Are Nice Guys really all that bad or is the hatred against them just a meme?

Are Nice Guys really all that bad or is the hatred against them just a meme?

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Authentic good people are very rare and are great company.
A sperg that pretend (with low success) to be nice and demand something in return is insufferable.

Nice guys finish last because women are attracted to brutes who like to get physical. Physical violence like contact sports. Women love that shit. It proves he is able to physically protect her. Women like men that take what they want when they want it (typical asshole behavior) because it shows he can acquire resources which she can leech off of. Unfortunately nice guys DO finish last.

The "nice guy" meme is literally just deflecting. Women have to pretend that they're all creeps deep down in order to justify hating them.

Nice guy= weakling. Women like kind, perceptive, friendly guys. They dont like meek guys or guys who are just pretending to be nice.

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Maybe in its most extreme and stereotypical form, but nowadays the common wisdom is that if you feel any negative emotions over being turned down (even if they're unexpressed), you're an entitled Nice Guy and that erases any other good points you might have. I wonder what these people would say to girls who feel hurt or maybe even resentful about being turned down

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That's modernity for you, user.
I hope you like it.

>too cowardly to be direct
>try to do sneaky shit to minimize risk
>get mad when women are turned off

That was just called courting before smartphones.

That's called being a "nice guy" in the current year.
The time a common guy had a chance is over, unless your are chad or dedicate your entire life into becoming what girls like, you're lone.
(or become very religious)

I don't get it though, isn't the courting process fun for women too? It's supposed to be a two-way street of push and pull and give and take and hot and cold, obviously it looks dumb if she's not participating in good faith.

Eating a piece at the time is more fun than stuffing it down your throat (and getting fat), but people will eat like pigs none the less.

Nice Guys are faggots that cant handle rejection and think that spending time on someone makes them like you and want to fuck you
A kind person can handle rejection and keep talking with the person without sperging out, and badmouthing them just for declining a date

Poor as shit non-virgin atheist manlet here. There's too many of us that exist for this to be accurate.

Well, no human deserve to suffer, but I've to say: You asked for it.

But is that enough to warrant being treated like an all-around bad person? That seems like a "normal human being" level of being flawed and selfish to me.

most nice guys are just ugly guys that don't really have any options in getting a woman. this whole meme about nice guys being these extremely manipulative creepy closet psychopaths is just an excuse that women like to throw around because it lets them off the hook for rejecting them mostly because they're just ugly.
that's all it is. if that guy magically adapted the personality of a chad he'd just get rejected quicker because he's ugly.

Yes, but a girl want you to be chad or to deal with it as a saint.
Compassion and mercy are strange words for a modern girl.

why would you want to talk to someone that rejected you? that's just being a sucker, do you actually think this makes you more of a man or something? lol

Pretty much this. Before Tinder ugly guys could still have a chance if they took it slow and let the girl get used to them being in her life, but now all women have been brainwashed into being sociopaths who just extract resources from men without reciprocating.

Usually it's a symptom of deeper issues with the person. They probably have anger issues as well as other things.
Mind you, being rejected and being sad or upset about it isnt the same as actively yelling at and badmouthing the person that rejected you

Because you enjoy their company and that's why you asked them out in the first place? Seems obvious to me

For some people, specially those of older places, relationships are more than asking for sex/gf.
If I'm talking to a girl it's because I like her.

>Because you enjoy their company and that's why you asked them out in the first place? Seems obvious to me

she obviously doesnt like you the same way you like her, that's how you end up in some stupid one sided relationship because now she knows you want her more as a gf than a friend. i sincerely doubt you can just turn off your feelings like that so don't even try to say you can.

