What kind of butts do femanons have? Big, jiggly butts or small, tight butts?

What kind of butts do femanons have? Big, jiggly butts or small, tight butts?

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That's none of your business what butt I have

Butts filled with Chad's dick

femanons have flabby butts

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It very much is.

it is a normal but, some might say nice. Considering i dont work out its an ok base, not totally flat. Sometimes I feel like I should work on it then I remember im ugly anyway

work on it and maybe I'll fuck you from behind

Does she have a wedgie or something? The panty line is mismatched on either side.

can you use my face as your office chair?

Seconding this. I would love it if a femanon used my face as her chair while she browsed Jow Forums

Working on your but, Doing squats etc is really bad for the female body. If you ever want to have a kid you shouldn't work out your but/ thigh region. If you do then during birth your muscles will block the baby coming out. This always results in your muscles tearing.
So unless you want your muscles to tear and your skin to look like that of an old hag I would advise not working out your ass region

I like to imagine that fembots are hidden gems. They wear big saggy sweatpants and dress like shit just to hide their huge trunk

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mmmmmmmmmm i love ass, i want to touch a femanon's butt

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How do girls feel about the fact that guys want to be their chairs?

Makes me sad I don't have a boi chair

Please use my face

Are you a femanon? Can you tell me what you would do with a guy who offered to be your chair?

exercise isnt a bad thing. do you have a source on this. also im never going to have kids anyway
I dont think we are any different than the average girl. we probably wont have stacey faces, we could be fat. but we are perfectly able to have average/nice bodies. the idea we are all flabby hambeasts is a bit much.
or I could not work on it and get meaningless sex without the effort. If i wanted. Which I don't

Im a femanon.
I would sit on his face obviously while shitposting on r9k and studying

please sit on me

my ass isnt that good though

>then I remember im ugly anyway
Ohhhhh poor poor f*moid, chad won't notice you.
I guarantee, there would be men linning up by the hundreds willing to settle for you but you just like every other foid are a hypergamous shallow whore.
KYS please.

God that sounds awesome

You would probably spend a lot of time sitting, then. What would you do if you started to get sweaty? How would you let him breathe?

it doesn't have to be "that good" as long as it is you

I have a pretty small butt, not too bad I guess but not "thicc." I don't really wear tight fitting clothes to show it off though, makes me self conscious.

wow that didnt take long. I don't aim for men above me or expect them. desu like this board do for girls most of the time. Dont especially want to be "settled" for either. I'd rather be alone than someone so desperate they went for me for that reason, saw me as below them. Not actually liking me in my own right. thats not fair on anyone.

But literally all I meant by that comment was a hot ass would be absolutely wasted on me either way. You read into it way too much.

Kys please if you take personal offence to fucking everything like this.

You are wrong. As a woman it is your natural instinct to show off your body to men. Unless you are a landwhale that is.

He can drown in my ass sweat. If he wants to breathe I'd let him do it for a while

So you really would just use him as a chair... that is really hot. What do you like so much about doing that?

What would you wear? Pants?

>Im a femanon.
X for mega doubt

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i like gentle femdom stuff and facesitting sounds hot i don't know.
Maybe, mostly panties

Thanks for telling me all about it. A guy would be lucky to have someone like you in his life.

If you had to fart, would you fart in his face?

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>or I could not work on it and get meaningless sex without the effort. If i wanted. Which I don't
well that's up to you
jokes aside, as you said, exercise is never bad so might as well get on with it, for yourself of course, don't do it for anyone else but yourself

>femanon's sweat-soaked panties smashed on my face while she ignores me and shitposts on Jow Forums

yeah its not like i wanted to go full instathot. like I said it would be wasted on me, but it would be nice to be healthier and a bit more confident in myself. im only really lucky in fat placement which is the real reason I have an ass and big tits tbf.

It's like. Completely smooth. Made firm through rigorous training. Small.

