I will never in my life experience this because God had to make me a nigger
I will never in my life experience this because God had to make me a nigger
yeah but you'll experience jail and they never will, so your life is just as diverse and interesting
Don't worry Tyrone, just go for an SEA Girl. They are more open to blacks.
I never noticed how horrid quality her dress is. It's literally like a trash bag
Can't because I haven't committed any crimes
Haven't even smoked marijuana
loose the self hatred/pity and please show some self respect...you ll be able to experience it if u do.
sincerely, another black user
alright my guy I'm gona tell you how it is been there done that and now everyone thinks my girlfriend is taking the black pill When in reality I decided to do something about my pathetic life. You ready cause I'm about to lecture you hard.
>loose the ebonics if you have it
People in general hate this shit, speak properly if you want to be among people of higher status, unless you are rolling high in the rap game I don't see this working out.
> stop masturbating and watching porn
This shit will change your atitude, more energy more charisma, essentially your body will understand you need to adapt to whatever it is you're trying to fuck so doing this will pretty much save you
> Get a full time job and get out of your parent's home
The sooner you do this the faster you'll learn how to live alone and independent, and once you get used to this, I promise chicks will just appear out of the fucking air to be with you, they love this shit
Anyway, quick reality check if you think this fucking clip of a random hairy ass ching chong acting like a 15 year old is comparable to "i will never experience this" my guy you already lost the battle and recommend therapy for your deeper issues.
I blame god for misery too but he didnt make you black
God causes unexplainable bad luck
Be a criminal Black like me instead of urkel
I speak like an autistic white man (voice is monotonous) and I live alone (in college) and work part time
Literally doesn't matter, still subhuman to womxn
i think i might jut go back to Africa and get an african women. They seem pretty based in Africa of course. America... not soo much.... they are eihter feminist brainwashed or ghettowashed. Also all black women in america 100% want tyrone my existence and many other good black male's existence confirms it NO WOMEN CAN PROOVE ME WRONG :D
Just stick with your own people like God intended
I find black women unattractive, and I can't help it either. It's always been this way
he created the black race
>Genuinely explaining yourself to a wannabe neonazi
This hits too close to home,user. You really shouldn't have posted this.
Fuck man...
>lose the ebonics
People say I sound white
>stop watching porn
I went on nofap for 4 months.
>get a full time job
Does militaryfagging count?
Not him but where's my gf
your attitude tells me you deserve to suffer. proceed.
Get stationed in an Korea, Japan, or the Philippines
I will be stationed in Japan. Doubt they want niggers though
You sound like my friend from college. Just like I tell him, more women are into you than you think. I mean just being in college and having a job pretty much gives you your pick of black chicks.
I know that, I've been hit on by black girls and european exchange students at parties. I'm not interested in them.
Slutty/westernized Asian girls usually crave bbc
honestly dude i feel the exact same thing dude. sometimes i cant even have the inspiration to get up and do shit. this shit is really hard sometimes dude fr
Some subculture girls are lots into black or latino guys, but it's not common tho. The hip-hop scene, and the japan cholo gang scenes, those crazy bitches love black cock like a jew loves shekels.
No they don't, they only date white chads. Fob asian girls are for white betas and fob chads.
Can't you just be one of this nerdy black guys who likes dragon ball z? White people love anime niggas
And asians for that matter
in the same note i'll never know what is like to be an animalistic no impulse control nigger
>animalistic no impulse control
Me neither. If I acted on my impulses I would have committed suicide long ago.
dude don't be so hard on yourself, it's never good for your mental state to hate something you can't change about yourself. you don't need to be a g to get a gf.
This filipinas do like black men, thais to a degree too. Just avoid Indonesian and vietnamese in vietnam. American viets are often a different story though since they lean ghetto.
>tfw also black and want an asian gf
fuck i know this feel
Seriously, get off the internet, particularly this place. It's not a good place for minorities struggling with insecurity. The racism is only gonna get you down and fuel a destructive spiral of self hatred.
>t. Jew
there are cute light Negresses
>tfw God has deserted you
Its been so long and I am just so exhausted
I will never experience this. All I had to do was be white
Now, now... being a darkie is not bad or a disadvantage. Being a nigger is a choice.
God made you black its your choice to be a nigger
Atleast you can get anime girls OP
Do not worry Nigganon, you'll find love one day...just get Jow Forums, why aren't you already trying?