as one of the many discord trannies currently infesting this board, i decided to do an AMA to clear up some questions any of you anons may be having. im a cool tranner pls dont bully
Tranny AMA
Hi kappu how are you today
where are your pics and if you dont have any why should we care
Have you ever been fu ked? Is your boiclit locked in chastity?
Any pics and does your cock still get hard are you a bottom or top?
i'm doing pretty well thanks, just been drinking milk and vaping, playing some pvz
selfposting is against the rules, user
yes i have been fricked before, it was alright. i'm not in chastity though, not yet at least
cant post pics bc selfposting not allowed, but yeah my cock still gets hard. i'm a switch, so i fuck my gf with it sometimes
How big are your tits? I think were gonna need pics.
Can you kill me originally ofcourse
What do you rate yourself 1-10
Are you fetishizing your feminization with supporting porn? hypno sissy stuff etc. Or just want to be a vanilla girl assuming you don't think you're born female like some "girls"
Do your family know yet?
>implying that's why you don't post em
ok got it you're a hon
how does it feel knowing you are doomed to turn into a hideous abomination after 30
Why don't you go to lgbt
R9k is where sissies go user
i've got c-cups. pretty good going for 10 months hrt
>I think were gonna need pics.
are you trying to get me banned user >w>
sure, i've always wanted to kill something.
>What do you rate yourself 1-10
probably maybe 6 or 7, depending on how im doing
>Are you fetishizing your feminization with supporting porn? hypno sissy stuff etc.
nah im not an AGP fag, i've felt dysphoria ever since childhood and this isn't a sexual thing for me. i just want to be accepted as a girl.
>Do your family know yet?
yes, and they've been fairly supportive.
Why trans people have such a basic personalities, even though they are mentally ill?
any political views?
how come trans people have such a basic personalities, even though they are mentally ill?
nah im just paranoid that someone is gonna dox me
not gonna happen because im transitioning early
some of them are pretty bland, yeah. but it depends on the person. i know a lot of pretty cool trans girls who are actually cool and not braindead, which is nice,
eco-fascism with a dash of celtic neopaganism
Would you get fucked by dogs on cam while I watch?
did you start around when your puberty started or after it ended? cause after is late even if 15 sounds young
if you gave me bitcoin for it yeah
>if you gave me bitcoin for it yeah
early transitioners are mainly the age range from anywhere from like 14-19. if you start hrt at thate age range you have a higher likelihood of passing due to your bones not being fused together yet. i started 10 months ago back when i was 17, im 18 now,
gotta fund my drug habits somehow.
show us your hairy butthole
>not gonna happen because im transitioning early
delusional. good luck dealing with reality
When was the first time you felt "dysphoria" you're aware that many feelings of confusion later change to be gay/bi instead with passive therapy?
Did you go to a therapist to get it "diagnosed" or do you just believe you feel like a girl?
Are your parents lefty liberal retards?
What drugs are we talking?
Why do girls not like me
Im Jow Forums, good looking, im the perfect guy
I wanna go full ER
its not hairy i just shaved it idiot
you're stupid
so show us your not hairy butthole tho
different bones fuse at different times, most of your bones have fused by 16-18, hip bones and some minor ones are 21-24
Do you think those agp niggas exist? A lot of trannies deny that it even exists, wondering what your take on it is.
I can't imagine letting my kid transition at 14. If I couldn't stop that I'd literally kill myself for being such a failure honestly
i was always uncomfy with being a boy, being referenced as one always made me feel uneasy back in primary school and stuff, i didnt like it.
i knew i was a massive faggot at like 13, and i finally reallised that i was trans at 16.
my parents are actually based conservatives
weed, LSD, coke, maybe some amphetamine. the whole shabang.
it's probably something to do with your confidence and your personality user, no roastie is going to want a gym-maxxed lad if they're not also confident as fuck. it doesn't work that way.
hip bones are the most important part user, hip:shoulder ratio is very important to pass well
I'm not OP but of course it exists. How can you think that some trannies aren't trannies to be sexual deviants? Not everyone has dysphoria.
How does it feel to know you will never have children?
how do you shave your butthole?