>i sincerely doubt you can just turn off your feelings like that so don't even try to say you can.
I mean, you're right, it takes time but eventually you can get over someone. It's not like it's a switch you can flick

Yelling at the person is definitely going way too far. For me, whenever I've been turned down, I've been a little bummed out (but not resentful) when turned down by someone who did nothing to lead me on, and quickly try to change my feelings into something more platonic. When turned down by someone who did lead me on, it kind of left me feeling a little bitter at them, but I swallowed my feelings and faked being okay; maybe complain once or twice to my best friend in private. According to modern wisdom, though, I guess I'm a Nice Guy because I experienced some negative feelings instead of shrugging it off without feeling the first nanosecond of hurt or annoyance.

so whats the point of wanting to talk with them? once she rejects you just break it off without being a sperg about it. people who reject you aren't entitled to your friendship :)

Yes they fucking are. I gave one a chance and he ended up stalking me & following me after work to my car every night when he didn't even work there

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Girls are used to have 10 guys giving them attention, when they get turned down they just try the next on the line and think it's the same for guys.

>so whats the point of wanting to talk with them?
Because talking to them is fun...

bad b8 m8 I r8 your b8 4/8

>According to modern wisdom, though, I guess I'm a Nice Guy because I experienced some negative feelings instead of shrugging it off without feeling the first nanosecond of hurt or annoyance

dude just be an emotionless sociopath bro

>Because talking to them is fun...
im sure its fun being rejected and then hearing about all her escapades with chads. do you want to hold her hand when she gets fucked too?

That doesnt sound like Nice Guyism, sounds normal. The term has become overused just like everything else nowadays.

If that's what you choose then that's what you choose. But rejecting romantic advances isnt the same as rejecting friendship. If you value their friendship then you stay friends with them

I wish I was baiting. We worked at the same place and he was decent looking and seemed nice. He got weird fast and started talking about family vacations after 1 week of dating.
I cut it off after a month and he accidentally came upon my new work and would come in every day and wait for me to get off shift. I had to change my phone number and the chain I worked at so he wouldn't be able to find me.

You've never actually been friends with a girl have you

Based and redpilled

Bluepilled cringe, women, yes ALL WOMEN, are attracted to good-looking, manly (thus, aggressive) men, your behavior has 0 to do with it lmao

Are you so broken you cannot enjoy simple human company without "gaining" something from it?

>But rejecting romantic advances isnt the same as rejecting friendship. If you value their friendship then you stay friends with them

this is some ridiculous ideal scenario that almost never works out in real life. you just made her aware that you like her way more than a friend, she knows this now, if you think she wont use that you're a fucking fool.

>if you think she wont use that you're a fucking fool.
Why would you be friends with someone that would use you like that in the first place

yep, i have, keep trying
what do you gain from it? because it seems like you're the one who wants her as a gf, not me. you're just being a pussy.

>It's not like it's a switch you can flick
It is for women :)

oh thats cute, he thinks a woman wouldnt do that to him. thats just adorable hahahahah

Here is a perfect example of the entitled "nice guy" .
Only pretending to be nice for sex then dropping the frendship out of spite and hatred for being rejected.
If thats not entitled and whiny then what is?
This is why chad is superior in every way. His personallity is brutish but honest. And honesty is confidence. Confidence is sexy.

i think you need to re-read this entire thread because that is not what any of this is about, this idiot gets rejected and then still tries to be her friend. oh im totally sure he isn't waiting for that big moment when she finally realizes she likes him! absolutely pathetic hahaha

>what do you gain from it?
I'm not OP, but friendship is a reward in itself. Life must be really sad when you cannot enjoy talking with a friend.

its not a friendship anymore once you become attracted to her. are you this stupid?

>Before Tinder ugly guys could still have a chance if they took it slow and let the girl get used to them being in her life

This is the real root of the issue. Those of us who are oldfags can also remember the other component of the issue - namely, that women "in the old days" also used to INSIST that "taking it slow" and "being friends first" was what they WANTED guys to do.

Basically, the sequence of events was:

1. Girls insist that looks don't matter, that personality is everything, and that they like it when guys get to know them before hitting on them.
2. Guys act like this is true, and try to get to know chicks and then ask them out.
3. This doesn't work, because it was always nonsense based on girls' (former) self-image of themselves.
4. Guys go on internet and bitch to each other about this, until the meme that girls lie about what they want and only like "bad boys" is born.
5. Girls counterattack the meme creation in #4 by claiming that all the guys who believed what WOMEN THEMSELVES SAID in #1 are manipulative sociopaths who were "just pretending" to be nice.
6. Tinder is invented, which ends up nuking the entire landscape. Women abandon the lie they used to tell in #1 because it is no longer possible for anyone to pretend that looks don't matter and that the decision whether or not to date someone isn't made in the first ten seconds of seeing them.
7. Despite #6 making the discussion moot, men and women on the internet continue to fight over the "bad boy" vs. "Nice Guy" memes, out of habit and out of Last-Word-ism.

