Why doesn't chad they asians? why is only betas? seems suspicious

why doesn't chad they asians? why is only betas? seems suspicious

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cuz smart people know asians are the patrician waifus

desu zuckerberg is such an ugly mofo that even all his money couldn't pull a white qt

zuck is beyond human desire and he is just pragmatic that they are looks matched and she has high iq

Chad can get a woman that doesn't look like a boy

>Marries a stout chinese peasant
the power of autism

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Asian girls are more attracted to the money. Jews wins over Chads.

Yellow fever must be one hell of a drug.

This guy I used to work with was about as "chad" as they come. He had a natural way with women, multiple kids with multiple women, and always had stories, like when he fucked a married woman while she was on the phone to her husband.

Anyway, this guy seemed to prefer Asian women. Why, I don't know. But there ya go, not just betas.

how sharp was his jaw. and even betas can be good with asian woman if they are white

Wrong. My azn gf comes from a middle class family, mine is poor, she has a degree I didn't finish high school, we work similar jobs at the moment (actually I make a little more money but neither of us make a lot since they are temporary travel jobs) and she still pays for everything. Just give her the big white cock and dats it mayne.

The reason Asians are appealing to autists and vice versa is that Asians are enormously more intelligent than white women, like more than a standard deviation on average. I don't give a fuck what any IQ tests or whatever say, I am telling you for certain that this is true because I know many Asians and the consistency of this observation is 100%.

This probably partially genetic, but I think it is mostly cultural. Asian women aren't pandered to like western ones are, they are expected to be conscientious and disciplined just as men are. You can have a conversation with them about world events or politics or economics, shit that just does not exist in the minds of idiot western whore cunts.

This is also why they aren't so keen on white Chads, they are just too stupid for them. An average white man is already Chad compared to most Asian men, so physically a Chad doesn't offer enough more to them to make up for their stupidity.

Autists and Asians are a match made in heaven, I just got done fucking for 4 hours straight with my slitty eyed little waifu and I truly think I can never go back now.

>she has a degree I didn't finish high school, we work similar jobs
Can't make a good use of her degree and you still think she is
>enormously more intelligent

>This probably partially genetic, but I think it is mostly cultural
Cultural mostly. IQ tests aside anyone would optimize their body to dopamine. White women act like stupid whores on Instagram to get validation without facing repercussions from family (in fact 2 generations ago this all started snowballing, thanks feminism). Asians have more backlash on being promiscuous, revealing and such, and they are rewarded more for intelligence, though even Asians are slowly falling apart (Japan and pop culture, Koreans and materialism in general, you can probably find more examples).
Just look at how prepubescent girls are, they tend to be more risk-taking and cockier towards life, more physical and such. Once the boobs and shit settle in, Western girls start becoming stuck-up cunts mostly stuck seeking validation from society.

Can't remember, definitely not a no-jaw. He was tall with a shaven head, snd had buckets of self-confidence. Anyway he wasn't white. He was mixed Jamaican or something.

She's traveling in a country where she is not totally fluent in the language. She makes better money back home. Learn to read buddy.

Yes this is correct. My gf is super respectable back home, a member of the communist party even which is a big honour over there which they only give to the top students. But here she's started smoking, drinking, has tried a couple of different drugs, stuff she would never do there because the cultural expectations are off her back now and she doesn't need to worry about what anyone thinks. I'm sure if she grew up with the same shit western women do that she would be quite different. Japs are already ruined as you say. I shouldn't even say Asians because it's pretty much only China who is holding the fort now, they are the only hope for the future of this world.

These guys seem pretty chaddy. Anyways, WMAF are the highest earners in the west so they are low key the real chads.

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WMAF will always be the future.

A jealous white woman made this thread.

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>why doesn't chad they asians? why is only betas? seems suspicious

Why is grammar always an issue with the people on this site?

I honestly think this thread was made by a seething white guy who likes to race bait. It's becoming pretty common.

Naw I am a brown guy who hates white worshiping retards.

Have sex ugly incel

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needs someone as genetically different as possible to undo his jew taysachs autism genes

>You can have a conversation with them about world events or politics or economics, shit that just does not exist in the minds of idiot western whore cunts.
>asian women
>giving a shit about politics or world events
literally out of every race of women I've met asians give the least shits about anything that won't earn them money. they don't care about or even comprehend shit like politics or philosophy, especially not the women.

have sex incel loser

Plenty of them do go after Asians. The internet just doesn't bully them for it because they're good looking enough for people to realize that they're dating Asian women because they want to and not just because they can't score a white woman.

Virtual black face, why do people do this?