Man as if the mental illness isn't enough you're also a degenerate druggie
Women should come to ME, i put in the hard work so they should come to me. I don't understand why im alone. Im better than alot of men in relationships yet i am Alone. This is unthinkable it is surreal
Worthless piece of shit. Just kys fag. You are just dickless guy. You will be never a real girl.
>realized I was trans
why are trannies so fucking retarded?
you don't "realize you are trans", you realize you want to be trans and you take meds to become a tranny. Don't act like you were born transgender, it's due to mental illness that you developed, not that you were born with.
oh of course agp niggas exist, most trans girls that come out at like 25 and older are typically AGPs, you can tell extremely easily. like wearing overly girly clothes despite noto passing, being a 'lesbian', etc. if it was up to me i'd genocide all agps, unless they were somehow cute.
i mean if they're educated on their decision and truly feel transitioning is necessary it would be best to let them do it sooner rather than later. it saves the pain of having to wait longer to get it at 18 and having their body age as a male for longer than needed.
HRT doesnt steralise you, if you go off it for a few months your sperm becomes active again. im planning on having children through IVF.
easy user, just find where the hairs are and go against the grain.
> druggie tranny
you`re definitely killing yourself, theres millions of examples just like and you still think you`re doing fine, its absolutely mind boggling, im sorry you where born in such a indifferent family
Why arent trannies cuter? If they were cuter than natural women like traps are I would accept them, but they arent.
I hate to break it to you, but it actually does sterilize you and after ~10 months you pretty much give up all chances of having kids. The only way it is possible is with extensive therapy which usually doesn't work. It's not like it triggers a switch to just turn off sperm production, it brings it full stop and it doesn't work again.
hurr durr drugs bad
stop having the attitude that women should just flock to you, you fucking incel. take the initiative and come to them, have some confidence, be assertive, and you should have no problems at all. quite being a lazy fuck.
i still have a dick, user
i literally said i had dysphoria since primary school but ok bud
Saying you "realized you were trans" implies you were always a tranny and didn't know it
Would you be open to a sugar Daddy/sugar baby relationship?
>i still have a dick, user
Cut it off. "Girls" do not need a dick.
will maybe you be my gf after we get to know each other?
But why do i have to ask them? If women like me they should ask me
idk user, you just have to look around some more. eventually you'll find some /cuteboy/ zoomers like me in no time
for most people they can stop hrt and gain fertility function back, if they're a beta with a low sperm count theyre gonna be fucked though lol
yeah because i always had dysphoria i just never recognised it as such
sorry user, i already have a sugar mommy(male) :<
no thanks SRS is gross
i already have a gf but we can be frens
Yes, but having a trans kid would be one of the gravest sins as a parent for me. It's worse than them simply being gay & having my genetic line end. They're basically a test subject with an almost certain probability of a future of loneliness sold to them by PC media. Disfigured genitals and a lifetime of hormones being pumped into them. In most cases, it's not organic. Yours might be but it's almost impossible to tell in our current world if your thoughts are your own.
I respect your decision/natural course whatever you want to call it. But for my kid it would be like crushing my soul & lifeblood I poured into them in hopes of them having a bright future. Good luck OP.
what is the current tranny discord agenda for raiding pol and r9k?
women aren't like that you fucking idiot, women want a nice dominant, confident guy to court them. i dont know whether you are fucking retarded or just baiting, but good christ you sound like a fucking mong.
You won't have kids, you don't have to believe it but you will eventually realize
>no thanks SRS is gross
Then you are not a girl. You are just trap.
it wouldn't be your fault, user. a time has to come where a parent must let their child follow their own way. they're not your property. if them being trans will truly make them happy, happier than living as cis, then you have to respect their decision. (im talking about if they're actually educated on the subject and experience dysphoria, im not talking about retarded kiddie trenders)
Women are the retarded ones, if you like a guy then talk to him. elliot rodger was right i wish death upon every single whore that walks this earth
I'm a little over a year into HRT
I'll answer questions. Just feeling a little lonely so.
Sorry if I highjack the thread.
idk, i just like talking to people on here lol
ok thanks user
ok so call me a trap then, i dont care about labels
Why is every tranny I know an alcoholic/druggy?