this couple pop up on my FB feed occasionally and i'm normally taken aback by how ugly he is, she's obviously no supermodel and was super autistic from what i recall from highschool, but if he can manage to land a not fat, not deformed girl then what's your excuse? oh, he's shorter than her too.
This couple pop up on my FB feed occasionally and i'm normally taken aback by how ugly he is...
maybe he has a big fat neanderthal cock
He must be extremely autistic too because all he needs is braces and to fix those eyebrows and he's atleast average. What the fuck is he doing? 70 iq
i've seen this before, she's only with him for his oxycontin prescription
I am about the same level of attractiveness as girl in pic and I would date that guy in a heartbeat. He is cute.
please let me get you pregnant
Me too but im a girl (female)
All the trannies on this site use anime girl avatars
>i've seen this before, she's only with him for his oxycontin prescription
nigga, i litterally took this from my facebook feed rn, they're in the uk too so we don't have the whole opiate thing going on over here, why you gotta go online and tell lies?
yes, if someone improves their flaws then they'll become average, well observed
well i'm not gay so maybe there just is something i ain't seeing, probably the case for most the other self proclaimed ugly guys i suppose.
I think their point is that his flaws can actually be fixed.
nigga you think braces are fucking magic? you can straighten those teeth but his teeth are gonna be fucked forever no matter what
shes unironically cute, wtf is wrong with her
well she's really fucking autistic so maybe he was simply the first to ask her? he's definitely swinging above his weight class tho
another pic when he's not bearing his gnashers
kek, he's a turbo manlet too, you guys really have no excuse you know
wtf, where are these bitches hiding
well she's doing french at uni so in language courses i suppose
How tall is this guy? 5'2?
there is hope for you anons, you can do it
>big fat neanderthal cock
neanderthals have small penises. only pure homo sapiens have big cock
well she's shorter than me and i'm 5'7, so yeh probably around that
He's a fucking midget lmao. The sad part is that he kind of looks like me tho.
just be white theory has been confirmed
i thought the jsut be white theory was for courting non-whites though?