How pathetic one has to be to complain about all that privilege and power. Someone will go into this thread and say that whites have it just as bad with all this modern SJW culture and then turn around to make another BWC thread while posting a bunch of twitter screenshots of women creaming themselves over "White Boy of the Month" which yes, is in fact a real thing where millions of women glorify a new white man every month.
whites have it just as bad with all this modern sjw culture
Josiah Garcia
>just being white is enough
Yeah for your sister maybe
Ethan Torres
I'm 5'6 your racist fuck, of course I have it hard
Kayden Morales
They glorify good looking white people not short average looking white guys such as myself. Besides,jews have convinced everyone white males are bad so it doesnt even matter. You are just a sour grapes having normalfaggot
Liam Lee
I actually feel bad for white robots Imagine losing life in easy mode
John Campbell
Why would you have it hard when you're white?
Angel Cooper
>cool white parents >makes cool white friends who only bully over things like willy wars, being a ginger or being poor >gets cool jobs the mexicans didn't steal yet from, again, white friends and their awesome white parents >gets all the cool as fuck 21st century benefits of just being a white kid haha fuck just marry a Jewish whore already
Feels good being nonwhite man at least you know your genes have to be good or you're fuckin rekt.
Camden Long
>People on the right are at all comparable to the ones on the left
Brandon Richardson
and yet it's not just called "boy of the month", I wonder what the most important qualifier is...
Sebastian Ross
the white guys in this pic arent insecure like the other "humans". thats what counts
Luis Richardson
Why would you have it hard when you're black? >inb4 slavery that ended more than 150 years ago.
Half of those things apply to white people too. >Have a beard >pic related literally has a beardless asian chad Didn't think that one through huh Although I will admit whites have the upper hand in interracial dating by a somewhat small margin
Jayden Nguyen
Yuo are smelly monkey gorillanigger you are the most monkeynigger smelly gorilla
Alexander Wright
Who the fuck think the guys on the bottom right are attractive. Jim from the office is a 6 three chad though. This thread is dumb
Ryder Gray
yeah, i bet pic related is obese, right? fucking mouthbreathing retard
Stop obsessing over white girls and you'll have an easier time. I know there's this "just be white" meme but latinas and black women usually prefer to date within their race or date each other.
Hunter Carter
I've seen guys like this on dates.
Isaiah King
This only works if you're willing to date nonwhites
I can't do that, so life is not "easymode" for me at all