Femanons, have you ever had a very young boy have a crush on you?

Femanons, have you ever had a very young boy have a crush on you?

What would you do if it happened?

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Right now there's this 23 year old that keeps flirting with me and yeah no thanks I don't like younger men I'm 30 and I would be embarrassed to date someone younger than me even tho I don't even look like 30 but yeah I dont wanna be someone's baby sitter

Nice false flag

Wished it was false but no its true younger men always try flirting with me and they are like "I like them old" yeah but I don't like the young. The only exception I'd ever make is if he looked older or was taller than me

I think Jow Forums might have just ate my post but yeah, I like teasing younger boys and indulging them.

>I like teasing younger boys and indulging them

based femanon giving them things to remember when they are old

Please tell some stories or something, I wanna hear about it

How tall are you?
I promise this is an original post

That's my favorite thing about it. It's more for them than for me, I like to give them that experience rather than if they never get it.

There's not a whole lot more to it than that, at least that I can say here. Just when spending time around boys if I notice how they are like that, I act overly affectionate and friendly, within good taste if there's other people around. If not, then not. The easiest one of course is hugging them with my tits right in their face.

>The easiest one of course is hugging them with my tits right in their face.
How do they react?

It depends on the boy they're all different and sometimes I misjudge them. The most common is getting all embarrassed, but some freak out while a few like it and some even are Chadly and take advantage of it.

>take advantage of it

like grabbing your boobs or what

Can you do it to me too? I'll crouch down

>or was taller than me
Uhh... are you really tall?

Attached: Itt+men+of+taste+_26c7f2b0bc5c8bf89bed2542f8fd61f4.jpg (675x1197, 380K)

Is it wholesome?

Like that or grabbing other parts of me, or returning the hug and snuggling back, or wanting something more. Few boys are this bold.

How old are you?

Well it is Jow Forums, obviously I'm not a little kid

Where do you come I to contact with all these boys? I never leave my house but when I do I would never be in a position to stick my boobs in a young shota's face


You don't have to be social, just have sociable family members who you can go out with. Also my sister is a teacher.

Too old! Well how big/tall are you?

6'3, is that too tall

Uh yeah way too tall.

5'8...I think, havent measured myself in a while

>sister and mom's friends always hugged and kissed me and gushed about how cute I was
>never got any /ss/
I want to go back.

Ha I'm taller than you. Still a bit tall though. I like boys where I can rest my tits on top of their head while standing, or at face-height for them.

Tfw 5'11 fugg
Ill never get a mommy gf

user can you do it to me if i'm 5'4 and look young enough to get the childrens bus ticket ;_;

>I like boys where I can rest my tits on top of their head while standing, or at face-height for them.
How big are they

EE, I take after mom.

That's more like it, where are you at though?

Global rule 2 sucks. Discord?

I'm from england, so probably nowhere near you!

Holy shit. Do you have an amazon wishlist?


Ew gross I'd never have anything to do with you even if you were a cute little boy.

Yeah no, I'm stateside.

No. Is Prime any good?

I don't know about prime

Was shitting around omegle the other night on the Jow Forums tag and I met this really cute 16 year old kid. He was super funny and way more honest and expressive than most guys my age. Less awkward too but it might've been because he was drunk.
Kind of sad he wasn't legal.

not very young per say but my younger brother's friends (13-14 at the time) often did weird stuff around me, maybe because it's warm where i live so i don't wear much around the house

Tell him off neatly. Like, "find a girl your own age" or something.
I do like /ss/ but fiction isn't reality, you know?

my absolute qt stacy coworker said she dated an 11 year old when she was 16. kid must have been the chaddest 11 year old in human history

i'm 5'2 and 18