Why isnt r9k taken the Broney Pill yet. Maybe you be happier and have friends.
Why aren't you a Broney yet
No friends is still better than brony friends
The twink I met on Grindr and fuck is a briny he gives good head too
Imagine having friends that will swallow your cum and play vidya after
Even if I was retarded enough to actually be interested in this toddler garbage, the show only has four months left in it before it finally ends. Please off yourself right now, because chances are you'd kill yourself anyway.
Seriously, fucking do it
And burn alive while you're at it
Die to the bloody death
Yeah, no thanks
Don't really see it as a sexual accomplishment to get my cum swallowed by some fat unattractive outcast
You need to get TOPPED user sex will help you with your anger issues
anime peeps are more fun to be around.
And kill yourself brutally
Go fuck yourself, experience a visceral gutting
>people actually meet irl to obsess over a children's show
>Litteral soiboy, Screechy SJWs, austic weebs and Dr X the neckbeard all combined into one package of cringe.
If only had broney friends or had to associate with these people on a daily basis I would probably kill myself too.
I'd like to see the end of your existence
My thoughts exactly. Kudos.
Jump off the nearest bridge
Bleed out to your fucking death
I want you to experience the most painful death
For you to know the meaning of pain
Through slashed throats and dismembered limbs
You will deserve the pain inflicted upon you
screenshot-user you need help as much as bronies do, if not more
Which will include a shattered skull and broken kneecaps
I have every right to call them out on their bullshit; they have a containment board and they should stay there.
They need the message that they don't belong here burned into their fucking retinas
Or they will suffer horrendous blights upon their being
Fucking choke them out
After they're done, they won't be left breathing
They'll only be left bleeding
which is saying something
it's a bog-standard children's show, maybe slightly better than some but nothing to get obsessed over. bronies will gush over the animation and everything else, but at the end of the day it's just average.
(also any fandom-based culture is going to be pretty much only shit, if you have to base your personality over liking a particular piece of media you're not someone most people would want to hang out with.)
and you have a therapy to vent to, hopefully
I can't wait until summer is over and you shitty middle-school edgelords stop polluting this board
Fucking stab them over and over again
Rip their eyes out of their sockets
And puncture their flesh
I'm not being edgelord, there is literally nothing good that can be said about these freaks of nature. What I'm saying is what should be done with these wastes of oxygen.
Not only are they wasting oxygen, they're wasting food and money that could be used to give starving children in Africa good lives
But our tax dollars are being spent on giving these pieces of excrement made flesh a home
Homes they didn't deserve to begin with
They'd be better off as donors of their organs
So that future generations will know how to stop these abominations from being created
Which is why I want them all to suffer numerous deaths
Put them into shallow graves
Burn them in masses
Have them suffer through pain