There is a new pedo discord server formed here. all discord fags deserve the rope and instant ban

There is a new pedo discord server formed here. all discord fags deserve the rope and instant ban
>inb4 not your personal army
exactly why discordshit keeps ruining r9k

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Bumping for fuck discord and pedo

only more pedoshit are joining right now. they are posting pics too

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Dont see pedo shit user. Wrong server?

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Dropping a bump and a warning against a similar discord group. A tranny discord cabal was/is luring robots into their sick cult. Do not fall for their tricks. God speed robots, I must go fight off more trannies.

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Sure you dont pedo scum

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only good pedo is a dead pedo. fuckers trying to pretend they dont post nothing

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fuck discord fuck orbiters fuck egirls stupid losers


Any way to report the server?

no idea, but spamming their little hideout and blocking them is a good enough start

By contacting Discord at [email protected], or creating a ticket on their website. Up to you user.

ah, found this email to report to
[email protected]

maybe gore spam too?

gore spam would be godly. they have some girls there so that will make them leave hopefully

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Fuck off you whiteknights. Literally kys. We are not your personal army.

We sit on here all day alone and insecure. Excuse us for wanting to do something that would provide some amount of self worth

>Fuck off you whiteknights. Literally kys. We are not your personal army.
Pic related

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Confirmed for reddit.

>confirmed for reddit

shut the fuck up, not every robot is a tranny or a pedo, some still have some resemblance of human left inside of them


caught em red handed bois

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this. as i said in the op, that attitude just keeps pedoshit and discord fags on r9k.
fuck pedo sympathizers

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I literally just joined 2 Discord servers yesterday from here, I thought I might as well join as browsing Jow Forums got tedious and boring and then THIS shit fucking happens.

Gonna leave fag group keep updated when fags get banned

>they have some girls there so that will make them leave hopefully
So you're telling me there are girls on this server looking at them shilling for pedophilia and they won't take initiative? Isn't that the one thing that triggers women more than anything(innocent children)?

Look at all this reddit. Absolutely disgusting. The normalfag invasion is out in full force.

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if you think girls care about kids you are on for a rude awakening.

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>this amount of reddit
how many uppoints?

There are a shit ton of female pedos user

D gxrxrtx

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Its a plague honestly.


I hate filthy pedo apologists like you but to your point we haven't seen any real hard evidence that these people are anything more than stupid shitposters.

Need another invite.

give me a single reason (one) (1) why I should give a fuck
not your personal army

Cringe, dummerfahs leave

these are the people posting pedo porn faggotry

I dont really give a fuck about the pedo shit.
but im bored
resend invite. it expired.

hi fellow anons, this is gunji base were he collected his trannys amry to scam poor anons, lets untine anons and destroy gunji!!!!

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