If femanons found the perfect boyfriend, but he needs to slap you around once in awhile...

if femanons found the perfect boyfriend, but he needs to slap you around once in awhile, would you accept it (or even like it?)

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For the vast majority of women, that's part of their definition of the perfect boyfriend.

> (OP)
>For the vast majority of women, that's part of their definition of the perfect boyfriend.
What he said, confirmed by a femanon

tfw no femanon gf to slap around and then cuddle and tell her i love her

Yeah, I'd take it. I might like it, but I don't know without being in that situation. If he was perfect in every other way though, it would be worth dealing with.

As with anything, women like it as long as Chad does it.

This. The thought of being slapped around a bit by Chad who loves and cares about me is kind of appealing. If it's some ugly loser NEET, it's degenerate.

pretty much this. My gf tells me no when I slap her ass but I know that she likes it.

Come to Odessa Texas and be my abuse loving GF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can spend it all on belts to beat you with.

Come to Odessa Texas and be my submissive Chadslave GF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can spend it all on spoiling the bad boys you cuck me with.

Based drilling engineer.

Did you ever get anywhere with femanons?

Brooke was supposedly my EGF but she took 200 dollars from me then cucked me with a nigher

based chad e dating an e whore

I would definitely like it, I'm pretty dumb and I need a man to show me what's what.

pls let me slap you and call you a stupid slut

i would like that... i kind of need it too so it sounds pretty ideal for both of us.

>these replies
Why are women ITT so gross and masochistic?
ree i unironically want to keep the illusion of them being pure and affectionate

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they arent mutually exclusive, i'd say. can't we be both but at different times?

so you want to be cute and pure and also want to be abused and slapped around like stupid bitch

As someone who's not into that, it's just really unsettling and gross. It's like a puppy that wants to be kicked.

this. well said user originally

yes pretty much... uwu
thats fair enough, if u have some self respect its probably not for u. i dont really know why i like it (probably repressed childhood trauma) but thats how it is really

go back to your discord you creepy disgusting freak tranny

i get called a tranny all the time and im literally a girl... just wanna uwu in peace without all those faggots ruining it for me :(

no, only trannies use it

i know and its been ruined for me

what about only being cute and pure

I have to admit I love being slapped stupid

Only cause humans like pain

It's really only women that do.

Two of my sisters did. My aunt (mom's sister) did. My grandma (mother's side) did. My mom almost would have and my two oldest sisters even came from that relationship, but thankfully she found my dad.

the women in your family probably get soaked when they get hit

The women in my family are fucking insane.
My grandma (dad's side) lived with us in an apartment that already had 2 adults and 4 children, she had the biggest room to myself, she had enough money to go live in a retirement home, but she stayed here until she died.
My last sister, the one not in an abusive relationship, got into a relationship with a local gangster and when he got shot she was "depressed" because "they were meant to be" so she made a whole bit of drama and mysteriousness and tried to commit suicide by jumping off a highway overpass. I'm autistic so it never hurt me, but it changed my whole world because everyone else around me was completely transformed by this. Fucked me up even more as a kid. Then a few years pass, she miraculously has all of her nerves functioning, and she tricks some dude 15 years older than he to knock her up (he already has an ex-wife and a child), so now she's a single mommy, nigger style, she's poor, she's uneducated, her job sucks, her life is a mess.

And none of them live healthily. They all have body image problems that of course also affected me so I didn't eat and was a complete skeleton until last year when I started exercising. The damage is already done though and my resting heart rate is barely under 80. I'm just sitting here typing this and I counted 98.

I never want to have anything to do with women. If men could have babies I'd go on Jow Forums and knock up some twink and raise a family with the fucking faggot.

if he uses violence it means no perfect bf

so no, NEVER