Reminder that if you are male and you don't have children you are still technically a virgin

Reminder that if you are male and you don't have children you are still technically a virgin

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Does it hurt being this retarded? Is this how you tell yourself you and Chad are the same, because neither of you have kids?

You're sitting on your computer at 2am jerking off to 2d women while he is out living life, kids or no kids.

Also, imagine being so morally corrupt you bring kids into this hell hole.

I have kids, unlike you dear tranny.
The world isn't corrupt, it's the people like you who are the problem, if only we removed you the world would be a better place.

That's not his original point but ok retard.

>She has no kids

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How is he a tranny?

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Tranny means "anyone I don't like"

Oh, more autism. Thank you user.

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This doesn't apply to women user

lmao just like incel

is this how breeders really think? they just imagine that they are some how superior to people for shitting out some useless kids?

the only thing useless here is (you)
save the environment and kys

>spending any amount of time on this board
>believing being born isn't a curse for many people

"n-no I will raise my kid to be happy!!"
OK breeder, keep convincing yourself that's something you have absolute control over, then watch when he kills himself at 26 because he's 5'5" with a micropenis and a lazy eye.

it is literally all about how you raise them, keeping them healthy, not fat and fit, educating them properly, creating for them good opportunities for socialization, ect.

You can improve their odds, but only up and to a point. Lots of robots come from good homes and have happy siblings, it's not as simple as "just raise them right."

Also reminder, the average driver thinks they're a better driver than average. Same with parenting. You assuming you'll get it right because you won't make the same mistakes as others is naive at best.

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>then watch when he kills himself at 26 because he's 5'5" with a micropenis and a lazy eye
These things are so pathetic, imagine killing yourself over similar bs.
They only have an impact because you base your self image on what some women state as their sexual preference over the internet.
It is true that women have a tendency to prefer tall men with huge reproductive organs, it is also true that you can display postive traits such as dominance that will allow you to obtain female attention despite being physically undesirable.
The real tragedy is being born with a low IQ.

what? That's not what that word means you know

>The real tragedy is being born with a low IQ.
Stopped reading there

But here is the thing, i have observed the way parents usually take care of their kids.
I'm actually aware of the most common mistakes, i'm not just assuming to be better.

So have you read and understood all of it user?
Did you get the reference?

Now i'm actually sure of how naive he is... Poor thing rly thinks he can do it

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whatever makes you cope with your life user

My life is perfect, thanks for asking user

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>get vasectomy
>use condoms
>fuck literally over 100 times
>never have kids
>still a virgin
I wonder who's behind this post?

Yeah i imagined that would be the case.
So why aren't you trying to solve them?

>these things are so pathetic

How is that at all relevant? If a person is unhappy they're unhappy

user, having "sex" without reproducing isn't much different from masturbating with the aid of another person.

If the person is unhappy due to stupid reason, it can be fixed by helping them to get a better understanding of the world.

Many robots have killed themselves over less, it's very easy to call a reason stupid when you're not the one dealing with it.Maybe you'd be fine if you were born deaf or something, I know I sure as fuck wouldn't be.

>if the reason is dumb, just change their outlook on life

Yeah, and maybe if we just remind every depressed westerner that people in the Congo have it worse, they'll realize they're being silly and their depression will go away!

>maybe if we just remind every depressed westerner that people in the Congo have it worse
No, because you are not solving the issue, you are just implying that in comparisson other people have it worse.
There are two options, either you actually fix it or you prove that it bs.
It's like when a kid is afraid of some monster under the bed, you wont tell him "oh hey there are people who are dealing with greater problems kid", you show him that he is wrong and there is not such thing as a monster.

You sound like Abe Shinzo.

OK so just tell the manlet that height doesn't matter. That has clearly been so successful at making guys not be self conscious about how tall they are.

Comparing it to a monster under the bed implies problems like a lazy eye aren't actually problems. I picked easy examples too. If a person has anxiety or blindness, or schizophrenia, there is not going to be any convincing that person that those don't pose problems to them, because that's just fucking retarded. Obviously a person's life is impacted by many things outside of their control, oftentimes for the worse.

>arbitrarily twist the meaning of words to appease your starving ego


what if my girl had a miscarriage

Having kids is the worst thing you can do for the environment.

Lmao I fucking loved this meme a couple years ago. Glad people are still posting it.

>having kids is the worst thing you can do for the enviroment!
>letting things continue as they are
>not accelerating collapse of consumerist society by making it worse
>human population is decimated from collapse and lack of resourses
>things go back to being less shit and with a learned lesson
>all the while you have offspring that you already tought to not be dumb shits