What's an example of sneaky shit?

>They dont like meek guys or guys who are just pretending to be nice.

I don't get this, if you LIKE a person, yea you would be nice to said person for their attention

>A kind person can handle rejection and keep talking with the person without sperging out, and badmouthing them just for declining a date

Men shouldn't get angry or sperg out, continuing interaction isn't a need

Nice guy can mean anything
If you are attractive nice is a compliment
>hes so nice
If you aren't it's an insult
>hes nice

Nice Jow Forumseddit spacing incel.

>What's an example of sneaky shit?

Apparently, allowing any period of time to transpire between meeting someone and asking them out - to interact with them and gauge whether it seems like they're interested in you, too - counts as "sneaky shit" that's also "cowardly".

Although in any other context, if you said that you don't need to talk to someone at all in order to decide to ask them out you'd be accused of being shallow.

So your choices are "Be accused of being shallow" or "Be accused of doing sneaky shit". Pick one.

Yes, I remember when PUA bullshit was widely mocked because only American club whores were dumb enough to fall for it.

Reddit spacing would have added a line break between each numbered point. You don't know that, because you're a worthless nigger.

Talking to someone about your common interests, your life, goals, dreams aspirations, philosophies, music and literature taste, seeing if they're in any way compatible with you, having fun together doing activities you both enjoy with your clothes on, that sort of thing.

its funny because its true. women dont want this shit, they just want some hot rich chad.

>Yes, I remember when PUA bullshit was widely mocked because only American club whores were dumb enough to fall for it.

Right, that's the funniest thing. The argument started in a totally different "dating culture" context - one that no longer exists. Maybe at one time the concept of who is and isn't a Nice Guy "mattered" - but that time is long over.

>if you LIKE a person, yea you would be nice to said person for their attention
This is deceptive and people in general (not only girls) hate it.

Chad here. Let me educate you bro.
If you like a girl you ask her on a date. Not as a friend. A real date. This is wherenyou get to know her.
Its proper because your intentions are clear from the start.
Rather then pretending to be a friend while secretly lusting for her.

>its funny because its true. women dont want this shit, they just want some hot rich chad.

Well, at least one benefit of the meme war that was fought over this topic was that it got rid of a lot of deception - and self-deception - on this very topic. In order to win the Nice Guy argument, a lot of women came right out and admitted that you weren't going to be able to "court" your way into ingratiating yourself with them. In order to win the argument, a lot of women stopped lying. So that's one good thing to come of all of this.

>This is deceptive and people in general (not only girls) hate it.

So what you're saying is that if you like someone you should be mean to them?

Imagine being a woman and being aware of that and still letting yourself fall for it though. What the fuck, how shitty does your self esteem have to be?

Not true. They will say that to win an agrument then completly pretend they never said that days later. Or say you misunderstood.
Its all a big circle of manipulation

Right, so your advice is to choose "Be accused of being shallow." That's cool.

That's the one everyone is going to choose in the end, anyway.

they stopped lying and its slowly destroying society. i gotta give women credit for that one, they're worse than climate change for society

How do I know if I like her if I don't even know her? Did you mean to say "if you want to fuck her based on nothing but appearance"?

If you like somone you do what chad says

you need to be attractive in the first place, but yea, but douchey is better than being a pussy. women respond to dominance

Yes, only then will they love you for who you really are.

>This is deceptive and people in general (not only girls) hate it.

To deceive, one must use a person as a mean of exploiting for their own personal gain. If that's being a "nice guy" than everyone has lied to get to a relationship.

you're still caught up on this 'nice guy' thing. you ever notice that most nice guys are ugly? its not a nice guy a thing, its an ugly guy thing. they're ugly. its the same thing as creepy, it just means ugly.

