>Well okay I will level and say that endorphins need to be worked for, it isn't just magic. Picking up a 5lb dumbbell and lifting it a few times isn't going to make a depressed person ecstatic all of a sudden. But it is a mental thing that when they say work out and "look good, then feel good".
>When you put in work, and get results. You start to see changes. Are you telling me you have a 10/10 chad body and you are still bummed all the time?
no i am saying i lifted weights on/off for 8 years. usually 6-12 months at a time, 3-4x a week
i have low T though. like 400 ng/dl. this was tested after 8 months of lifting 4x a week as a NEET so good sleep and diet (i am a wagie now)
i would always do deadlift, squat, overhead press, bench, dips, lat pulldown / pullups
not everyone enjoys exercising.
another issues is i'm a genetic night owl but i have a 8-4 job. so i wake up around 6am and i always feel bad doing that. if i lift weights after work, basically 5-6pm, it makes it harder to fall asleep at a reasonable time
that is why i haven't lifted for almost 2 months, after a 10 month streak of going 3-4x a week on average
like i said, i don't miss the actual exercising part. but i see the fat gaining around my midsection and it pisses me off to see it
that's why i lift weights, to stay in shape. it's for the results, the process is not fun at all
like work, it's a chore. i hate wageslaving but i do it for the money, the results. similarly, i don't like exercising but i do it for the results (more muscle, less fat)
i never understood the whole "endorphins" thing