
Are pornstars redeemable? Should they be executed for the smut and degeneracy they have brought into our once mighty Christian civilizations?

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They're just prostitutes who get filmed.

They should be locked up with me.


>Should they be executed
televised death by snu snu

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Repurposed as Incel rehabilitation center workers

Pretty much this, however a regular prostitute could be said to have a higher level of shame (after they quit they can pretend it never happened).

>Are pornstars redeemable?

Why would you want something like this? Imagine married to one and having kids one day, who grow up dealing with trauma their whole life. A fucked up childhood can fuck up your whole life senpai.

me on the left

Though the power of the flames, yeah, why not.

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of course

>What is filthier, uglier, and more disgraceful than whores, procurers, and such-like plagues of humanity? Remove prostitutes from the social order, however, and lust will destroy it. Let them rise to the same status as married women and you will dishonor matrimony with an unseemly Stain. This most unchaste lifestyle, therefore, places its practitioners at the very bottom of the social order. Equally, we are repelled by the shape of some animal organs on looking at them in isolation. But the order of nature wanted them where necessary, without however giving them undue prominence. ugly as they are, they occupy their appointed place, leaving better places for better ones.
t. st augustine in de ordine

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I thought you lot had sacred whores in temples or somethings - & the 3rd sex trannies. I'm actually not knocking it if it works for your culture.

they should become highschool math and science teachers.

we should use sex to improve our education system.
imagine those were your math teachers in high imagine there was a test this friday and a 100% on the test gets you a date night with teacher.

how studying are you?

Are you the pornstar?

No way dude, we dont have any of this dumb ass things. Does christianity have something like this?

the etymology of whore is beloved

tut was a transgender

They're good girls

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yes they are good girls and i am sick of you messing them around

you think what happened to weinstein was funny?

wait until we publicly castrate the porn producers

>Are pornstars redeemable? Should they be executed for the smut and degeneracy they have brought into our once mighty Christian civilizations?

No they are NOT redeemable and they should absolutely be executed. Preferably by being burned alive. Anyone who says otherwise is a goddamn spineless cuck and the reason (((they))) were able to subvert our society so easily.

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heydrich disagrees

not. even. a. trial.

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Goddamn those uniforms are sharp. If anything prostitution should be legal and the demand for porn would fall off some.

I prefer sluts to be known as sluts, not unlawful wives.

wow nice pack of succubi, do we have a warlock to control these? before we lose all our mana. damn the second from the right has me charmed. GUYS IM CC'd. ...

*hot noises*

PFF whatever.

>Should they be executed
yes. preferably like pic related.

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asian chicks have value even as degenerates cause those slant eyes make me harder than diamond

not just the female pornstars, but the male ones to. Dont forget anyone who has a hand in the business or the people who give them space to peddle their filth. Probably should also put the poor saps that are addicted to it out of their misery

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succubus had me charmed boy.

Let me get this right.
>An adult female do sexual stuff on camera for money.
>Someone decided to see that shit and develope issues of any kind.
>The problem is the porn actress.

Yeah. And muslim rapist are victims of the indecent women who show too much skin.

Kys fag.

This. There's nothing more to say about it.

Of course the degenerate shitskin Mexigoblin is defending porn. Your people idolize the cartels who behead and skin kids alive.

Nothing more to say about it??? So the effect of easily available internet porn has no impact on the mental health of a society? Are you people really this braindead?

*snap*... yep...

Societies that prohibit porn are way more sick (muslim & socialist shitholes without exception)
Freedom is to be valued. Go get yourself a girlfriend and you will not want to watch that much porn. Me on the other half would go looking for a wife if I didn't have porn, then I wouldn't have time to spend on science, because would spend that time on supporting the family. Probably that's another reason muslim & communist shitholes don't have much science (other than free thought is supressed there, and you are got busy by prayers or proizvodstvennye sobraniya)

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They need to get fucked to death, one a time

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I will be jerking off instead of studying