Why would you be accused of being shallow for asking a girl out on a date? Lmao. Clearly you have nevernasked a girl out ver have you user? You are one of those who gives up before getting started.

you wont be accused of being shallow for asking a girl out on a date, you'll be accused of sexual harassment.

>women respond to dominance
you're an idiot

Assuming you know nothing about a girl. And you are attracted enough to her to want to know her better. You should ask her on a date user.
Yeah user if you know nothing else about her you gotta just go on appearance.
Dont pussy foot it and pretend you dont judge a girl from looks. Every one does it.

You should be honest from the start. What kind of dumbass lie to a girl just because you like her.

you're right women love weak pussies like you lmao

Why would I be attracted to a body when looking for a life partner?

Because most people don't look for a life partner, they just look for casual partners and then end up spending life together.

You are not gonna ask a girl to be your soul mate when you dont know her user.
If you want a life partner you have to get to know them. And to get to know a potential mate you have to ask them on a date. You are making it more complicated then it has to be.

>What kind of dumbass lie to a girl just because you like her.

>See a girl
>She's cute but not sure much about her
>Her interests are nice
>Try to bond a rapport to see if date worthy
>Ask her out
>get rejected and move on

>Get called a nice guy for "lying" to get a date

>You are not gonna ask a girl to be your soul mate when you dont know her user.
Yes, that's why I want to befriend her first, to see if she's even remotely worthy of dating, are you illiterate or just on ritalin?

You can enter an very strict church (or become muslim) and get a life partner without courtship.

Try your dominance shit on me and I'll kick you in the balls and douse your eyes with pepper spray.

I'm serious you guys are mostly idiots. The way to a womans heart is not asserting your dominance you punk ass bullies.

>Try to bond a rapport to see if date worthy
Here's the problem, don't pretend anything on a date.
Just try to enjoy it.

Why would I want a life partner without courtship? Courtship is a very fun process that reveals a lot about both parties.

That's where the fun lies, if you become a friend you'll be stuck as "friend".
If you don't know if you want her, take some risks and ask her for a date from start.

you say that but as soon as some hot guy tells you to shut the fuck up you'd get wet, you're all so full of shit

not him but most of you guys think you can friend us and we'll see how wonderful you are and ask you out. I think you're just frightened and too much a coward to take a risk. How many times some guy hangs around and hangs around and then starts acting all pissy when I have dates with other guys.

Thats why nice guys end the friendzone bro. You want to befriend them. I gave you my advice. You can reject it completely if you want.

I don't know who you are or where you live, but where I live courtship is basically grinding with lots of rejection and suffering.

Its obvious you've never been around women much if at all and pulling all this out of your butthole. I bet you are a real winner.

>don't pretend anything on a date.

Except its never pretending if you ACTUALLY want the person to be apart of your life. What other way does one ACTUALLY get to know them beside that?

Please, if you want to answer user give an argument, name calling is not a good strategy in Jow Forums.

Then say it from the start, if you want someone and pretend to don't want them you're a lier.

its obvious you're just pissed off because you know i'm right. every attractive asshole douchey fuckhead ive ever known in my life was always swimming in pussy.

Rejection basically means she thinks you're not good enough/too low for her, why would you even want to stay friends with a person like that? Breaking off contact is the right thing to do. is completely right about it.

The amount of female duplicity, hypocrisy, and lack of self awareness in this thread fills me with rage. Fuck this board for letting these whores and their orbiters believe they are welcome.

there's no need to get pissy about it, but yea if some girl rejects you it's best to just calmly walk away from that situation, you're just setting yourself up for misery if you continue talking to her. we all know this is the truth.

>not him but most of you guys think you can friend us and we'll see how wonderful you are and ask you out.
And why wouldn't you, what's stopping you?

I'm not going to argue with a rock. He believes what he wants to believe and I want no part of some guy that wants to bully someone into submission and believe its what we want. Its not. This is the same line of thinking most of you use to justify rape. Oh, we can only orgasm while being raped, we all have rape fantasies we pray become real. Passive/aggressive fools all of you.