26 years old

>26 years old
>never had sex
>never had a girlfriend
>never kissed a girl
>never held hands with a girl
>never hugged a girl
>never flirted with a girl
>never had a girl's phone number

Haha, why is life so fucking unfair? I'm probably like one in a millionth to be this much of a loser.

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life is fucking hell when sober

I'm you, but 4 years older. The sooner you accept it and move on, the better.

>sexuality has been 99% focused on degenerate fetishes that dont involve humans since day one
>dont give a fuck

feels good

How is life unfair? You chose to never approach a girl or to ask one out.

I'm a year older than you, never been rejected and I'm married to a housewife with good values.

Just learn to present yourself well.

Retarded and meaningless term, neuroscience proves that everything we do is predetermined, your genes and past experiences are the biggest influence on your "choices"

>never flirted with a girl
Theres your problem.
Never make a move and nothing will happen

>I'm a year older than you, never been rejected and I'm married to a housewife with good values.
>Just learn to present yourself well.
oh fuck off, seriously
>How is life unfair? You chose to never approach a girl or to ask one out.
I'm not OP. I have asked several girls out

>oh fuck off, seriously
Why? It's the truth. Show me the man who presents himself well and speaks well and still can't get laid.

welcome to r9k, where easily 75% of people fit that description. i'm not sure if i should say that you're among friends here, though

You're already dead, this is hell


Those are my stats as well. But I am notorious for rejecting girls because I'm terrified that they will find out I'm a fucking loser. Trying to change tho.

I was challenging myself to talk to girls but I never flirted with them. I got too bashful. And also idk what to talk about to them.

the platitudes are strong with this one

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>You're already dead, this is hell
only thing that makes sense, to be honest

Your photo of choice makes no sense. I'm not even remotely suggesting to be yourself.

I'm suggesting that if you speak and present well, you'll get laid. I'm suggesting, too, that if you neither speak nor present well, then you should not continue being the way you are -- you should learn to speak and present well.

Anything else or have you run out of excuses?

couldnt deduce it on your own, normalfag?
>speak and present well
define this

>humblebragging for no reason
Get the fuck out norman.

Source on that? Or just repeating what the r9k cult has ingrained into you

The reason is to imbue how easy it can be for you if you pick yourself up by the bootstraps.
>define this
That's very easy. Be able to negotiate and tactfully push boundaries in conversations, maintain situational awareness, have knowledge about a wide array of subjects to help bridge tangential topics/aid the flow of a convo, be able to read other people's reactions and adjust accordingly, don't stutter, use appropriate diction and syntax.

As for general presentation, that would just involve dressing well, grooming well, etc.

Nothing I mentioned should take longer than high school age to do just well. I'm not telling you to be a rhetorician with a Christopher Hitchens mastery.

How do you speak and present well? I am genuinely interested. I am fit and got a trendy haircut but I learned that from Jow Forums. I am very awkward to be around. The YouTube stuff I watch doesn't really help

See for what it means to me to speak and present well. As for how, if you rely on YouTube to learn basic human interaction, you're probably fucked.

>Be able to negotiate and tactfully push boundaries in conversations
care to recommend some books or elaborate further? it's like if i asked how to get out of poverty and you said build wealth. it's a meaningless statement in the practical sense
>maintain situational awareness
by doing what? which variables does one focus on? give examples
>have knowledge about a wide array of subjects to help bridge tangential topics/aid the flow of a convo
i think bridging and flow are more integral here than an actual array. can you give examples or point where one can learn the axioms of this?
>be able to read other people's reactions and adjust accordingly
how do i learn if i cant just ask people what their faces mean?

>it's like if i asked how to get out of poverty and you said build wealth. it's a meaningless statement in the practical sense
It isn't like that, because the person I was replying to asked me not how to do it, but to define what it is. In your analogy, I would've defined wealth, not how to acquire it.

And I don't believe in books (or YouTube videos) to learn basic human interaction, so I can't recommend any.

I can elaborate though, yes.

>Be able to negotiate and tactfully push boundaries in conversations
This was my way of saying not to have safe conversations. In an effort to personalize the conversation (otherwise, it's just perfunctory and meaningless), if you're actually interested in getting to know something or someone, be willing to throw them off balance, make them a little uncomfortable. It makes the convo more authentic.
>by doing what? which variables does one focus on? give examples
By not taking your cock out at a funeral.
>i think bridging and flow are more integral here than an actual array
I would agree if the subject matter was meaty enough to delve into more and more without the need to invoke tangents.
>how do i learn if i cant just ask people what their faces mean?
You learn through basic human interaction. And in any event, you can ask - it just has to be done in a way that doesn't make you look like a dolt.

I feel you man, i go to a only bois school and had the same problems, I think I went full gay to survive.

how many hours a day do you flirt with girls? if it's less than 9, don't talk about "unfair'

im that guy who asked and I think you get my point anyway. your either a smooth ass troll or dont see how vague and unhelpful the shit your saying is
>be willing to throw them off balance
>By not taking your cock out at a funeral.
>just has to be done in a way that doesn't make you look like a dolt
but it probably goes back to>I don't believe in books (or YouTube videos) to learn basic human interaction
and you saying people should know this stuff by highschool