Hey everybody, I am going to do a presentation on circumcision in front of 30 people next friday and I need your help. I want to make a strong argument so that I can save a few baby boys from being mutilated. For the presentation, it is required that I use Ethos, Logos, and Pathos (credibility, logic, and emotion) to persuade my audience not to mutilate their children
I'm a sperg. I stutter. I forget to make points sometimes. I will have slides, so I will be able to make a cohesive argument. Along with that, I will be able to show my peers a clip of the operation (this should help with the emotion piece and shock them).
The presentation needs to be about 7 minutes long... Please help me outline!
For the videos, right now I have access to these:
and I think I will be able to show only one of them.
I'm thinking about starting off like this:
"Hello everybody. Human rights are very important to us, they prevent us from being abused (yada yada yada). Although we are protected by these rights, what if I told you that 25% of Americans have one of their human rights violated."
or I can do something dumb like
"Hello everybody, today I will be talking about a very sensitive topic" *change slide* "baby dicks* (audience applauds, Oprah is there, the crowd starts cheering, I'm handed the Nobel prize by the president)
I want to make these points:
- Circumcision violates Article 3 of the UDHR
- Circumcision is done without consent
- Circumcision causes harm 100% of the time whether we know it or not (those circumcised cant because it happened so soon)
I want to counter some of these points:
- Reduces Penile cancer
- Reduces HIV and other STDs
- Risks out way the benefits
- Takes away from the human experience (think of seeing the colors of OP but then having it removed without your consent)