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>I have an ass and big tits tbf.
user, why would you mention this? Are you trying to torment me with what I can never have

>desu like this board do for girls most of the time
Fucking horseshit, most of the oneitis's and waifus guys on here have a average/below average in looks.
And the difference between women and men in this regard is men fantaize about being with women out of their league but will ultimately settle for average or ugly girls. Women on the other hand fantasize about chad and will actually refuse to date down and sometimes wait for years and years until the "PERFECT" man comes along after riding cock after cock.
Women have options unlike men, you can choose who ever you want and you will always choose the "best" man you possibly can and best means for you, wealthy, good looking, CONFIDENT TEE HEE, blah blah blah blah I could go on all day but I can't think at the moment, basically prince charming himself.
In the end the man you want doesn't want you because you are a used up whore with a lot of baggage so you settle for a beta provider.

Take your negativity somewhere else kid.

don't tell me you were expecting positivity in any abundant amount on r9k

> average/below average in looks.

you're completely deluded or think anything short of a victoria's secret angel is "average/below average"; you're making the mistake of thinking that robots are regular people, robots will settle solely for their ideal gf

Bit a bullet white knight filth.

I couldnt even fucking read this bile, but I never said no man wanted me. where is this shit coming from. Go seek out yet another femanon thread literally click on it and then have the audacity to get pissed off that some other woman dares to post. Because its overdone. imo. fucking sperg desu.

what do you wear then? i don't see girls wearing anything other than tight clothes these days.

>victoria's secret angel
One fucking waifu and she was fucking weird as fuck, obsessed with blood not some superficial stacy, exactly the sort of girl guys on here would like.

Like I said, it's just a fantasy for us. We know these wimins would never even glance in our general direction.
You on the other hand, will only settle for what you consider to be the "perfect man".

Jesus christ

>I couldnt even fucking read this bile
Because it's the truth, and you can't handle it roast.

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i think you are mistaken. my one partner in life was literally an obese shut in neckbeard from here. The men i have crushed on have invariably been mostly weird looking or just fat. I like fat dudes. I'm an ugly girl, i keep my options realistic so I don't end up alone. same cant eb said for this board. and its odd the average couple on the street arent supermodels are they. Man you see some real uggos walking about quite happy. Probably because they were realistic and developed some sort of personality to compensate.

>tfw 90 lbs and have the ass of a little boy

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Have you ever spoken to a girl for more then 5min lol

Femanons, please allow me to apologize for the rude comments these jerks have posted in this thread.

nah I skimmed it and saw the same old ranting bullshit. Its not even remotely true. I dont get where its coming from either. ultimately all I said was theres not really any point to me having a thot ass because im ugly so its not really going to benefit me in any real way. To which you decided to throw every bitter incel reach in the book at me. I mean calm down.

have sex

Welp. This user just btfo all the whiners ITT. I have to give you props.

>I'm an ugly girl
There's your answer and the fat dudes probably had "good personalities" tee hee whatever the fucking hell that bullshit means.

The difference is I'm not even fucking ugly and average/ugly chick think they are better than me.

>have sex
Spoken like a true roastie, another "fembot" right here robros.

They did lad. they had lovely, kind and caring personalities. The thing that you seem to struggle with. The thing that ultimately makes for lasting relationships. and more importantly they didnt sit on Jow Forums ranting and blaiming the world for their own failures. can you really not see it might just be your fault? take a good look at what you are exhibiting here and question if maybe your shitty personality and woman hate is holding you back

not big, but not flat either.
i like it, i'm pretty confident about my body.

>weird as fuck
you were talking about looks, you fucking braindead retard

>it's just a fantasy
yes, go tell that to the people who unironically believe "2D is pure, I would never even touch a 3D f*moid!"

>You on the other hand, will only settle for what you consider to be the "perfect man".
your only exposure to women has been on the internet or from afar, hasn't it? even then, your own stupid narrative contradicts your point; when women have no more "value," they "settle" for a "beta provider" aka not a perfect man

i was really just being ironic. Its a bit of a meme after all. i hope it hit a nerve though

confident enough to share some photos?

I i dont like fembots myself but this is embarrassing. its almost like a parody

yes, post your discord id and i'll send pics

If I have to have sex, can I have sex with you?

it means they are enjoyable to be around. If you dont know it then you don't have it. and therein lies your real issue. Christ even on here you give of woman murdering vibes


I hope you find someone you truly care about to do it with. But thats kinda how it works for me too

But I care about you...

