Remember when people used to harass black people, homosexuals, and the like publicly...

Remember when people used to harass black people, homosexuals, and the like publicly? Remember how everyone back then thought "niggers will never be human or have rights"? Remember how now black people and homosexuals are now an integral part of the world's population and have the same right as you, a white straight person? This exact same thing will happen to trans people. Slowly but surely, there will be an increase of them. The hate will stop coming. More and more of them will appear on TV, making it so people "think" it's okay but in reality it's just shoehorning them everywhere so people think now it's alright to be trans. When that happens, I hope I will be dead before then. And IF it does happen...well, we truly don't just live in a clown world, but a clown universe.

Attached: maxpain.png (284x278, 86K)

I came here to get mad at you, but then realised upon reading that you're right and now I'm sad.

that time is pretty much here already. When fucking Jow Forums has accepted trans and fags you know it's all going under.

What do you think comes next? How can we stoop lower than trannies?
I mean, nigs and fags were OK because they're just doing their own thing, but trannies actively force you to indulge their mental illness.

Nothing new here. We've always lived in a fallen world, and each generation brings new and horrible steps away from God.

That's awesome
Here tranny hate is exactly the same problem as trannies, they are both spammers.
Trans could go to /lgbt/ and transphobes to whatever dark corner accepted their shite views.

>How can we stoop lower than trannies?
Cumming on children in public.

a full out deconstruction of everything. Today no one knows what gender they are tomorrow they won't be sure what 'yes' or 'no' really means. There willl be further attempts to destroy everything with substance. People will be completely fucking lost.

>transphobes to whatever dark corner accepted their """shite views"""
So...the website me and you are using right now?

Should we make this an accelerationist thread for gits and shiggles? I kind of love this idea.
Yes doesn't always mean yes, and no doesn't always mean no.
If you say yes, you may be forced to by societal oppression. Consenting to sex with a cishet white male is not consent, because power forces people to say yes.
Also, saying no to transgenders, women, and PoC also doesn't mean no, as you are exerting restrictive power on them and have been societally indoctrinated to say no.

No, do not do this thing. :^)

Uh-oh, my hand slipped...

Attached: NotRapeIsRape.png (794x1123, 120K)

Are you seriously comparing being born a certain skin color to chopping your dick off due to mental illness. Thank god people like you dont go outside, have kids, or vote.

This, it's only going to get worse. Just sit back, smoke some weed and watch as it all comes tumbling down OP.

It pains me that we can't actually do anything about it. We're just called insensitive bigots. All I wanted was a better world but alas the energy isn't worth it.

It's always the job of the side of good to be a shepherd of evildoers, which means love above all else.

user... why have you done this?

Trans people are okay. The ftms are usually pretty chill and pass quite well. I think the mutilation is unfortunate

You're white, so I can't consent to answering you.

How does that affect me? I am being completely serious.

you're life would probably be a lot less shitty if you didn't worry about other people as much.

>I mean, nigs and fags were OK because they're just doing their own thing, but trannies actively force you to indulge their mental illness.
That's a very interesting point. I never thought of it that way.

none of that ever happened in my country, it only started to appear lately

why do you worry about what he thinks?

Faggots are not people

Swiftly and masterfully cease breathing

These are the degenerates in Jow Forums who are normalizing transexuals in this world. When /lgbt/ users said they would raid Jow Forums with trans propaganda to make it more widespread and accepted they were not kidding. Do not fall for their tricks.

>these degenerates
Are we on the same url? Get some perspective

Being on this website doesn't automatically make you a degenerate unlike yourself and others (e.g. loli/shota pedos)

If what strangers do is such an important point of your life, you're not a robot. If your misery is over the fact that people are weirdos, you're not a robot. That is all.

Oh god
No one tell him

that's just programming the masses to follow things without question
in a few generations they will be able to convince people LGBT is degenerate and wrong

>in a few generations they will be able to convince people LGBT is degenerate and wrong
If only.

I think it's inevitable that you will be able to legally have sex with young children in the future.

Boundaries physical and social are far more likely to be abolished rather than constructed over time.

People used to harass Irish people too, difference between these three and trannies is the former don't have a full on mental disorder and have been around for centuries. Give em 30 years and the majority of them will either realize they weren't actually dysphoric and just hopped on the bandwagon cause of rapid-onset dysphoria, or they'll commit suicide/fall into obscurity. Either way, they'll be viewed like circus freaks in the wild and zoomers are not stupid enough to continue the trend.

>and zoomers are not stupid enough to continue the trend.