Tranny hate general #10 - /thg/ - autogynophilia edition

Most trannies are sexually deviant perverts who deserve public beatings

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Bump bumping no 1 haha

Bump bumping bumper 2

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>he's back and he's still in love with us
you are, dare i say, /our/ poltard

I am agp, but I am gay and would never even consider becoming trans.
Agp is just a fetish, so what? My boyfie likes it when I wear panties.

Anyone got the webm of the based nigger caving in that trannies skull on a bus? I fucking hate the LGBTP

I feel like this isn't really true anymore, it used to be mentally ill old men who snapped and went for their agp fantasies IRL, but the average AGP tranny's age has been dropping sharply because people who would have lived with it all their lives and kept it in the bedroom now have the possibility to act it out irl.

og tranny janny

The elusive gay agp. Pretty rare specimen. I'm agp, too, bi but mostly into guys. But my early onset agp has fucked my sexuality big time. I would never consider becoming trans either, it's attractive but it's insanity, esp when you'd look like a hon. I do get dysphoria but it's small enough.

Dilate your gaping hole, tranny
Your parents must be do disappointed because they gave birth to an abomination

Bump bumping no one 4

Buuuuump bumping 5

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Bumper bumper bumps begin 7

Parents are a social construct.
Very rare specimens indeed, yeah it fucked me over a little bit as well, but I got hold of myself: this is just a fetish, I am a guy, and I like guys. Trannies kys.

>"r9k doesnt want trannies!"
>has to bump the tranny hate thread 7 times because no one is posting in it
Big think

T. Keep seething you tranny freak

Bumping bumper bumps begin before 8

bumpity bumpity bump bump bumper cars bumperdoo bumperino

Exactly. I mean, it's Jow Forums, people post a lot of nasty gory and generally non-chalant things. Nerves of Jow Forums are made of steel, and some trannies can't gross out anyone but newbs posting porn on /b/.

Honestly i think its mostly repressors who think hating trannies will make them lose those feelings themselves, my younger brother used to be a raging homophobe but now hes been with a dude for nearly 3 years, hating a group passionately tends to be a big sign you're disliking the fact you're part of that group in some way.

Bump bumping bumper bumps bump bumping 10

Bumper number 11

>user points out op's obvious desperation
>"no your mad"

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Bump bumping number 13

Bush bumped 14

Kill yourself, you tranny faggot hahaha hahahahahaha

Bump numba 15 gg

Bumping my niggas 16

Bumper again hahah 17

Bump bumping number bump 18

I have to clean my room because i let some tranny take a nap here. Shit fucking stinks

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Bumping again 20

bump because i too hate trannies

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oregano 2 electriic boogaloo

that's a drag queen, not a tranny user

Trannoids are trying to subvert trap culture while simultaneously hating it (eg. believing 'trap' is a slur and traps are just repressed trannies)

Because trannies are so seethingly jealous of traps, they attempt to gaslight traps into thinking that they need to transition in order to be attractive or passable.
They also never discuss the consequences and fethistically memed hormones into being 'girlpills' etc.
The entire transgender online community is just a continuous cycle of manipulation and psychological abuse

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based and agpilled

havent met a single tranny who doesnt deserve to be put in a north korean style internment camp

>"r9k hates trannies reeee leave !!!"
>bumps the same thread 20 fucking times because no one is commenting