Who has it worse: Someone living in the incessant Mad Max-style turmoil of the Middle East, or a Western incel who sits on his computer all day?
Who has it worse: Someone living in the incessant Mad Max-style turmoil of the Middle East...
she loks like obama
>implying war isn't fun
She is smiling
A western incel. At least those sand niggers have a god given purpose and sense of community. FTR their women still accept arranged marriages if their father decrees it. Nice try mossad.
>literal wartorn countries have it better than me
Imagine having this much self-pity and delusion.
Complicated question.
As other posters have stated, there is a sense of community, purpose and camaraderie when you're at war.
The western "incel" has none of these things, but at the same time he isn't at risk of getting killed by someone other than himself.
Imagine her unshaved pussy
Well I'm kinda bummed about nobody sucking my dick so obviously my life is worse!
I'd prefer feeling constant dread of dying than feeling so empty inside that I welcome death
Whoops, forgot to conclude my post.
The sandnigger has it worse, since the inkel can die on his own terms when the time comes to do so.
>The western "incel" has none of these things, but at the same time he isn't at risk of getting killed by someone other than himself.
If had the choice if brotherhood, purpose and comraderie at the price of possible death as opposed to inceldom we'd all take the former. Again, nice try.
If she's Kurd then she's probably Muslim and Muslim girls all shave brazilian style. they have to, to be clean for praying. i don't know where people got the idea that arab/muslim chicks are hairy.
Perhaps, but I can't really speak on how these things feel since I've never had them to begin with. I don't know what I'm missing out on, so it's hard to comment on which I would like better.
Arab chicks ARE hairy. I used to fuck an Assyrian christian chick and holy shit. She was surprised when I dumped her for a clean, hairless white chick.
wow what a plebeian religion
There are modern parts of the Middle East as well where there is little to no sense of community but the ones living a comfy village life or has a position in a small town probably has it better, mentally.
I did not know that but thank you user
A western incel obviously. You literally have to be delusional to not think this.
That's like guilt tripping a homeless man in a first world country over the starving children in africa, its beyond retarded, each place has its own set of problems that need solving.
What a nice childlike view of the world you have, summerfagging at its best.
Are you saying there's no difference at all in depression and anxiety rates between cultures?
"Problems" is such a naive way of looking at the world I get the feeling you don't get it. Humans love to solve problems, we're talking about pure despair.
Are you saying there's no difference at all in depression and anxiety rates between cultures?
I'm saying that comparing them leads to wars/invasions, it's not our duty to modify by means of force another culture so that its closer to our morals.
>we're talking about pure despair
That's an emotionally charged way of saying problems. Is the HRT getting to your head hun?
She is posing for a photo. But war is fun, though.