He watches anime

>he watches anime

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That's fine, I don't think we were really compatible anyway. Good luck on your journey for love.

JoJo isnt anime. Its an experience. A golden one.

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hold on hold on hold on let me just drop the things I enjoy so I can put pussy on a pedestal and live by her standards for the rest of my life.. its not too late, right?

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but my gf is an anime

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>he reads manga

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understandable, have a great day miss

My gf watches anime and I don't

I only watch Naruto

I want to put my fingers in her mouth

My oneitis watches anime and when some weeb fucker mentioned some animes she was swooning over him
Months of grooming were undone in an instant

this but unironically

statistically speaking if someone is a weeb it's best to avoid them

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>not superior high IQ CHADon Ball
no femanon pussy for you dork

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What are these memes called? I know they're spin-offs of wojak, but I can't find anything on them.

femcel-chan is the queen of Jow Forums newfriend

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This isn't original. Why aren't the jannies removing unoriginal threads? These trannies must be expatriated.

why yes, I'm going to watch attack on titan tomorrow after I've had my morning coffee and cigarette. I'm going to enjoy it.

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she was originally called Femoid but now she's Femcel-Chan, fembot, or whatever you want. She's just the new generic female wojak

what ya think of the new ww2 vibe

Girls like this watch anime ironically, especially on Netflix. It's cool to like anime now, at least for these people.

>mfw someone calls me a queen

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>Girls like this watch anime ironically,
as long as it's some cute innocent animu, sure

no weebshit tho


Jojo is more than anime, it is life itself

>she doesn't watch anime
Kicked from my IRC channel.

If I ever get a gf I'm going to hide my stockpile of anime and manga for as long as possible. She's going to find my stash of manga and I'll just play it off like "Oh that? Thought I mentioned that, guess it never came up."

Why would my waifu drop me for watching her show?

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Yeah a gay experience

i've never been into anime much, but my ex was
i always asked him to show me some of the stuff he was into so he could watch it together
didn't learn until we were 6 months into our relationship that he had a public reputation for being into loli :

WWWWAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! Why cant I watch anime??!!

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