Why are single moms allowed to raise their children...

Why are single moms allowed to raise their children? Women can't do shit and only make their male kids turn into coward pussies. My whore mom just keeps telling me to avoid confrontation and be an overall pussy, I want to murder that bitch.

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got bad news for people raised by single parents only , you WILL have some problems , you won't be perfect from start.
raised normal except mine were alcoholics(both mom and dad and older brother, fights etc) but Idgaf about violence and free to fight anytime.
eastern europe drunk subhuman here.

Sounds like your old enough to make your own decisions now and don't have to follow her advice . If you're willing to mureer her you can handle confrontation on your own

Everyone is drunk in Eastern Europe lmao.

>My whore mom just keeps telling me to avoid confrontation and be an overall pussy
So does my dad.

its the only way to cope with the shitty enviroment for fuck sake.
weed is illegal , atleast alcohol is a way to escape.

>women should stay at home and care for the kids, that's what nature intended
>women can't raise kids
So which is it?

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Doesnt really matter though. Back in ancient times kids often had single mothers since their dads died somewhere in a war. They just happen to be our predecessors. Family life is a 19th century meme, you literally don't need all that bs.

If there is on good thing about this shity european union is that they might force all countries to legalize weed for recreational consumption.

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because men are allowed to leave their spouse and kid if they want to

Most of the time men leave when they get cheated on and even then they are forced to pay child support and alimony and don't even get me started on how they have to pay for their ex-wives lawyers and get fucked on child custody.

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>Most of the time men leave when they get cheated on
doesn't sound like a very good man if he's putting himself before his children

An she doesn't sound like a good mother for sleeping around like a whore, it goes both ways.
Your logic is like blaming the knife maker for some idiot using the knife to stab someone.
Maybe if we weren't promoting this shity sexual promiscuiti for both sexes so much we would prevent many broken homes problems.

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You fucking dumb cunt the women only deal with the kids from like 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM until the husband gets home the woman need to stay home and cook and clean

men are hornier than women, it starts with them not giving into thots

If a man can't get his dick wet at home because of his bitch wife denying him sex, he will find another way to get sex, most of the times it will be a sad fap but sometimes it will be other women.
If you don't want your man to cheat on you, keep his balls empty, it's that fucking simple, but modern women only want all the advantages while not giving a shit about their responsibilities in the respationship.

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what kind of man only works for 3 hours a day?

men need to take the initiative and not have sex until marriage
women will follow suit
boys and girls will have role models again

It's literally become frowned upon to save up for marriage or look for a virgin girl to marry in our current society and social media is only making this worse.
You simply can't reverse this shit because of social media, pandora's box is open.

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>european union is that they might force all countries to legalize weed for recreational consumption
sources or something?

It is a lot worse the other way around, trust me.