Honest question: How can you love a girl whose face has been tainted by another man's cum?

Honest question: How can you love a girl whose face has been tainted by another man's cum?

How can you look into her eyes, the same eyes that saw another man ejaculate close to her face, and feel a true sense of connection?

How can you see her face, the same face that has been marked by another man like territory marked by a dog's piss, and say that you honestly love her?

How do you cope with this?

Attached: used_goods.jpg (640x736, 92K)

I don't, that's why I'm into younger girls.

I don't judge her by the past. All sins can be washed away.

How could a girl date you knowing you've done the same thing to other women? Goes both ways buddy most people have fucked a few people before they meet someone they settle down with, if your a virgin and start dating someone in your 20s you can't exactly be surprised if they've had sex a few times before you showed up.

Meh, it washes off.

Considering the fact that they fucking bleed from their pussy 5 days a month and we find a way to accept that they can somehow clean up THAT, cleaning up this isn't that hard.

And then again, there have been nights that I threw up all over myself and then passed out on the floor of a public restroom. I took a shower and was good to go. Once you start worrying about what other people's skin has touched, there's no bottom to that pit.

It is not just about the physical aspect of their skin having touched something undesirable.

It is knowing that when you are lying beside her in bed, and she looks at you like she loves you, and you look at her and realize that she did the exact same thing with another man.

She said "I love you" to him in the same way or more passionately than the way she tells you, and she felt her heart flushed with desire, and her body tingled with pleasure by another man, who was possibly more skilled than you.

It is knowing that whatever bond you feel like you have with her means nothing.

Any meaningful experiences you have with her were already ruined by another man getting to her first, and no matter what, she just won't feel the same excitement and rush of emotions with you as she did with her first true love.

Is this your brain on virginity?

Christ I cant believe people literally came in this thread and said it washes off with soap and water

>get a boyfriend for the first time
>he keeps imagining other mens cum on my face even though it never happened and he's a paranoid robot
wow! can't wait to lose my virginity to r9k!

You sound exactly like cucks talking about their fetish. Just accept yourself and watch some blacked.

That wouldn't happen if it was me

You sound like a worthless hopeless incel that you are
Have sex

No, youre just a pedophile bc you are intimidated by women your own age and desperately hope younger women would actually like you.

>who was possibly more skilled than you
I've been in deep depression because of this fren.
I still can't take it. I always picture her moaning stronger with her previous chads and instantly feel like the beta cuck I am.

Its not about the skin, its about the fact that these incel faggots know they ruined their cocks with marathon masturbation sessions to cartoons and CP, so they will never be able to perform for a woman like a normie guy can.

>Any meaningful experiences you have with her were already ruined by another man getting to her first, and no matter what, she just won't feel the same excitement and rush of emotions with you as she did with her first true love.

That's truly deep user.
I've always thought the same about each of my previous girlfriends. I guess it's just a reaction given by the fact that you truly love your woman and you want to possess her on each side, even her past. Utterly sadpilled.

>How can you look your own mother in the eyes?

t. 23+ yo roastie

lmao kys pathetic roast.


>Any meaningful experiences you have with her were already ruined by another man getting to her first, and no matter what, she just won't feel the same excitement and rush of emotions with you as she did with her first true love.
There comes a point in your life where you'll just be to lonely without female companionship and you'll settle for girls befitting your age and stature. In this day and age, you're not going to find a virgin past a very young age. Of all of the negative aspects of reality, I do not think those raised by you are difficult to accept, at least comparatively.
Frankly, women should considered adults and be allowed to have sex at thirteen. They should just do so within the confines of marriage. The problem is that from fifteen to thirty five, women can fuck whoever they want with impunity. That's peak degeneracy, and it does shave away at their mental state.

Attached: 99D69667-80E8-46A0-A576-B961B952501A.jpg (513x450, 32K)

Lmao new depths of incel sadness

Whew, noone is intimidated by women, it's natural and healthy for a man to feel more attracted to young women. The clock is ticking roastie

That's pretty hot desu.
>tfw no slutty gf

How can you enjoy a videogame that has been tainted by other gamers' playing?

Nope. Im a 31 year old man, faggots.

OP is such a closeted homosexual.

honesty posting: nah, probaby just plain dim and insecure. jacks it to porn too much. no personality, just internet memes.

it's curable, given time but they probably won't. because that would mean introspection and self-reflection, which is anathema to this shithole.