guess, but still. A bit more humility and understanding wouldn't go a miss.

>>it's easier than ever in the history of mankind to get laid
Imagine being retarded enough to believe this.
The further back in history you go the easier it was to fuck for the most part, whores were bountiful and cheap as anything, standards were much lower, women took what they could get and didn't have the pick and run of society, they weren't supported by the state, people weren't exposed to everyone in the world on a daily basis to inflate their standards and were essentially confined to a small local area and anyone beyond that basically doesn't exist.

You're full of shit lad.

i could just be a bitterfag but eh, pretty wife and house, grats you made it

for the average looking guy an arranged marriage is better than what we have now

>it's easier than ever in the history of mankind to get laid

Normies say this but they never had to deal with being socially inept/isolated since childhood to adulthood and have to deal mental barriers people place on you to be accepted. Its especially harder when people are becoming more distant than ever because of socioeconomics and social media

Boy, shut the fuck up you busta ass bitch, I'm gonna fuckin dab on your head you bitch antelope that's gonna have me dab on they fuckin head.

but only because I'm very insecure.