How to get a girlfriend

How to get a girlfriend.

Step 1. Find a group of people with similar interests
Step 2. Talk to them until they become your friends
Step 3. Go to parties with them
Step 4. Talk to as many girls as you can at the party
Step 5. Once they're your friends ask them out to the movies or other activity
Step 6. See if they're into you. If they aren't move on to the next female
Step 7. If they're into you then you know what to do.

It's that easy. Just keep making friends and talking to people and you'll get a girlfriend eventually.

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What if I don't want friends outside a girlfriend?

Pay a prostitute for sex.

do you want the police called on you? because that's how you get the police called on you. a white man can't walk in a park alone because obviously he's a pedophile. a black/latino easily would be shot.

are you saying you just walk to someone and harass them? good luck, bruh

>Find a group of people
Nah, I'm schizoid, talking to people is a torture to me

All of my intetests are sausage fests so the few girls who are into them are taken by the attractive guys

Sorry, I want a girlfriend not a prostitute.

Step 1 is the hardest part of them all though. Where do people even go anymore? Am I supposed to just spot a group of people somewhere, walk up to them and say "hi there, can I join you?" Is that even normal?

Then you arent ready for a girlfriend
If your gf is your only friend, 100% of your friends will leave you in about 2 weeks

What if she doesn't have friends either?

Even worse
People do this shit and wonder why one and/or the other ends up going off the deep end

I don't have any interests
I don't like to talk to people
I hate parties
Again, I odn't like to talk to people
All movies are trash
I never know what to do

Its the talk to them until they become your friends that I have a problem with. Trying to force yourself into a group of friends who probably think youre a loser is the most embarrassing and cringeworthy thing a guy can do

>Step 1. Find a group of people with similar interests

all of my interests are solitary activities
this is basically impossible

Step 8: shove it up your butt

Joke's on you, I have no interests.

>How to get a girlfriend.
Bullshit but let's see
>Step 1. Find a group of people with similar interests
No idea what my interests are. I'm not advanced enough at anything (including vidya) to find a group of people with similar interests. I'm a perpetual beginner.
>Step 2. Talk to them until they become your friends
Socially inept, can't talk to people or make friends.
>Step 3. Go to parties with them
Never been to one, even when I did sort of have friends years ago, doubt this would happen.
>Step 4. Talk to as many girls as you can at the party
Socially inept, can't talk to anyone.
>Step 5. Once they're your friends ask them out to the movies or other activity
They would never end up my friends.
>Step 6. See if they're into you. If they aren't move on to the next female
See step above.
>Step 7. If they're into you then you know what to do.
I don't. I'm probably autistic and have no idea how to act around a girl or take it to the next step. My only hope would be if I was like 14 and found a shy, awkward, girl and I was her first boyfriend or something. That time has passed and she doesn't exist.
>It's that easy. Just keep making friends and talking to people and you'll get a girlfriend eventually.
Can't make friends, can't talk to people.

What do you reccomend?

the closest i ever got to having sex was a girl in highschool 17 years ago telling me and a couple friends at her house, unprompted, that she would never sleep with any of us (we were just killing time there). none of us had ever even expressed a twinkle of interest. i decided if i'm hearing that from an above average attractive woman without even trying what chance do i have if i tried so that along with some other factors means i never did~

your screwed just like me the only way to get a girl is to try and find an autistic girl.

That's what I figured.
Do you have any friends at least, or are we both fucked there as well?

>Find a group of people with similar interests

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I surround myself with online tards like you guys. So no we're both fucked :(
My only irl female friend I had was autistic and was pretty chill half the time I forgot she was a girl but I lost contact with her after high school.

I'm stuck at step 1, please help.
Is there any known group that is for worthless people who have no interests?
>Step 7. If they're into you then you know what to do.
Oh man if I do it again I'm going to get 15+ years of jail time and I don't know if I can take that.