Why not here?
Come on sweetie

>The thing that you seem to struggle with
Only because society exploited my goodness so now I put on a shield of hatred and rage so p*ople stay away.
>can you really not see it might just be your fault?
Yep it's totally my fault I got a head injury as a small child resulting in multiple mental illnesses and learning disabilities so I ended up being bullied by virtually everyone including my friends and father all throughout school.

> kind and caring personalities. The thing that you seem to struggle with
I care for my mother and my cousin.

>shitty personality and woman hate is holding you back
Yeah that must be why all the mentally unstable criminal drug dealers, serial killers are loved by women.
Also PUAS/Chads/Brads/ are the some of the biggest misogynists and women absolutely love them, enough with this fucking meme.

>your only exposure to women has been on the internet or from afar, hasn't it?
Lol, I almost got laid to this 8/10 THOT who looked identical to Debbie Harry I met at the pub but she realised I was socially awkward and even though she was drunk off her tits a little bit of shyness drew her off.
I hate women because of experience with them. I remember I first really started hating them after going out a few times with my mates.

>when women have no more "value," they "settle" for a "beta provider" aka not a perfect man
You fucking moron, they only settle for these men because they have no other choice, cause they are a used up old hag.

Looks like this board is truly taken over, nice job you thirsty faggots.

Swallow bleach white knight.

Sorry user, go be a piece of garbage somewhere else.

severe lack of pics itt

you hate women. they can sense it. This is why you are alone
samefag harder

>you hate women. they can sense it. This is why you are alone
Yeah and I suppose women didn't sense it in this guy. Oh no they actually loved him even after finding out about how he tortured women to death.

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>samefag harder
Yeah, you're right this board is just /soc/lolcow/2.0 now I forgot.

boy the mental disabilities are really showing. I would be inclined to have sympathy because some similar shit happened to me. Jumped by bullies and had my head smashed into a wall until I blacked out. resulting in nerve damage and ptsd that affects me even now. I also had a stoke when I was 19. but I don't hate every female for it. Bullying is actually just part of life. some of us just handle it better, you arent special. I'd wager most of this board got bullied in some way. and you know what at least you have your mother. I enjoyed some severe abuse at home also.

so you have very little experience with women outside of pubs and the internet yet you claim they are they way they are portrayed on r9k

>socially awkward
unsurprisingly, the person who shit on women the most can't even talk to them

>You fucking moron, they only settle for these men because they have no other choice, cause they are a used up old hag.
wow, good job repeating what I'd just said

Proof right fucking now

>unsurprisingly, the person who shit on women the most can't even talk to them
The person who kills women the most is the best at talking to them.

We just say meanie words on the internet while the men you love and date, torture, rape and murder you for entertainment.

When I said they will only settle I meant that is their initial rule but they later realised they are used goods and the men they want don't want them.

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the thing with him is he looks like a chad. he was charismatic. Both important things to some women. Men put up with incredible amounts of shit to stay with a hot woman too. women are weak and will often bend to the will of whatever the man they are into is. This does not necessarily mean they are into men who go around murdering specifically. it does not mean its what all women want lol.

>boy the mental disabilities are really showing
Ah, the foid is an ableist facist. How tolerant. So so progressive and feminist of you to be so inclusive of other minorities :)
Gee If you tried saying that to my face, they wouldn't find anything left of you.

And I don't hate women just because of the bullying, I hate them because they have rejected me just because of some slight mental issues.
You have to be perfect this day and age, any ordinary guy won't cut it.

It is funny though how incels are the new boogeyman even though we mostly just sit in our basements and say meanie words waaaah, while the actual men abusing and tormenting women are celebrated.

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ah, yes, the "all women want a deranged serial killer" meme; meanwhile, robots cream themselves over the nip girl who stabbed his boyfriend 16 times -and any other attractive female felon, of course

>The person who kills women the most is the best at talking to them.
being charismatic has no correlation with being a murderer

>We just say meanie words on the internet while the men you love and date, torture, rape and murder you for entertainment.
because you're too weak to even go up to a girl and get frustrated because even if they talk to you, your social awkwardness fucks it up

shouldn't you eurotards be in bed?

fuck you on about. all I said was you are literally acting like your retard conditions. these issues definitely dont seem slight. if you were the class tard you were the class tard. move on

most guys in the world are ordinary. Most guys are in relationships. The thing is you clearly arent even ordinary.

