All happy people should be permabanned from r9k to maintain an atmosphere of solace

all happy people should be permabanned from r9k to maintain an atmosphere of solace.

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Okay. I think all sad people should be banned because they dont post funny memes and maybe they will go improve their lives if they cant post

>just improve your life, bro!
I'm sick of you people. Normies get out ree.

Good one bro, ree always lazy ree

I agree.

This board isn't for memes fucking normalfag. Go back to /b/.


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If its not for memes then why am I seeing you making meme posts? Youre the real normalfag probably from facebook, nothing personnel

Because normalfags like you plaguing the board with memes.

More like making this board great with funny memes. The other r9k is slow as shit, and wiz I heard is shit

Jow Forums as a whole is dommed to be just another porn site, it gained too much popularity to go back the way it was now, there are better sites to post nowadays anyways

This board doesn't need nor want your memes outside of normalfags and newfags.

Why do normalcunts always want to be like us? What's their obsession with Jow Forums and not leaving us alone?

R9k should be a base for neets, retards, schizos, and weirdos but it's not at all anymore it's just gay nigggas and underage. Just find other obscure image boards for true experiences

Fuck you sadboy newfag reddit transplant
It's oldfag meme time

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Does it need your blogs? I dont know but Im still gonna have a good time. Im just saying banning sadfags wouldnt be a bad idea

old fag meme dump

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old fag meme dump
old fag meme dump

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old fag meme dump
old fag meme dump
old fag meme dump

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old fag meme dump
old fag meme dump
old fag meme dump
old fag meme dump

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old fag meme dump
old fag meme dump
old fag meme dump
old fag meme dump
old fag meme dump

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old fag meme dump
old fag meme dump
old fag meme dump
old fag meme dump
old fag meme dump
old fag meme dump

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dump meme fag old
dump meme fag old
dump meme fag old
dump meme fag old
dump meme fag old

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dump meme fag old
dump meme fag old
dump meme fag old
dump meme fag old

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The best part of that is that it was always a place that mocked actual autists and losers. Good greentext was predominantly a spin on how awkward and pathetic some people can be. What brought the retards In was when misogyny memes got spammed, and somehow virgins love them more than anyone. It makes for a fun dynamic, people argue about the same shit every day. But I dont get the need for meta threads. Yes we get it you want to be around other losers, nothing stopping you.

dump meme fag old
dump meme fag old
dump meme fag old

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dump meme fag old
dump meme fag old

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dump meme fag old

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dump meme

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dump fag meme old

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fag dump old meme

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old meme fag dump

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fag meme dump old

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old dump meme fag

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old dump fag meme

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meme fag old dump

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