>robots cream themselves over the nip girl who stabbed his boyfriend 16 times
Wtf? when did this happen? there's a reason why men say they will never date crazy because of shit like that.

>and any other attractive female felon, of course
Examples, show mw proofs. Men are usually repulsed by such women as I explained above.

>being charismatic has no correlation with being a murderer
Yes it does fuck stick, psychopaths are charismatic.

>because you're too weak to even go up to a girl and get frustrated because even if they talk to you, your social awkwardness fucks it up
It's not weakness it's apathy, I just know she will not accept me for who I am and I have no idea what to say to women to even talk to them . Plus I am not a clown to entertain foids, why doesn't one talk to me? you want equality right? how about we just desicde to take away your rights one day because you won't accept equality?

>if you were the class tard you were the class tard. move on
Were are you from? wanna meet up? I'll eat your face.

>The thing is you clearly arent even ordinary
Yeah I'm not actually and it's something I'm proud of.

so you're actually sitting claiming I wouldnt settle for less than chad when simultaneously you wouldn't date me, or realistically want anyone within your range.. and also that women dont want you because they dont want ordinary guys, they want chad. and now you are saying you are not ordinary? hm. No they just want ordinary guys. not bitter retards who sit and threaten women online lmao.

have sex

>tfw nicer ass then most girls i know
squats are one hell of a drug

What I mean by ordinary foid, is not highly educated, worked shitkicker jobs, not rich, not super interesting at least to a meat hole(I am interesting to a lot of men).

Are you feminist/leftist? how truly tolerant. I was wrong with my initial assesmenet that leftist are all gigantic hypocrites who are themselves the biggest fascists. Peace and love to you to comrade :)

>Wtf? when did this happen? there's a reason why men say they will never date crazy because of shit like that.

>Examples, show mw proofs. Men are usually repulsed by such women as I explained above.
yeah, fuck off; if you don't see it, you're willfully ignorant or lying

>Yes it does fuck stick, psychopaths are charismatic.
I knew you'd be stupid enough to misinterpret my statement, I should have made it more clear; I said being charismatic doesn't mean you're a murdered, not the other way around

>It's not weakness it's apathy, I just know she will not accept me for who I am and I have no idea what to say to women to even talk to them
you admitted that you fucked up your one interaction with a hot girl because of your social awkwardness

>Plus I am not a clown to entertain foids, why doesn't one talk to me?
it happened and you fucked it up

>you want equality right? how about we just desicde to take away your rights one day because you won't accept equality?
oh, shut the fuck up, you're likely a NEET loser; whatever "we" means in your head does not reflect reality, you're not part of some all-powerful group because you happen to have a penis

No I am neither feminist or or leftist. I just call out retards when I see them acting like it. you are reading too much into this


shitting up the thread. if you dont like them then fuck off

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What does a fembot's brap smell like? I want to know so badly

Only a small amount of beta cuck edgelords find these crazies atractive and only because of their looks.
Women get all wet and excited over criminals because they seem them a brutal alpha male that will kill all competition.
Women are like apes, they have this primitive archaic mindset and find brutality sexy like a female chimp would.

There is a link between charisma and murderers though and that link is a phychopathy, hole.

>you admitted that you fucked up your one interaction with a hot girl because of your social awkwardness
It's not the only interaction I've had cum bin, it's just the closest I got to fucking a girl and me and her before I spilled my spaghetti hit it off. We danced down the fucking street while singing doors songs and I kissed her. The thot even told me she had a boyfriend and wanted to come back to my place.

>it happened and you fucked it up
Why can't women stop being so fucking picky and judgemental? it's like you want to create hordes of school shooters. Just accept that some men are socially awkward you fascist demons.

>oh, shut the fuck up, you're likely a NEET loser; whatever "we" means in your head does not reflect reality
You don't think shit like nazi Germany could happen again? or what about the witch burnings? shit Islams growing at an unprecedented rate, you better start worrying roastie, men like us will happily join the stoning crowds lmao XDXDXD